Michael Gray - 'All Ends Well'

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"I can't be" You shake your head, not believing the doctors words.

"I am afraid so miss" He sighs and hands you over the price of paper as confirmation.

"Are you sure?" You gasp, rereading again and again the slip of paper his gave you.

"The test is not wrong miss." He says and you frown, not really knowing what to do.

You walked out of the doctors surgery and decided you should go tell you boyfriend, the father of your future child - Henry. Walking over to the house, you started to get even more nervous.

"Y/N" Henrys mother gasped as she saw you, her tears stained from past tears that seemed very fresh.

"Are you okay?" You asked, getting more concerned. "I was trying to find-"

"He has gone" She blurts out, making you not register what she says - you did not understand what she meant.

"What?" You frowned.

"He went back to his real mother." She hiccups and sniffles into a tissue.

The world crashed around you and all the walls caved in. Before anything else was said, you fell to the ground and passed out.


"Come on Peter" You held your hand out to your little child as you walked down the street.

"But mummy I cant." He huffed as he pouted, looking up at you.

"And why is that little boy?" You asked the small child as you bent down to get closer to him.

"Because I am a big boy, I don't need to hold your hand" The three year old giggled and you poked his nose gently.

"You are never to old to cuddle mummy though hey?" You tease and picks him up and looks to him. "And kisses."

You smothered him with kisses which made him giggle even more.

"Mummy!" He squeals as he laughs uncontrollably.

"I love you" You smile, stopping as you admire your perfect child.

"I love you too" He smiles and puts his little hands on your cheeks.

"Come on, lets go enjoy a sunny day in Small Heath." You grab your bag, still holding your child as you walked out of the apartment you had just brought, due to starting your new job as a barmaid.

You had only been in Small Heath for about a day, you did not adventure out the day you came. So you promised your son that you would go out with him today - which you stuck to your word.

"Daddy coming with us?" He asks you, making you freeze in your spot as you step outside.

"Daddy is away baby." You reminded him, not telling him the full truth.

You had not seen Henry for three years now; nearly four. As you walked down the road, you saw that there were grey clouds in the sky.

"I think it's going to rain" You tell Peter as he looks up to you.

You both walked all over Small Heath and soon after the rain clouds started to spit water down on you. Grabbing your son, you picked him up and ran under some shelter - underneath a ledge near the roof.

"Excuse me, are you okay?" You heard a woman say as she looked to you and then your child - frowning slightly as she looked at Peter.

"I am so sorry" You apologise, thinking she was frowning because you were on her property. "It was just raining and I-"

"No, dear it is fine." She shakes her head and looks to you once more. "He just looks like someone I know, but please do come in, the rain won't stop for a while."

"Are you sure?" You question, not wanting to intrude.

"Of course, you'll catch a cold if you are out here." She smiled. "Can't be having that."

You talked with the woman for hours, while the rain continued to pour down. The woman's name was Polly and she was so lovely to you. She lived in such a beautiful house and allowed Peter to play in the playroom she had for her great nephew - his name was Karl.

"So a pretty girl like you, where is your husband?" She asked, smiling as she sipped on her tea.

"Oh, no I am single and Peters father left before he found out about Peter" You stuttered, feeling very embarrassed.

"What a low life" She frowned and scoffed as she placed her cup on the side. You picked up your china glass and took a sip.

"Mum, Tommy has called for a family meeting-" You heard a strangely familiar voice say as they walked into the room you were in.

"Michael this is Y/N" Polly smiled as she stood up and you looked up, seeing the man you had known so well.

The China cup fell to the ground and shattered into a million pieces.

"Polly I am sorry, but I think it is time that I leave." You muttered and looked away from the man you still stupidly loved. "I need to get Peter."

Peter came running in and looked up to the man who was now called Michael.

"Don't tell me, this was the man?" She gasps and looks to Peter and then Michael.

"No, no it is not" You lie through gritted teeth.

"Y/N?" Michael frowns in confusion and looks down to peter. "Why does he look like me?"

"I need to go" You shook your head and went to walk out but he grabbed your arm to stop you.

"Mum look after the child" He asked, but more like demanded.

He dragged your arm and pushed you into a room; locking the door so you could not get out.

"Let me out of here" You snapped, but he held you against him; your back against his chest. "Let go of me!"

"No Y/N, listen to me" He says in your ear. "Sweetheart listen to me."

Your body caves into his. You missed the way he made you feel; his voice and his touch.

"Why did you leave me" You whimpered as you turned around looking up to him, a tear slipping down your cheek.

"I know sweetheart." He frowns in disappointment, wiping your tear away slowly. "Come on darling don't cry. I am so sorry."

"You left me to be a single mother" You muttered. "You left me to raise him on my own. Do you know how hard that was?"

"I cannot imagine how hard it is Y/N." He confessed and brushed your hair back behind your ear.

"You left me alone" You muttered, and looked up to him.

"I want you." He whispers. "I want to be with you again. I am so sorry I left you. I want to be in that little boys life."

"How can I trust you to not leave me again? To leave everything behind." You whisper and he smiles down to you, cupping his hands on your cheek.

"You will have to trust me" He bends down and tries to kiss you, but you move so he kisses your cheek instead.

"Maybe we should start from scratch?" You smile to him, stepping back before outstretching your hand. "I am Y/N Y/L/N, the mother to our son."

"I am Michael Gray, the father to our child" He shakes your hand, making you both smile before you walk downstairs to introduce Peter to his father.

All ends well.

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