Tommy Shelby - 'I have missed you so fucking much'

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You have known Tommy for a very long time, ever since you were children. However, you had moved away to go to school because your grandparents had taken you into their care; seeing how you were a deprived you were on the streets of Small Heath and without any parents.

Your grandparents had both passed away and you decided to move back to Small Heath. On arriving, you see Ada carrying a small child in her arms as she walks on the opposite side of the street.

"Ada!" You call out to her as she turns around seeing you. She waves her arms frantically and rushes across the street to you.

"Y/N oh my good God!" She screams as she pulls you into a huge hug. You laugh at her affection but hug her straight back. "I have missed you so fuckin much"

"I have missed you too" You gasp to her as you pulled back away from her; seeing the small child cuddled up to her. "Who is this little man"

The small child looked just like Ada. He giggled as you rubbed his little cheek; his smile making you smile.

"This is Karl, my son" She smiles as he reaches his arms out towards you.

"Nice to meet you Karl" you grin as she hands him to you. He plays with your hair as you start to walk.

"So you are back for good?" She asks as you both walk through the familiar streets of Birmingham.

"Yes I am" you replied to her as she grins from ear to ear. You follow her and remember the way that is taking you to Polly's house.

"I am nervous" You mutter and Ada tells you not to worry.

You walk into the house and seeing Polly come around the corner with a glass of whiskey in her hands. As soon as she sees you, the bottle slips from her hands and smashes to the floor.

"Polly!" You squeak out as you try to pick up the glass bits that slid over to you.

"Bloody hell Y/N you are back!" She squeals and hugs you as tightly as Ada did. "Oh how the boys will be happy to see you"

"It is good to be back" You grinned back to Polly. "And I am here to stay"

"Have you got anywhere to stay?" She asks and you shake your head no. "Well you must stay here with us"

"Oh I do not want to be a burden" you gush and Polly stops you from saying anything else.

"Don't be stupid Y/N" She interrupts and then you hear the sound of heavy footsteps coming in.

"Polly what the fuck have you done to the place?" You hear and you turn around to see John and Arthur standing there. Your heart beat quickly as you looked to them, worried on what they would say.

"Y/N fucking Y/L/N" John grins as he hugs you tightly and Arthur does the same; asking all the same questions as the rest of them asked.

Your heart was thudding even more when you thought of seeing the last Shelby. Tommy. You always had a little crush on Tommy and he had a soft spot for you too. Stories always went around about the gang, which you were apart of before you left.

You missed them all so much.

"You back to cause trouble?" Arthur laughs as he picks up the glass.

"That was not my fault" You laugh as he shakes his head. "Polly was the one who dropped it!"

"Because you shocked me" She defends herself.

"Well next time Polly, I will find another way to surprise you!" You laugh and Polly shakes her head no.

"You are not going away from us again" She kisses your cheek.

"Who isn't Pol?" You hear the familiar deep voice of a boy you used to love.

You turned to see Tommy hanging his coat on the back of the chair; lighting a cigarette between his lips. As he looks up, he sees you looking straight into his eyes.

"Hey Tommy" you whisper and he doesn't speak; just stares at you - not believing what he is seeing.

"You are back?" He finally spoke and you nodded your head.

"Missed me?" You tease and he chuckles slightly.

"Yes, I have" He coughs and lays back into the chair. You look to him, unsure what to say next.

Turning back to the others, you decide to go for a celebratory drink with everyone to welcome you back into the house.

"Well this is for you Y/N" John cheered as we all clinked drinks with one another's. "Welcome home"

Tommy had not spoke to you all night. It made you feel awkward and particularly sad. Towards the end of the night, you wanted to speak to him, but it never seemed the right time. While everyone else was having fun, you saw the lonely man walk out the bar.

Following after him, you watched him light a cigarette and exhale deeply.

"Tommy" Your voice whispered and he turned to face you.

"Y/N" He answers back and goes to walk back into the bar.

"Wait Tommy" you called to him and grabbed his coat. "Please let me talk to you"

He stays still for a moment, before turning to face you.

"Tommy do you hate me?" You asked him and he shook his head no.

He stayed silent and it caused you even more pain.

"Talk to me Tommy" you begged him as he looked down to you. He looked at your with hurt eyes and yet with so much love.

You knew the war had changed the man so much, but he was still the Tommy you knew. The butterflies you felt when you were with him, made all love seem so unique.

He moved a hand to your waist and pushed you to the wall slightly; leaning an arm against the wall behind you.

"I have missed you so fucking much" He whispered and kisses your lips delicately and with so much passion and love.

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