John Shelby - 'The Fucking Cavalry'

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You were at Grace and Tommy's wedding; alongside your fiancé John. John and you had been engaged for a long time, but you both were waiting until Tommy's wedding and when some of the businesses had died down. It killed you inside, but you knew that a wedding would not make any change to the love that the two of you shared already.

"You look beautiful Y/N" Polly smiled as she kissed your cheek; looking at you as you had an hand on Johns arm.

"Thanks Pol" You grin, looking at her up and down. "You look so beautiful too!"

"John, you are a lucky man" She winks to her nephew; making you blush as you look up to him - his handsome smile plastered on his face as he looked down to you.

"I am indeed" He winks and you look to Polly; rolling your eyes playfully.

"Alright you softy, let's go in and wait for the bride" You smile walking inside; seeing one side full of the noisiest people; knowing they were your people. Then the other side, full of the British Cavalry, in their uniform.

"They fucking said they would not wear their uniform" John growled as he walked in.

"Keep walking John, come on" You huffed, putting your hands on his back as you walk along the altar seats.

You sat down beside John, who began to talk with Finn who was beside him, where as you sat beside Arthur's new girlfriend, Linda. The both of you got along well but the others did not like her that much, because she was so pure and had changed Arthur a lot. However, you did not think she liked you very much, but that did not stop you from trying to be friendly with her.

"Hey Linda" You smile and she turns to look at you; slightly smiling before turning back around to watch Arthur with Tommy. "Okay then"

You stayed still and did not know what to do with yourself; so you just decided to stay still and wait until Grace came. John was too busy talking and you looked to the army men on the other side.

As your eyes trailed along the side, your eyes connected with someone who was looking at you. When you look properly, you see a young man smiling at you. Frowning, you quickly look away but you still feel him watching you. Leaning your head on Johns shoulder, you slightly glared to the man who was still watching you.

"You okay?" John asked as he put his arm around the back of you.

"Yes" You smile to him; his lips pressing yours briefly before pulling away again.

"How's the conversation with lovely Linda?" John teases and you roll your eyes; laughing back to him.

"Silence is golden John" you wink and he laughs; checking his watch, seeing that Grace is late. Just as he looks up, the music starts to play and the doors open.

"Here comes the fucking cavalry" John mutters; earning snickers from the crowd behind him. Meanwhile, you elbow him as you stand up and telling him to be quiet.

Grace comes down and looks beautiful. They shared their vows and shortly after, the ceremony came to an end and it was time for them to take their first kiss as man and wife.

"Yes!" John shouts, followed by the rest of the clan; which makes you laugh as Ada gives you a hug from behind the wooden seats.

Linda however, looked unimpressed and just stood their clapping away at the happy couple; who had began to walk back down the aisle. Everyone took photos outside and it was now time to go back to Tommy's house to have some food and games!

The walk to Tommy's new house was literally seconds away from the church and you had walked with Ada inside. The music was playing, while you waited for dinner - watching everyone dance around. Tommy and Grace were nowhere to be seen. Both of you chatted away and you didn't seem to notice the guard who was walking over to you.

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