John Shelby - 'Business on our wedding day!'

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"Fuck me" You mumble as Polly pulls on your hair, to tie it up. "Polly that fucking hurts!"

"Quit whining" She chuckles and then carries on pulling it.

"I am going to have to fucking hair left Polly" You groaned.

"Do you want it to look nice?" She raises an eyebrow, with you see reflected in the mirror.

"Yes" You huff and you look in the corner to see Ada come into the room with your wedding dress. "Oh it looks wonderful Ada"

"It is all done and ready to put on when Polly is done" She grinned and you thanked her for bringing it up. "Are you nervous?"

"I really am" You blush and she laughs; shaking her head.

"Do not be." She assured. "John loves you. That is quite clear."

"Thank you Ada" You grin and Polly taps both of your shoulders.

"It all done" Polly says as she steps away; allowing you to have a look for yourself.

"You have done an amazing job Pol" You grin and she kisses your cheek; then she starts welling up. "Polly!"

You pull her into a hug and she laughs lightly; pulling back and wiping the tear away.

"I am just so happy that he is marrying the love of his life - you" She grins; still wiping the tears away. "He could not deserve anyone better."

"Thank you polly." You well up too. "I have been excepted into this family; better then I could ever imagine. John is truly an amazing man Polly and you have brought him up amazingly well. So thank you for excepting me as family."

"Oh you both are soppy" Ada mockingly jokes and hugs you tightly. "Now let's get you in this fucking dress, so you can marry my brother at last."

You laugh at her and the two woman help you put on the dress. As soon as they tie up the bodice you look down; seeing how great you feel in the dress.

"Oh god" You gasp as you look in the mirror.

"Fuck" Polly grins and Ada nods her head in satisfaction. "You look very beautiful sweetheart."

"Thank you girls" You bite down on your lip. "I really mean it. Thank you for all your help."

"Come on." Ada pulls your arm as she hands you her bosque of flowers. "Otherwise he will loose his mind; thinking you will never bloody turn up."

You laugh as you know she is in fact correct.

"Well sister in law" Arthur smiled as he looked you up and down; giving a kiss on your cheek. "Don't you look beautiful"

"Thank you brother in law" You grin as he wraps your arm around his. "Thank you for walking me down Arthur"

"You are more than welcome sweetheart" He grins and then looks around to see Polly and Ada walk in. Ada's son Karl walks in front of you, holding the rings and Arthur's daughter Mary - who is the flower girl. She looks to you and pulls on your dress to come to her height.

"Hey baby girl" Arthur grins and you go to her height.

"Daddy walking with you?" She asked and you nodded your head.

"Yes he is Mary" You grin and she nods her head; almost as in an approval way.

"Good because I love my daddy and my mummy. I love you too" She sighs and then you stand back up; looking at Arthur and chuckling at them.

"Come on then" He laughs and you hear the music start.

"Fuck" You mutter as you look ahead. "I am so nervous Arthur."

"Just smile and walk" He laughs and you giggle back at him as you walk down the aisle; everyone gasping as they stand up and watch you.

"Wow" you hear John cheer which made a few people that heard laugh. Arthur hands you over to John as he walks to stand with Linda and Mary.

"Hey there beautiful" John whispers in your ear as you hold his hand.

"Hey handsome" You smirk and then the ceremony begins. The two of you make your vows and are now legally married.


"Congratulations!" Someone calls to you both as you sneak out the party for a moment.

"Thank you!" You grinned back and John pulled you quicker to follow him. Giggling at your husband as he pulls you into one of the spare room at Tommy's mansion in the country; where you were having the wedding after party.

"Hey wife" He smirks as he pushes you against the door.

"Hello husband" You smirk back to him as he kisses you softly; entrapping you as he puts one hand on the door behind you and one of your waist.

You both deeply kiss one another; each kiss filled with so much love and commitment. He lifted your dress up and you both sealed your everlasting relationship together in an act of passion and love.


"John...?" You whisper as you sit up from the bed that you were both on in one of the spare rooms.

"Yes sweetheart?" He asks as he rubs the side of your arm.

"I love you so much" you smile and look up to him.

"I love you too Y/N" He whispers and birds onto his lips.

"John?!" You hear his name being shouted as the sound of footsteps hurriedly went by.

"What's going on John?" You frown as he stands up quickly.

He doesn't say anything as he puts on his shirt very fast.

"John answer me." You beg him as you stand up; the bottom of your dress falling to the ground. "What's going on?"

"Business" He answers and looks to me.

"You must be joking?" You gasp as you frown to him as he runs a hand through his hair.

"Tommy needed it to happen." He began and groaned.

"For fuck sake John" You snap and storm out the room; going back to the main area.

Seeing the girls calling you over and knowing that business is in fact going on. They both give you a hug as you look out the window to see John and Arthur holding a man; while tommy is interrogating him. With one harsh breath out, you rush downstairs, hearing the sounds of the girls calling you and the sound of the man screaming out in pain.

Running down, you look to the men. John sees you and shakes his head.

"Stay away Y/N" He shouts and you do not listen. "Y/N fucking listen to me."

"No" You snap and look to Tommy; shoving him back and hitting his chest. "Fuck you Thomas Shelby!"

"Y/N!" Polly calls to you and pulls you back but you keep fighting.

"Why have business on my fucking wedding day!" You snap; venom seething through your veins.

"Y/N!" John snaps to you as you look at the man who is bleeding in his arms.

"You would rather stand there, torturing a man, then be with your wife on your wedding day!" You scream and storm away; Polly trying to calm you down before you go back to see everyone else at the party - which she manages to do so.

You go back in with a happy face on but deep down, you are still so hurt from your husbands actions.

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