John Shelby - 'I Am Always With You'

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"I love you" John whispered in your ear as he pulled up beside your huge house, that your parents owned. As you looked to him, you meant over and pressed your lips against his; kissing him passionately as you straddled his lap in the car.

He put his hands on your cheek and the two of you kept kissing each other; your finger trailed through his hair as you lips crashed together. After a few moments, you both pulled away and leant your foreheads against each other. Both of your breathing patterns were uneven as you tried to catch your breath and breathe normally.

"I love you too" He whispers, his breath touching your face as you looked into his eyes. You bit down on your lip and moved off of him.

"I should go" You blush, looking to the house and then back to John.

"Will I see you tomorrow?" He asks and you nod your head fast.

"Of course" You wink and kisses his cheek before getting out of the car and walking towards the front porch. The car horn beeped - you turning around to seeing him waving. You giddily waved back and he honked the horn again, making you giggle as you ran to the house door.

As you put your hand on the handle of the door, a voice startled you. "Why are you back so late?" You hear your fathers voice ask; making you squeal as you look to him.

"Father!" You gasped and placed a hand to your chest; catching your breath. "You frightened me!"

"You are getting pretty serious with that boy" He blows the smoke from his mouth; making you turn your nose up slightly and blush from his obvious observation.

"Yeah, I am" You blush, looking at him with a smile and fiddling with your hands.

"Bring him around the house." He demands and stands up; kissing your head before walking inside and bidding you goodnight.

Shutting the door as you walked in the house, you went to bed - nervous on John meeting your family.


(A few days later)

"You see I'm against hunting, in fact I'm a hunt saboteur. I go out the night before and shoot the fox." Your father joked, making everyone laugh - except yourself and John. Your family was so pompous and uptight and you hated it so much!

"Thank you" you smiled as the waiter placed the meal in front of you. No one else had the manners to do so, all expect John.

"So, John-" Your mother pulled the fork out of her mouth and finished her food before speaking. "Where do you work?"

"I um -" He begins and your eyes widened, not wanting him to mention the gang.

"He works with his brothers, they help business deals." You finish and John places a hand on your thigh; calming your nerves as you put a hand on top of his.

"Ah" Your mother lets out a sigh and looks to your father who shakes his head without you knowing nor seeing. "Do you get a lot of money?"

"No mam, it depends whether we can get the business." He mutters and she continues to eat.

"By Jove" One of your fathers friends coughs on his meal. "That does not sound too stable. You have got yourself in a pickle Y/N." He laughs at you as John looks down to his meal; moving his hand away from you.

"You are telling me" You father mutters so only you could hear him. Glaring at him, he brushed you off and you internally slapped them for being so mean.

"So, has Y/N told you she is to move to a different school after summer?" She asks John; making you close your eyes in annoyance.

"Mother" You huff and John looks to you confused.

"No, she didn't." He mutters and you look to him; biting down on your lip.

"I just got the letter, I was going to tell you" You begin and he smiles warmly to you.

"I know you were" He smiles and he looks to you; winking as you blush slightly.

"She will be far from here." Your mother interjects. "Scotland."

"That far?" He whispers and you sigh; standing up and leaving the table. John follows after you and continues to call your name. "Y/N?"

"No john!" You sigh as you turn around; facing the lake as he stops and watches you. "She is a stuck up bitch like the rest of them in there! They all treated you like shit and I won't stand for it."

"Sweetheart, I am a grown man" He pull you into his chest to calm you down - in which it worked. "I can take care of myself."

"I know you can, but I still don't like the idea of them being so nasty towards you." You sigh as you hug into his chest. You both stand in silence for a moment, allowing the silence to calm you down.

"How about me go on a boat in the lake?" He suggests and you nod your head; giggling at John; before pulling his arm to hurry him up.

The two of you went on the boat in the lake that your parents owned. You laughed as John began to shake the boat from side to side; making you squeal as he stood up. He looked to you and took his shirt off before jumping into the lake.

"John!" You giggle as he came to the top of the water; swimming himself closer to the boat. "You are-"

Before you could finished what you were about to say, the boat tipped and you fell out; making a splash in the water as you fell in. The water surrounded you and you swam to the top; then splashing some water at John before he pulled you closer to him.

The two of you continue to laugh before it slowly dies down; making you wrap your legs around his waist as he both float.

"You are insane" you finally say and he presses his lips on yours and the two of you engage in the most passionate kiss, known to man.

"I know I am darling, but that's because you make me so obsessed with you." He whispers against your lips and the two of you breathe for air. You start to swim away from him; getting to the wooden stilt in the water and climbing up it - John doing the same shortly after. As you turned to face him, your eyes tear up.

"I don't ever want to let you go" You start to get upset; looking away from John as you feel a tear slip down your face.

"Hey, don't cry sweetheart." He hushes you as you learn into chest, sniffling and shivering. "I will always be with you Y/N. Never forget that." He looked to you; making sure you understood what he was saying, nodding your head - he presses his lips to your forehead. "Good, now let us go inside and get you some new clothes to put on. I don't want you catching a cold!"

Part 2???

Thank you for the amount of reads so far! In incredible awe by every single one of them!

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Love you all and have a great day.

E x

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