John Shelby - 'An Excuse To Kiss'

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"It needs to be done" Tommy muttered as he looked up to his brother, John.

"She is a total bitch Tom" He scoffed and screwed his face up, frowning as he thought of having to protect the most hated woman in Birmingham.

"No." Tommy shook his head, stopping him from continuing to speak rudely. "She may be difficult and not many people like her, I know, but it is your job to protect her... no matter the cost."

John went to speak, but Tommy simply lifted his hand as a warning for John not to speak. For the first time in forever, John walked out and said nothing in response to the order of his brother. Scoffing and muttering cuss words under his breath, the man walked away.

"Asshole" He muttered to himself as he walked away.


"Miss Y/L/N this is your new PPO" James, your personal assistant said as you stood in front of, what you thought, was a very handsome man. "His name is John Shelby."

"I have heard about you Mr Shelby." You simply say. "I have heard you are very good at what you do."

"Thank you, mam" He says, and you smile gently.

"Well, I have lots of things to do today-" You spoke, walking away with him shortly following behind you. "-I do hope you will keep up."

"I will try my best." He says and walks on after you.

You were apart of your father's business. Being very high up in the system, It meant you were at more of a threat to danger. People wanted your power and money. Your father hired you a bodyguard to look after you, to protect you. It was not that he cared about your wellbeing as though normal fathers would. It was that he knew what a powerful asset and great pawn you were in his massive game he liked to play in his business. You never wanted to be apart of it. It was an ultimatum for you, join and be rich or leave and have nothing. The latter put you off and you decided to sell yourself for a miserable life – something you kicked yourself for every day.

A few months went by and you did not have a lot to do with John. You both barely spoke to one another. It was strange for you and John as you both felt a connection, a pull, between the two of you, but the feeling was so unknown to the both of you, that you did not know what to do.

"We are off to London today for a meeting with Ian Killer, the man who owns the banks in London." James said as he looked to you, while you paid attention but looked out the window at the busy streets as you passed by. "Your father wants you to seduce him into allowing his company to take over the southern banks he has in London."

It was no surprise that your father wanted this and to do it in a way that objectified yourself in every way. John tensed up when he heard this, he completely revaluated his preconceptions about you. You shook your head and said nothing in reply to James, you just knew it needed to be done and no questions were to be asked.

"You have an hour until the contract needs to be signed." James says as John opens the car door for you, once you arrive outside the bank.

"Thank you" You smile to John as he gives you his hand, to help you out of the car. His hand made you feel safe and warm; something you had never felt before.

"Good luck" James said as he looked to you. Walking inside, John walked behind you, making sure no one was to come to you and harm you in any way.

"Y/N!" You heard Ian say as you looked to him.

"Ian darling!" You fake gasped as he came close to you, wrapping his arm around you and his hand slowly slipping down your back to you ass. You tensed up but allowed him to do so. John tensed and wanted to rip the man's hand off you, but he knew he had to resist all temptations.

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