John Shelby - 'Time 2'

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"It's good to have you back" Everyone cheered as their drinks clashed against each other's.

"Thank you guys" You breathe out as you drink your much needed drink.

"We have a proposition to make." Tommy smiled as he looked to you. "We want you to be apart of the business. So, I want you to be my secretary alongside Lizzie; dealing with finances, offers and relationships between our of partnerships."

"So what do you say?" Arthur winks and wraps an arm around you; bringing you into him.

"I say, yes" You giggle and everyone erupts into a cheer. Arthur picks you up and spins you around; laughing as you are in the air, you see John smiling admiringly at you.

Blushing, you tucked your hair behind your ear and went down onto your feet once more. You couldn't scrap the feelings you had towards John and you wanted nothing else, than to be his, like when you were young.

The entire night, you all got pissed and hammered until the sun went down and came back up again. It was not until early hours of the morning, before people started to go home. You were one of the only ones to not be absolutely hanging and tripping over your feet.

"I'll see you later" Ads laughed as she walked off with Finn to take him back home.

"See you tomorrow" You giggled, looking around for Polly to go back to her house but you could not find her. Deciding to walk back alone, you start to make the journey back, alone.

As you walked along the lane, you felt the droplets of rain fall on your head; then coming down your face. It started to get harder and harder.

"For fuck sake" You groaned; huffing as you wrapped your cardigan around the top of your head but it was no use. The rain was too hard.

"Y/N!" You heard someone call you as you turned around; seeing John come closer to you.

"I hate the rain" You laugh as he comes closer; wrapping his jacket around you to keep you warm.


"Won't you be cold?" You ask, looking up to him. He shakes his head and smiles, biting down on his lip.

"No, I will be fine" He whispers; only slightly audible over the rain.

You both stared at each other, allowing the rain to drench you both. He looks to your lips and your face flushed red; unable to move.

"Y/N, I -" He begins but you cut him off.

"Please don't John" You stuttered. "I don't want to hear it. Please. It will hurt me"

"It hurts me keeping it in" He frowns. "I have to tell you."

"No John" You shake your head; walking away but he followed after.

"Y/N, I need to tell you" He groans and pulls your hand. "I like you. I know I am married but I cared for you before you left; you knew that. I did not go a day without thinking about you and fuck, do I wish I was not married."

"John, you don't -"

"No, listen to me." He orders and you huff; your back still against his chest as he talked in your ear - goosebumps all over your body. "I love you. I care about you. And I won't to show you that."

He moved the hair from the side of your neck, his lips attaching to your neck - kissing gently and softly.

"John" You stuttered.

"Let it happen" He demands.

"You're married" You stuttered again, turning his head slightly to face him.

"Not by my heart" He mutters and then you turn around, falling into his arms like catnip.

Everything hit you at once. You wanted him. He wanted you. However, you knew it was wrong but you could not help your feelings towards him. It was something so good, yet so bad.

"It is not right" You shook your head; trying to resist and finding it more and more difficult to retain your physical and mental emotions.

"It is not. But it could not be more right, than it is in this moment right now." He says and you nod your head; agreeing with him.

"Kiss me" You stuttered, the rain still falling down your body; as well as his.

His lips hit against yours as you engaged in your first act of love towards each other. Your hand went around the back of his neck; his hands around your waist as he pulled you up against his body. He picked you up and the two of you ended up going to the barn, you used to play in when you were children.

The two of you enjoyed the pleasures you gave one another and it was the best things that you both had ever experienced before - completely erotic; full of passion and lust; the longing of wanting it for so long.


"You are pregnant" Polly gasped as she held your hair behind your ears.

"No, I don't know what you are talking about." You choked. "I am just sick, poorly."

From behind, she felt up your boobs and shook her head - knowing she was right.

"Yes you are" She gasps and you touch your boobs; wondering how the hell she would have known that.

"Fuck" You stuttered; knowing she was most likely right.

"Who was it?" She asked and you shake your head; not wanting to say. Afraid of what she would think. "Y/N... Y/N, it is okay. We can arrange a marriage, we can sort it out sweetheart."

"He is already married Polly" You blurt out; your eyes tearing up.

"Shit." She gasps and realised who it was. Who the man you were in love with and now; having a baby together.

"Polly, what am I going to do" You cry, looking up to her. Standing up, she hugged you tightly and the two of you walked down stairs together.

"Let's go to the family meeting and then talk about it when we are back?" She suggests and you nod your head; agreeing with her.

You both walk to the family meeting; seeing the others as you walked in - trying to control the sickness. As you look around, you see John. He comes to you and gives you a long hug. Esme is sat on the stairs; glaring at you as John hugs you.

"John" You whisper during the hug.

"Y/N" He laughs.

"I am pregnant" You blurt.

"What?" He gasps and pulls back but does not say anything as Tommy walks in and begins the meeting.

John looked at you during he entire meeting. It made this complicated, but you knew it would be worth it in the long run; no matter the outcome of you or John.

Having a baby was a blessing and deep down, you knew John would help make things right.

Gut feeling.

All it needed, was time.


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