Finn Shelby - 'The Same'

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Being classed as different, for just the colour of your skin, made you feel like an outcast. As though you should not be allowed, to intermix with other people. That is how some people made you feel.

However, ever since you had been apart of the Shelby gang. The colour of your skin mattered to no one. People had respect for you and people saw you for you, rather than the colour of your skin. There were only a stupid few, that made idiotic comments.

Another benefit of being in the gang, was meeting Finn Shelby. The two of you instantly hit it off and bloomed into mature adults, who were moving in the right directions to having a long life with each other.

"I am nervous for Finn." You screwed your nose up, thinking of what could happen to Finn. You and the gang, were going to watch Finn fight one of Solomons men, for the first time.

"I am sure he will win." Polly sighed, breathing out the smoke of her cigarette. "I have seen the boy fight. He is good."

"I know he is good." You defended your worry. "I just hope that the other man isn't better or plays dirty."

"You worry too much." Ada smiled, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "Stop worrying."

"I can't help it." You breathed out.

"You care about him a lot-" Polly smiled. "-We understand why you are worried."

You walked into the building, where in the middle, stood a massive boxing ring. It made your skin crawl with goosebumps, as you imagined Finn being beaten up in the ring. Walking down to your seats, people looked towards you; muttering to others beside them.

Though the Shelby's were accepting, others were not as much. They all had invalid opinions about you and your skin colour - their comments and mummers completely unjustified. Normally you would sit and let them talk, but there were times where you might bite back. It could go either way.

"Why is a dark girl here?" A voice muttered to the person next to them.

"It is like they think I can't hear them." You mumbled to the others.

"Her kind should not be allowed -" One began but Polly turned around.

"I suggest you shut the fuck up." She snapped. "Or I will kill you and make sure everyone forgets about you. You will never be found."

Polly turned around and you looked to her with a smirk.

"Thanks." You laughed and you both watched the boys walk into the ring.

Finn came to the edge and saw you sat in front of the ring. He winked to you and you blushed, looking to your boyfriend of a few years.

You watched the two of them fighting, which occasionally made you flinch, as you watched Finn getting punched in the face.

"Go on Finn!" You shouted in support as you watched him.

In the end, Finn won and the crowd cheered and whistled at the Birmingham champion. You stood up and went over to the ring, leaning up and seeing Finn. He looked down to you and pressed his lips on yours.

"Well done." You whispered as you pulled away. "My champion."

"Come on stage." He smiled and you shook your head.

"No Finn." You blushed, feeling nervous.

"Come on sweetheart." He smirked and pulled you through the rope, into the centre of the stage.   

"Finn!" You squealed into him, as he picked you up in the air.

"We are the champion." He put you back into the ground and whispered in your ear. "I love you."

"I love you too." You smiled as he hugged you from behind, declaring his love for you in front of hundreds.

"Lets get out of here." He kissed your cheek and brought you with him, to the changing room. "I will be back in a moment. You okay out here?"

"Go get changed." You smiled, pushing him into the room to change.

"You sure you don't want to come inside with me?" He smirked, winking at you.

"Finn Shelby, go and get changed so we can leave this place."  You pushed his chest, so he would go into the room.

You stood outside, waiting for Finn to come out. Minding your own business, you leant against the side of the wall, looking down at your feet.

"You shouldn't be here." A male voice snapped as he came to you. Looking up, you saw the Solomons boy, that lost against Finn.

"I am waiting for someone." You glared, saying no more.

"Too bad." He snapped and he grabbed your arm.

"Get off me!" You yelped out, pulling your hand back. "You better let go!"

"Stop being a bitch." He growled and pulled both of your arms.

"Let go of me!" You screamed and Finn came out of the room, looking at you being dragged away.

"Let her go." He bellowed, making the men stop in their tracks.

"Shit man." He mumbled. "I did not realise she was with you."

"Yeah well, I suggest you go." Finn squared up to him. "Before I fucking kill you."

"Sorry Shelby." He mumbled and ran away, never to be seen again.

You hugged into Finn, feeling the affects of today weighing down on your shoulders. It made you want to cry.

"Please can we go home." You stuttered on your words, wanting to burst into tears.

"Are you okay?" He looked down to you, worried about you. "Please tell me you are alright."

"I just want to go home and forget about the rest of the world Finn." You looked up to him.

He placed a hand on your cheek, slowly pushing you against the wall. He pressed his lips on yours and you kissed back willingly. You almost forgot about wanting to go home and where you currently were.

"Lets go home Finn." You breathed out as you pulled away, smirking as you pressed your lips on his again. "So we can finish off what you started."

"Fuck." He breathed out, dragging you out with him - so you could go back home and truly forget about the outside world.

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