John Shelby - 'Died 3'

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"You are dead?" Luca frowned and his wild eyes looked around in confusion.

"Oh my god" You breathed out, hyperventilating as you put your hand to your head.

"Polly, take her outside" Tommy instructed and Polly came over to you, but you stepped back. Looking at them all, your body shakes with anger.

"No, don't come near me" You screamed at them, looking to Luca, you went towards him and shoved him back. "You killed him. You killed my husband."

"He's alive Y/N, He is there." Polly pulls you towards her and you look at John, shaking your head with heartbreak again.

"How?" You cried and John stepped forward, but you moved away from him. "You lied. You all lied to me."

You grabbed the gun from Tommy's hands and moved to Luca; placing it on his forehead and hysterically crying as you hovered your finger over the releaser.

"You piece of-" you screamed and everyone called your name to move away from him.

"Come on sweetheart" Luca smirked and your hands shook as you glared to him. Your body stood and you became weak. Luca smacked the gun from your hands and pointed it to your head.

John stepped forward and went towards you both. Luca held the gun against your head and stepped back.

"Don't come closer or I will kill her" Luca smirked as he looked to them all. Your face calmed down and you smirked as the others looked confused at you.

"Go on then" You speak. "Kill me."

"Y/N, Stop fucking around" John stepped in, making you snap at him in anger.

"Don't you start with me" You retort, still upset with him. "Luca, fucking pull the leaver!"

"Okay then" He smirks and pulls it. Imagine what he would have been like, if that world suddenly went in slow motion and everything around you went slowly - that is what it was like for the others.

The bullet never left the gun. You knew it was empty and completely useless.

"What?" He frowns in confusion and you smirk, shoving him back and pulling another gun from your side; killing him there and then - instantly.

Your ears ring and the gun falls to the ground.

"That's for killing my husband" You whispered and looked to him bleeding on the ground. Throwing the gun to the side, Tommy looks to you in complete shock.

Walking towards your now living husband, your raise your hand and smack him around the face. The force of the slap, pushes his face to the side. Smacking against his chest repeatedly also, he holds your shoulders and wraps his arms around you; to stop you - which works.

"You left me" You whispered, unsure who you were speaking too. Your body caved into his and you became weak at his touch

"I am sorry sweetheart" He softly says, making it so only you can hear.

You say nothing, just allow the tears of your emotions for the past time you thought John was dead.

"I really hate you" You hiccup, shaking your head. He chuckles at you, lifting your chin up so you see his face clearly.

"No you don't" He smiles gently.

"What makes you say that?" You raised an eyebrow.

"You would not have shot that man, if you didn't love me." He smiles, brushing your hair behind your ear, making you shiver at his touch.

"I love you but I hate what you did to me" You honestly say, making him take a deep sigh.

"I probably deserve that" He sighs and you nod your head.


John spent the nexts months trying to make it up to you. You knew deep down inside, what happened had been done for a good reason - to keep you and your family with John, safe.

With Luca gone, you felt safe. There had been no issues with the Shelby family, as of yet but Tommy had a big plan that he knew most, would not like at all.

"So I have called for a family meeting" He begins and looks to everyone; the children playing together outside, away from the business.

The people there were: Polly, Finn, Michael, John, You, Arthur, Ada, Linda and Lizzie.

"Now, I don't want anyone to interrupt me - not until I have finished what I am going to say." He looks to you all, making you all nod your head in reply.

"This can't be good" Polly mutters to you, making you completely agree with her.

"As those of you who knew, I sent Michael over to America for a few months." He starts. "To see where we can expand our business and in fact make the Shelby company world wide."

"That's crazy" You whisper to Polly, who nods her head fast.

"Therefore, I have decided to send Arthur and Linda to start our business off in the land of the free." He looks to his brother, knowing the decision had already been made.

"I want Y/N to stay here and run the numbers while I go away in the US, to start off the business." He looks to you and you nod your head in agreement.

"So no moving for us?" You ask and Tommy shakes his head.

"I want John to come out with me and Arthur for a few weeks." Tommy demanded gently, but it only made you more annoyed. "But he already knew about that."

"And you didn't think to tell me?" You scoff.

"Don't start now Y/N" He sternly says but you roll your eyes.

"You prick!" You snap, walking out of the room and into the garden where the children are playing- watching them to calm down.

"Don't be mad at me" John begs as he wraps his arms around your waist.

"Why?" You huff, being stubborn.

"Because I love you and I will be safe" He fairly says, making you nod your head.

"Promise me you will come back to me?" You raise an eyebrow, sticking out your pinky.

"I promise sweetheart" He smiles, putting his pinky around yours.

"If you don't Mr Shelby then you are in serious trouble." You retort, making him smirk in amusement.

His arms wrapped around your waist to pull you closer to him.

"Why is that then?" He smirks and you roll your eyes before leaning in to his ear.

"Because we have another little Shelby coming" You smile, turning to look at his reaction - completely shocked.

"You are-" He struggles to find the word because of the excitement he is feeling.

"Yes I am." You grin and he cheers loudly, pulling you so your lips are on his.

"God Y/N, I fucking love you!" He happily cheers.

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