Finn Shelby - 'Finally'

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"How long have you two been friends for?" Rose giggled as she looked over to Finn, who was with Isaiah and the other young men from the gang.

"Ever since I can remember." You smiled, tucking your hair behind your ear as you looked to Finn.

"And you still have not told him how you feel about him?" She questions further, making you blush profusely.

"Why all he questions?' You blush more, looking away from Finn as soon as you see him look over to you.

"He is looking at you." She says, meanwhile you play with your food.

"Stop Rose, you are making it so obvious." You scoff, putting your spoon down on the side.

"Now you are making a scene." She snaps back and you frown to her. "You do not have to be so dramatic."

"Why are you being bitchy all of a sudden?" You defend yourself, alarmed by her sudden annoyance towards you.

"I don't know." She mutters, looking at you and breathing out harshly. "I am sorry."

"It is cool." You simply say, still annoyed slightly.

"Y/N..." She sighs and you look at her, befitting standing up.

"No it is fine, I am just dramatic after all." You sarcastically repeat, walking away from her and past the boys - but you did not seem to care.

You stood outside and breathed in the smokey air of Birmingham. Shaking your head, you looked at the busy street; making you contemplate on many things.

"What you doing out here?" You hear a voice say as he comes beside you.


"Girls annoy me" You smile slightly as you turned around to face him. Finn chuckled and looked to you as he leaned against the wall.

"Doesn't anything annoy you?" He teases and you slap his chest.

"I am offended." You gasp playfully and he grabs your hand as you slapped him.

"That is not very nice Y/N" He raises an eyebrow, making you smirk at him.

"I am very sorry Finn Shelby." You smirked more, making him follow the same facial expression.

"You should be." He whispers and looks at your face; which makes you blush.

Before anything else could happen, the boys walked out and saw the two of you standing there. The girls came out shortly after and saw the same as the boys.

"Hey Y/N" Isaiah smirked as he looked to you,

"Hey Isaiah." You chuckled and looked to the girls as they came closer.

"Finn!" Bethany, the girl that you really disliked front the other end of the town, came over to the group.

"Here she comes." Rose rolled her eyes and you looked at her, nodding your head. "I am sorry Y/N."

"I know you are." You smiled and forgave her, not wanting anymore animosity in the air.

"What are you doing tonight Finn?" She battered her eyelashes and leant against his arm.

"We are at the forest tonight, having a fire and drinks." Joseph, one of Finns friend blurted out as he looked to the girl.

"No, she cant come." Kiera huffed. "She will bring her other posy, who will just take the boys away from us."

"They are sluts." Margot frowned and folded her arms.

"I don't want them to come either." You muttered and glared at Bethany. "I hope she falls in a hole."

Finn looked at you, smirking and chuckling as he heard your comment. You frowned at him and in reply, he just winked at you; making you blush even more than you already were.

"I think we should leave." You heard Rose say and you nodded your head.

"We will see you later boys." Kiera said goodbye before walking after the others. As you walked on, Finn pulls you back to him.

"I will see you later, won't I?" He asks and you nod your head smiling.

"Of course, unless you want to go with Bethany." You tease him.

"God, I would not want to go with her." He laughs and then holds your hand lightly. "Besides, I would rather go with someone else."

"You will see that someone else later." You whisper and leans in, before teasing him by walking away as soon as you hear your name being called by the girls.

Finn stands there, frustrated but it only made him want to kiss you even more.

"I will see you later Finn." You smirked as you shouted, walking away to get ready for the campfire in the evening.


"Hello boys!" Kiera laughed as she saw the group come closer to you.

"Nice for you to join us." Rose laughed and they came over, drinking something from a bottle.

"Where is Finn?" You asked as you looked around, not seeing him.

"He is with Bethany somewhere, we lost them along the way." Luke said as he sat Rose on his lap.

"He will be here soon." Isaiah said and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "You know Finn hates her."

"You are right.' You tried to convince yourself, but you knew Isiah was right; even though that did not stop you from being jealous.

An hour went on, still no sign of Finn. You walked through the woods alone and wanted nothing but to see Finn. As you sat down on the log, you felt someone wrap their arms around you - making you scream.

"Calm down princess." Finn laughs as he turns you around to face him.

"Finn!" You gasp and clutch your heart. "Are you trying to kill me?"

"Now why would i want to do that?' He smirks and puts his hands on your sister.

"Where were you?" You ignore his question and want to know why he was so late.

"I was trying to fight off your best friend." He teases and you roll your eyes. "Do not get too jealous Y/N"

"You are so cocky!" You smack his chest playfully, shoving him away from you but he only pulls you back into him.

"Hey, you love me really" He smiles and looks down to you.

"Again?" You gasp playfully. "You are too cocky for me."

"Y/N" He groans and you walk away from him; teasing him.

"Finn?" You answer back, making him groan even more; which only makes you smirk more.

"Come here" he demands and you shake your head; leaning against the tree. "Come to me."

"You come to me, if you want me that badly." You raise an eyebrow; making him smirk at you. He comes over towards you as you lean against the tree behind you.

"I would love to do nothing more, than kiss you right now." He whispers as he puts a hand on your cheek; cupping it gently.

"That was very gentlemanly." You tease and he chuckles at you. "But do it Finn."

"Finn you coming-" You hear Isaiah say as he comes closer and sees you both.

"Isaiah fuck off!" Finn yells and Isaiah walks away; making you smirk as he walks away from you both.

Finn turned back around to you, taking a deep breath in before looking at your lips.

"Where were we?" He smirks and then presses his lips against yours - FINALLY!

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