Thomas Shelby - 'Go To Hell 2'

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"Move" You hear someone snap as the car comes to a halt; grabbing your arm as you are dragged out the car.

"Get your hands off me" You shout and look around for Charlie. "Where is he?"

No one answers you; making you panic even more as you frantically look around for your son. Pushing past everyone near you to get back to the car to find him not there. You are pulled back away from the car, but you scream and shout even more.

"He is with Tommy you annoying bitch" The vicar growls as he comes closer to you; grabbing you behind and dragging you back.

"I don't trust you!" You spit out; trying to pull away from him. "Get off me!"

"Well, sweetheart" He grips your shoulders to face him. "You will have to trust me."

In that strange moment, you knew that Charlie was okay. Call it mother's intuition but you knew he was safe and sound. Father John dragged you into the unknown house; putting you onto a chair and tying your hands down.

"Have fun" He growls and leaves you alone. He leaves you in the dark room and it starts to scare you so much; you breathe in and out, ragged breaths each time.

As you sit there, you start to pray to God that you will get out of here alright, alongside your pride with you. Sitting there you hear the door open up, your head snaps up and you see Father John come in with food on a tray.

"You can eat something" He says and unties your arms; you stay still and you refuse to look at him in the eye.

"I'm not hungry" You plainly answer, not wanting to touch the food.

"Suit yourself" He shrugs and then walks to the phone in the room. You hear the phone turning, knowing he was about to make a call - making your heart beat faster per second.

He puts the phone to his ear as you look to him; making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion and wonder. Leaning on the chair, he starts to speak and still looking at you.

"Ah, Mr Shelby." He laughs mockingly and you stand up as quickly as a bullet fly 100mph.

"Tommy!" You yell out and you then feel a hand go over your mouth from behind you; making you squeal out in fear.

"Don't panic Tommy, she is safe." He smirks as he watches you while talking to Tommy. "For now. Well as long as you follow my instructions."

You try to listen to hear Tommy's voice, but you could not understand anything that was being said over the phone.

"Hear talk to her if you don't believe me." You were dragged to the phone and it was held to the ear for you; hearing tommy call your voice.

"Tommy" you stutter; trying not to burst into tears.

"Sweetheart" He breathes out in relief. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Have you got Charlie?" You squeal out and ignore anything about you.

"Yes, He is here" He says.

"Thank God" You reply. "But I am fine Tommy, I love you. I really do."

"Don't act like I am never going to see you again Y/N" He snaps seriously and you let a tear slip down your face in sadness.

"I love you Thomas Shelby" You hiccup and the phone is taken away from you. The tears fall faster down your face as you hear Father John talk to your husband. In some ways, your mind was at peace as you continued to listen to them talking and because you knew that Charlie was in fact safe.

"I am going out." Father John made aware to everyone. "I will be back. No trying to escape lovey, I may have given Charlie back but I can certainly get him to me once more."

You were left alone to cry for hours; not wanting to be in the hell hole any longer. Looking around the place you started to give up on everything. But deep down you knew that Tommy would come and save you, you were his world. As you finally stopped crying, you heard a couple of voices outside the door; making your ears prick up. It had been half an hour or so since Father John left, so you did not think it was him. You questioned everything as you listened to the voice, until the door swung open.

As you you looked up, the same man who had been throwing you about stood in front of you with a smirk on his stupid, thug like face.

"Right, now that he has gone" he begins and lifts you to your feet. Cowering away from him, he starts to get angry and grabs your body to his. "Don't do that again."

"Please don't touch me" You beg and he mockingly laughs in your face; making you turn your nose up.

"Pathetic" He growls and lifts up your skirt; making you scream.

"Stop!" You scream and his hand slaps against your mouth as you try to squirm away from his tight grasp.

"Stay still!" He yells and you cry even harder; wanting Tommy to appear more and more as the time went on.

"Help!" You yell, your voice becoming muffled due to the hand blocking the sound ever so slightly.

You thought that was it, until you heard the sound of a gunshot go off. The man who had once been fighting you to be closer to him, fell limp and fell to the ground beside you. Blood poured from the back of him head. You looked up to see Tommy staring at you with wild eyes.

"Tommy" you cry and jump into his arms as he takes you into his arms tightly. His grip was so protectively tight, as he if did not want to ever let go and you did the same thing back to him - both of you, never wanting anything like this to happen again.

"God, sweetheart I am so sorry" He shakes his head and brushes the hair from your face. "I love you, I really love you."

"I love you too Tommy" You cry as he puts your head against his chest again. "Don't leave me."

"I will never leave you Y/N" he promises and you believe him - which you should do.

"I know Tommy." You smile as you look up to him. "Please just take me home."

"Let's go sweetheart" He smiles, holding your body closer to him as you walk out together. "You need some rest."

The two of you lived a content life. Tommy stuck to his word and kept you; Charlie and the the rest of your children safe for as long as he lived.

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