John Shelby - 'Get your hands off my fucking girl'

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"You are going to be okay Lisa" You sigh as you hug your best friend.

Lisa had just had a fight with her ex boyfriend who has been dealing with explosives on the black market. She has threaded to tell the police if he comes near her again and asked for someone to pass the message on to him.

"Why do I always get the bad ones" She sighs and hug tightly; she lets a small tear roll which breaks your heart.

"You will find the right person for you" You say as you kiss the side of her head; pulling her back to wipe her tears. "You are amazing Lisa, don't let anyone make you think otherwise"

"You are lucky you have someone who loves you for you" She sighs as you walk towards her house.

"I am, aren't I" You agree and think of your relationship with John; how much he cares for you and respects you in everything.

"Speaking of which" She smiles as you turn your head to see him walking down the lane.

Getting all excited, you run to him and he picks you up; connecting his lips to yours as he holds you close.

"I have missed you" He says once you both pulled away.

"John I saw you last night" You giggle and he shakes his head.

"That's not enough" He winks and you blush; walking over to Lisa who hugs John.

"So how are you two today?" He asks. "What you been up too?"

"Not much" You answer as you shake your head to Lisa; not to mention about what happened as she knew a fight could potentially go off.

"We have been wondering around aimlessly" Lisa laughed; slightly telling the truth.

"That sleezebag been bothering you Lisa?" John asks; wrapping a hand around your waist as you walk.

"Not to my face" She mutters and you all walk to the Garrison, which you think it's appropriate that you have a drink at this time of the day to calm your nerves.

"Double whiskey" Lisa sighs as she rubs her head.

"Triple" I change for her and she thanks me for the extra shot of whiskey.

"I needed this" Lisa groaned as she chugged it all back in one hit. Looking at John, you hold in a laugh.

"I'll be back sweetheart" He says as he stands up from the barstool.

"Where are you going?" I ask him as he stands between your legs.

"To talk to tommy in the back room" He smiles and presses his lips to yours once more; befitting turning away and going to meet tommy.

"Another one Harry" Lisa asks as she finishes her second drink; still yet to show signs of a drunken state - she always knew how to keep her drink in.

"Where is She?" You hear a raised voice say as the bar opened. Looking round you see Lisa ex boyfriend Mark coming through the crowds of people.

"Fuck" You whisper as you pull Lisa to stand up and look.

"Fuck" She repeats you as you both stand there; being noticed by mark as he storms over to you both.

"You little bitch" He snaps and you stand in front of Lisa.

"You better back off" You glare at him but he only laughs mockingly back at you.

"You little whore of a friend got me into shit with the police for my explosives" He snarls at you as you hold Lisa's hand for comfort.

"Well shit head, don't deal with things on the black market illegally." You snap to him.

"Like your Lot ain't doing that" He answers back and you start to get pissed.

"Mark just go away" Lisa begged and he laughed; trying to push you out the way to get to Lisa.

"You better leave now!" You shout as he pulls your hand so you fall with your back against him; facing Lisa.

"Lisa darling" He spits close to your ear; then feeling a sharp point dig into your neck.

"Fuck you" You squirm in his touch. "Lisa don't listen to him"

He hits you in the side and you grunt in pain.

"Lisa, come to me or your little whore of a friend will get it" He threatens and you shake your head to Lisa.

"Stay there" You beg her but she doesn't listen and steps forward. "Lisa! Listen to me, fucking stay there."

He pulls your hair back so you are forced to look up from the celling; his hand now over your mouth.

Screaming for John, you hope he is still here and can hear the commotion downstairs over the music.

"I suggest you get your hands off my fucking girl" You hear that familiar voice snarl as you revert your eyes to the direction it was coming from.

"What you going to do about it when I have a fucking blade to her throat." He laughs to John.

"I will kill everyone you know." John deadly threatens. "I will start off with your sister if you fucking don't let go of her now!"

"Screw you!" He screams and you feel the blade pushed further into your neck.

"John" you plead for him to save you no longer feeling that bravery.

"Let her go" He threatens again and you let a tear slide down your cheek.

In one quick blur, you feel him being ripped off you and you fall to the ground in a thud. Lisa rushes over to you and checks to see if you're okay - which you are and then you look to see John repeatedly punching the man who is already unconscious.

"John Stop" you say as you pull him away. John's hair is wild and his eyes go so wide. "Look at me john. I am okay."

"Fuck! He is a bastard!" He yells and you pull his face to yours once more. "

"I am fine John" You smile and then presses your lips to him once more.

Allowing the rest of the boys in the pub to clean up the mess John had made.

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