Tommy Shelby - 'Grace's Secret'

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"Grace come on!" You laugh as you walk out the shop that the two of you were in, looking at dresses for the grand ball the Shelby's were holding tonight.

"I'll be right out" She calls and you turn around to see her talking with the inspector that everyone in the town did not trust.

Frowning, you watch the two of them as the kiss each other's cheek and go their separate ways. As they break apart, you see the inspector walking out the shop beside you and slightly hitting into you.

"Oh, I am sorry" His Irish accent growled. "I did not see you there."

"Oh, well it is okay Inspector" You spike sarcastically as you rolled your eyes. "What were you doing in there? You know, talking to my friend."

"Has anyone told you that being nosey is a terrible trait in a woman." He snarls; hacking you up to the wall behind you.

"Fuck you" You glare and he raises an eyebrow, before turning away and walking off.

"You okay?" Grace smiles as she walks out with a dress that she seemed to have brought from the shop.

"Yeah" You say, looking to her bag and then her. "What took you so long?"

"I was looking at a dress" She lies through her teeth, Well, bending the truth.

"Oh, Nice" you say and the two of you walk.

"What's wrong with you?" She asks and you shrug your shoulders.

"I just saw the inspector" You frown, looking on ahead. "He makes my skin crawl."

"Oh did you?" She after surprised. "I didn't even see him. Where was he?"

"He was in the shop." You bite down on your lip. "You must of not seen him."

"No, I didn't" She lies again and your hands curl up.

"I need to go home" You sigh, looking to her. "Should I meet you at the ball tonight?"

"Yes! I shall see you there!" She giggles and you smile to her; then she pulls you in for a hug.

"See you later" You smile and rush off back to Polly's house.

You rushed in and tripped over the chair as your instinct began to get you worried and concerned.

"Polly!" You shouted as you fell over the chair; falling to the ground.

"What has gotten you in this state!" She yells in shock as she stands you up to your feet.

"Polly something is up with grace" You blurt out; trusting her with your life. "I have this bad feeling that something is going to happen and possibly tonight."

"Woah! Slow down!" She hushes you as you panic; thinking about tommy.

"I have to stop her!" You cry. "She can't hurt him."

"I know" She hushes you; pulling you into her chest. "He will be fine."

"He won't listen to me Polly" You sigh. "He is too obsessed with her"

"He is Hell" She snaps and shakes your shoulders. "He bloody loves you child!"

"No, no he doesn't Polly" You stutter and John walks in, seeing you all upset.

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