John Shelby - 'Get your fucking hands off my girl'

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"So you are the woman that has John Shelby so caught up?" The man snarled in your ear as you wiped the side of the pub.

"What's it to you?" You snap back to the man in front of you.

You and John had been together for a very long time. He was your protector in everything but you feared this time, your superman may not make it in time.

"Just that maybe we could have a little fun." He grumbles drinking.

"I do not think he would like that much" You frown and continue to wipe the sides. "Now please leave and let me get back to my work."

"So polite" He smirks and grabs your waist; pulling you to his body. Struggling to get away, you shove him off you and he falls back against the table.

"I said get away from me" You snap and throw the cloth at his face; walking out of the pub to Polly's house.

You explain to Polly what has happened and how she cannot tell John about anything that happened; as you both knew how that would turn out. Polly and yourself decided to bake some bits for the boys for when they come home, to get your mind off of your strange events of the day.

"Wow Y/N" John smirks as he comes over to you; grabbing your hips to push against his front. "Don't you look incredibly sexy"

He starts to kiss your neck as you bite down on your lip; not wanting to moan at all. Polly rolled her eyes at you both as she walks out of the kitchen.

You laugh slightly but go straight back to the pleasure that your fiancé was giving you. His hands moved around your body; marking his property.

"You are mine" he growled in your ear and you nodded your head; smelling the strange fumes of  burning goodies.

You gasp as you open the oven to find the biscuits all burnt. John laughs as Polly rushes in; the both of you annoyed that it had not worked out for the both of you.

"I never want to cook again" You groan and John agrees; earning a smack from you and Polly.

"One round of whiskeys Y/N" One of the man asks and you nod your head; getting the mans order.

"Nearly closing up time boys" You smiled as you placed the drinks down on the table in front of them.

"Thank you mam" They collar as you walk away; knowing the respect some of them had for you - which was because they knew you were connected to the Shelby's. Most of the town were scared, it was only a stupid few who were not.

Closing time came and you started to sort the tables out, so Harry would not have to do so. As you started to tidy them all up, you hear the sound of the bell going off; symbolising that someone had just walked into the door.

"Sorry we are closed" you explain but before you can move or do anything, you hear the sound of a man growling in your ear.

Straight away you know it would not be John. You know Johns touch. The man kissed your neck as you tried to pull away from him.

"Get off me" you plead and you are pulled around to see the same creep from the night before. He pushes you against the table and you struggle even more; wanting nothing more than for someone to come and save you. His hand his clasped around your neck as he begin to lift your skirt up.

Screaming out, you try to kick him away with your feet but it does not work. The man pulls down your top and touches you inappropriately; making you squirm away. Tears fall down your face as you prepare to be abused in ways you have never been before - completely giving up on everything.

"Please stop" you beg and he does not listen. He starts to pull down his trousers and lifts your skirt up even more.

"Mr Bates I suggest you get your fucking hands off my girl, before I kill you even more than I am going too." You hear the sound of John's voice filling your ears as you sigh in relief.

You turn around as the man stumbles back; you look to see John stride over and rips the man away from you. He starts punching the man, who was so intoxicated. Mr Bates punched John on the nose before passing out on the floor; John still uncontrollably punching.

Arthur helps you and stands in front of you as you try to clean yourself up. Watching John made you even more worried and Arthur could sense that, he lifted John up and mumbled something in his ear.

"Brother she needs you" He mumbled but you were unable to hear. "I will take care of him"

John comes over and takes off his jacket; wrapping it around your shoulders and pulling you into a tight hug. Tears fall down your face as you snuggle into Johns arms.

"I've got you sweetheart" He mumbles into your ear as you both walk out of the pub together. As you walk out, people in the street look to you; but John hides you into his chest more as you get into the car and drive off.

"Are you okay?" He asks as he watches you; looking back to the road ever so often.

"I am fine John" You sniffle, but mean every word. "Thank you for coming when you did. I can't imagine what would've happened next"

"Please don't mention it" He growls, no aiming it at you. His knuckles go white from the tight grip he had on the wheel.

"John..." you mumble and he looks to you quickly. "I love you."

"I love you too" He grins and his grip slowly loosens. "But you are not going to work back their again. You understand?"

"Yes sir" you smirk but know there is no point arguing with the boy, he would win anyways.

"Good girl" He winks and puts a hand on your thigh as you go back to the house.

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