Tommy Shelby - 'The Nanny'

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have arrived in Small Heath" The conductor shouted as you pulled into the train station.

"Good luck with your job" A random gentleman you had been speaking on the train too, smiled as he handed your luggage to you. He was fairly strong as he stayed still as the train came to a stop.

"Thank you sir" You smile as you walk off and the train lunges forward. You stumble back but a hand comes to support you; by placing his hand on your waist to stop you  from falling.

"Thank you" You stutter again as you rush off the train and standing outside waiting for the car to arrive to pick you up.

As you waited, you couldn't help but have an over riding smell of smoke in the air; from where the factories are. The smoke was so thick and awful, that it was surely causing some damage to your lungs. You coughed slightly as you placed a hand over your mouth.

The sound of a car pulled in front of you; with a man getting out and opening the door for a women - Mary.

"Y/N!" She calles your name out as she enveloped you into a huge, motherly hug.

"Hello Mary" You smile to her as the gentleman takes my bags; putting them into the boot of the car, as Mary and yourself got into it.

"How was your travels?" She asked as you both drove away from the station.

"Good thank you." You smiled back to her, friendly. "It was not that long to be honest with you."

"I am glad you had a pleasant journey." She kindly smiles. "Charlie is excited for your arrival"

"I cannot wait to see him. I am sure he has grown up within the last weeks." You grin as the car comes to a halt.

"I will show you around the house and then, we shall go find Charlie." She spoke clearly; telling her step by step plan for the day. 

She began to show you all around the house, from every room, to every small closet and cloakroom. The house was huge! And that is no exaggeration one bit. It was a mansion; with so many rooms that were not being used at all. They were all so beautifully decorated and presented so magnificently.

"Whose room is that?" You asked as you walked straight past it.

"That is Mr Shelby's room." She smiled upset and walked away. You turned to look to the door once more and quickly walked away; feeling as if he was in there.

"Charlie" Mary called as she entered the nursery. You looked around the corner to see Charlie standing there, his smile was present on his chubby face; opening his arms up as Mary bent down to pick him up.

"Hey little man" You smile as he reaches out for you, once you are in sight.

"It is amazing how much he likes you, considering you have not been in his company for very long." Mary grinned as a compliment as Charlie played with your hair gently.

You put a hand up and he clutched your finger as he giggled away to himself.

"I am going to sort out some lunch." Mary spoke as she walked to the door. "If you need me, I'll be in the kitchen."

"Thank you Mary" You called out to her as she walked out the room. You looked back to Charlie. "It is just you and me buddy"

He grinned at you as we sat down and started to play with some of his toys. But as the minutes went by, the small child fell asleep in your lap; meanwhile you run a finger gently, up and down his nose and picked him up gently and put him in his cot.

Packing up some of the toys, you walked over to the door and opened it slightly seeing nothing moving. As You look further you see the door that was once closed, slightly ajar. You looked back once more to see Charlie still asleep in his cot.

Walking over to the room, You knocked on the door gently; there was no answer and You decided to push the door some more, to see if there was anybody inside. As you stepped a foot in, You see a picture of a lady on the table in front of you. She was very pretty and had an elegant look about her.

You could only think that the woman could have been his late wife that passed away, that was the only person you could think of - well of course you did not know anybody else and whether it could be her or not.

"What are you doing in here?" You hear a deep voice call from behind me. You turned around in shock and doing so, You knocked over the small photograph in the frame; sending down the frame to the ground and smashing the glass cover.

"I am so sorry" You stutter as you pick up the bits of glass quickly, but recklessly you end up cutting my finger on a piece of glass.

Before you can manage to say anything or do anything else, you feel as hand pick you up and stood you back up to your feet.

"Who are you?" He snaps as he pushes you to the wall behind. "And what the hell are you doing in my chambers?"

"I am so sorry sir" You stutter more, trying not to cry at all. "I am Charlie's nanny, Y/N sir"

"Y/N, what were you doing here then if you were supposed to be looking after my son?" He snapped again and you jumped slightly at his tone of voice. He was Mr Shelby.

"I am sorry sir it will not happen again" You blush as he looks to me once more. You dare not tell him you were being noisy - so instead you asked for his acceptance.

"It better not" He spoke more softly but was still completely terrifying.

"It will not sir" You agree and he looks to me; then back to the broken glass and the exposed photograph. "I shall clean that up."

"No." He shook his head. "I will. You go sort out your finger."

You nodded my head and did not begin to say another word to him. As you looked to the door, you turned back round to see him cleaning up my clumsy mess.

Mentally slapping yourself, you walk out of the room and go to back to see Charlie still asleep in his cot.

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