Michael Gray - 'Keep Me Safe'

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"I don't know why she is with him." Michael said as he downed his alcoholic drink, placing the glass on the table in front of him when he finished.

"Michael, my lad, sometimes things are not in our control." Tommy raised his glass and sipped on the drink.

"I don't trust him." Michael frowned, staring into the abyss as he continued to think of you with someone else. "I have a bad feeling."

"Believe or not, we cant kill him." John laughed and patted his cousin back playfully. "We might be Shelby's but we don't just go around killing random people."

"Yes we do" Michael retorted and looked to them, which they all shut up for.

"We are looking out for you Michael." Tommy said, placing his drink on the table. "If you kill him, how will Y/N feel? You think she will want to see you ever again?"

"What so I am supposed to wait until something happens to her?" He snapped and stood up in anger.

"That is not what I am saying" Tommy walked over to Michael and gripped the back of his head; bringing him closer to him. "If you kill him, she will never want to see you again. She doesn't understand. Warn her Michael, be by her side. Keep an eye out."

Michael agreed with Tommy, even though he wanted to kill the man for being near you. He had a bad feeling that something was going to happen to you and it would kill him, if you were ever hurt.


6 months went by, we were on and off with Simon and still really good friends with Michael. You had a special place in your heart for Michael, but you put it to the back of your mind as you were so obsessed with Simon.

Michael followed Tommy's advice and stayed back, watching you for afar but making sure you knew that he was there for you - which you did.

"What the fuck is that smell?" Simon gags as he comes into your house, looking at you as he came in; seeing you cooking.

"Dinner, are you staying?" He asked and he just ignored you; so you turned to him with your hand on your hip. "Hello, I am talking to you?"

Without any warning, he came over and smacked you around the face; sending you to the floor in a heap. Your cheek was burning, your ears were ringing and your head was hurting. Looking up, tears rolled down your cheek but you were in pure shock. Simon did nothing, but walked away.

"What the fuck!" You breathed out and you slowly stood up; gripping on a chair.

"I'll see you later." He came into the kitchen and grabbed his coat, before starting to walk out the house. You shook your head in shock and for a moment you stopped thinking of potential consequences and you rushed after him.

"Get back here now" You demanded as you raced after him; walking out the house onto the street and followed after him. He ignored you, but you grabbed his arm. "Hey!"

"What?!" He snapped and turned around to face you.

"How dare you!" You shouted and people started looking.

"Stop, you are embarrassing me" He muttered angrily and gripped your arm tightly, but you ripped it from his grasp and pushed him back; making he more angry.

"I could not care!" You screamed. "How dare you do that to me! Do you get a kick out of hitting girls huh? You think it is manly doing that?"

"I suggest you stop" He grabs your shoulders and shakes you roughly. "Or I will do something a lot worse than a slap."

"I would like to see you try" You bravely spat back.

"Have it your way." He mumbled and started to try to drag you back into the house, but you screamed and kicked.

"Get off me!" You screamed, catching everyones attention. As you kicked, you hit him where the sun does not shine and he fell to the floor in agony; while you were free to run. Not wanting to go back into the house, you ran as fast as you could, to the place you knew someone would be able to help you.

As you ran, you went past people that knew you and tried to call your name to stop but you did not hear.


While you ran, Isaiah's wife was walking past when she saw what Simon did to you and rushed home to tell her husband, who happened to be with Michael.

"Sweetheart what's wrong?" He asked as she came in, in a panic looking for them.

"Oh Michael you are here too" She breathed out in relief.

"Whats happened?" They both stand up, while she tries to catch her breath.

"Y/N and Simon-" She heavily breathed and Michael did not need to hear anymore, all he wanted to do was try to find you.

"Where did she go?" He snapped, thinking of ways to kill Simon. "I am going to fucking kill him."

Isaiah grabs Michaels head.

"Go to her and I will get the others, we will deal with Simon" Isaiah instructed, walking to the door with Michael.

"Michael she ran somewhere, I do not know where she has gone to" She panicked and Michael opened the door, about to leave.

"She will be looking for me." He mumbled and ran to try and find you.


"Harry have you seen Michael?" You breathed out as you went into the Garrison.

"None of them are here" He informs and you look down; starting to cry and getting everyones attention towards you - unintentionally.

"Why do I do this to myself?" You muttered as you ran your hands through your hair.

"Or maybe not" Harry said as he looked to the door; seeing Michael walking into the pub and rushing over to you; seeing your red cheek as he comes closer. Ignoring anything else, he gently brought you into his chest.

You had no more energy left to cry.


After a long chat with Michael and coming to terms with Simon probably dead or seriously hurt, you felt a lot safer near Michael. You stayed in his house for some rest and you were currently laying on his bed; staring at the ceiling.

You were in your nightdress, as Michael made you stay at his until it was safe to go back home - but you did not mind. Standing up, you grabbed your silk dressing gown and walked down the stairs.

Michael was laying on the sofa, with his blazer off, hair messy, with one suspender down and one up. He looked very attractive and he looked up to you as you came closer, struggling to control himself as he saw you come towards him.

"Hey" He breathed out.

"Hey" You smiled, looking at him.

"How you feeling?" He walked over to you, touching the red mark of your cheek gently.

"Im okay." You stuttered and looked to him. "I want to say thank you."

"Don't say that, you know I would do anything to keep you safe ." He brushes some of your hair behind your ear and steps closer towards you.

He kept his word.

He kept you safe.

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