Talking to Alice about his fears

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 As Adam was standing in front of his father that morning before he was going to go out and spend time with Alice before he met up with Sarah for his training he asked " So that man i saw in my mind was my grandfather ? that was Cade Scott ? i mean i had seen pictures of him before you told me he had apparently died but now i find out he had known Auriex and that he is now in his control am i supposed to deal with this somehow ?" as he gripped the cup of coffee he held in his hand as Luke sighed and patted his son's shoulder before he thought of something to say to his son . Eventually Luke said " It's something that freaked me out as well when i found out from your grandmother but we have been trying to get him free from the effects with no luck so we'll have to see what happens next " before Adam shook his head.

He then said " i got to go and meet up with Alice so i'll see you later dad "and then took his keys out before driving to the cafe where he then parked and said in a message " Hey babe i'll be right in i just need some time to think " before he got out of the car and then ran his hand through his hair for the next few minutes due to the thoughts that ran through his head for now . Once that was done Adam then walked into the cafe before sitting down in front of Alice as she said " you OK ? you seem distracted by something " and then sipped some of her coffee before he said " i'm confused about something i just found out , i found that my grandfather is under control of Auriex and i don't know how to handle this you know ? i want to help him but i don't want to die as well " which Alice squeezed his hand at .

She then said " We'll find a way don't worry " as the waitress came over and asked " Can i get you something ?" with a pleasant tone in her voice . So Adam said " yes i'll take a coffee please " with the waitress leaving for the kitchen and then Adam sighed before he said " so how you doing today babe ?" with Alice putting her cup down and said in a relaxed tone " I'm fine babe just been hanging around for the morning you know ? just sitting around and doing whatever i want cause really i have nothing else to do " with a smile on her face and so Adam chuckled as his coffee was given to him before he said " Thanks " to the waitress who smiled and left them alone as he sipped some of his drink before asking " So you want to come with me to Sarah's or do you need to go home for anything ?" .

Alice was shaking her head and said " i have some homework to do but i'll call you later OK?" with Adam nodding and so as they paid for their drinks Adam headed over to the manor before he was standing in front of Sarah in the library while she sipped some tea and said to him " So are you sure you saw Cade fighting against Auriex ? i'm not saying you're crazy or anything but i just want to check " with Adam nodding before he sat down and said " I'm sure it was him as i remember Auriex knocking him out and then branding him with the mind enslavement spell " before he sighed and continued to say " But now i'm confused and i just want something to go straight for now you know ?" with Sarah nodding in agreement.

So they got to working out for some time as Adam wanted to clear his mind and focus on something that could help him out for now . Adam was pulling himself up and down with his arms straining as he used the pull up bar while Sarah was punching and kicking the punching bag for the current amount of time before they both moved over to the bar with weights on it and Adam sat down before he said " Keep a eye on me OK ?" with Sarah nodding . Then as he lifted the bar he then started to do his twenty reps for the time being before he then got up and moved to the pull up bar for some more reps. Once they wee done Adam and Sarah were now sitting in the kitchen sipping some coffee before Sarah said " now i will see if i can find anything about your grandfather but i want you to keep a eye out for anything out of the ordinary like anyone that wants to hurt you OK?" .

So then Adam nodded before he then headed home and then took a short nap for the time being as he was now tired and didn't want to get up . Once he was done sleeping Adam then got up before heading to the dinner table and then ate his food before going to finish his writing later and then went to bed. 

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