John Shelby - 'The Fucking Cavalry 2'

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"Y/N, please just talk to me" John begs as he drives the car back home. You just continued to ignore him, knowing it was annoying him - his punishment. "Y/N please sweetheart."

"Don't sweetheart me" You snap as you do not move your eyes from the window and the things that you passed by.

Suddenly the car stops to a stand still. A harsh break that flew you forward slightly, but not enough to hurt you or John. You looked to your fiancé who seemed unmoved by the sudden halt. He turned to you and he then got out of the car.

"What are you doing?" You snap as he walks behind the car, you opening the window to moan at him. "John, what the hell are you doing?!"

"I am not leaving or getting in that car before we talk this through" John shouts from the road; sitting down on the main road back to Birmingham.

"Get off the road John" You order but he does not budge. You fold your arms in anger at the stubbornness of your fiancé. "John, are you listening to me? Get off the floor before some bloody runs you over."

John stayed quiet.

Huffing, you got out the car and slammed the door shut. Walking along to him, you took off your heels as they were hurting your feet and held them in your hand. You looked down to him as he closed his eyes; his cap still on his head and his hands on his chest.

"Get up" You whisper as he doesn't flinch from your sudden closeness.

"No" He answers back and you groan; turning around in anger.

"Then give me the keys so I can leave" You demand and he shakes his head again; the keys remaining in his pockets. "Asshole"

"Proud of it sweetheart" He smirks and then pulls out a cigar from his jacket; lighting it and taking a breath of smoke.

"How can you be so normal, after you have nearly killed someone?" You snap. John looks up and shakes his head.

"You know my line of work Y/N." He growls. "Don't pretend you don't"

"That doesn't make it right" You retort and John groans, sitting up to face you.

"If you have an issue with what I do for a living, then feel free to fucking leave" He snaps. "You should know by now what I do and the extent of it, after all, it has been years."

"I am not saying I want to fucking leave" You yell and throw a heel at the man still on the floor. "I am saying, you nearly killed a man; all because of me. How does that make me feel?"

"I did not do it for you!" He yells back. "I did it because he was an imposter at my brother wedding."

"Don't bullshit me" You roll your eyes. "I am not stupid. That fight was messy and emotionally messy."

"Then if you think you already know, well know my intentions and reasons why. Then why are you fucking blanking me this entire trip back?" He smartly answers back.

"Because you have no repercussions!" You feel yourself becoming more and more angrier. "You do things, then expect no punishment afterwards!"

"Well, then I am just lucky" He rolls his eyes and lays back down, refusing to be serious on the matter.

"You are so delusional!" You scream and throw your other shoe at him.

"And you are crazy" He dodges the shoe and shuffles further into the road.

Silence smacks you both in the face.

"Get off the floor" You calmly speak, still glaring at him. "John please. Get off the road."

He doesn't answer and you become tired of fighting with you. So instead of arguing with him, you decide to lay down further up beside him.

"Fine, I will get myself killed too" You shrugged and lay back, feeling slightly nervous and uneasy.

John perked up and turned to look at you. Groaning, he took off his cap and began to get more and more frustrated with you.

"If you want to really know why I did it." He finally answers your questions and pleas of truthfulness. "I was fucking jealous okay? I saw the way he looked at you and I didn't like it. I wanted to kill him there and then. But when Tommy told me there was an imposter, I knew it was him and it seemed only right to do what I did."

"Couldn't you have just shot him and it have been and done?" You breathe out; remembering the mans unrecognisable face as it lay limp on the ground.

"I had too much emotion inside of me" He sighs and turns to face you. The lights of the car illuminated you both as you lay there looking to the stars.

"I am sorry" You whispered, looking back to him.

"Me too" He smiled at you, standing and laying down beside you. "I know I am a crazy man. But I am your crazy man right?"

"Yes John" You giggles as you lay your head on his chest.

The two of you just lay there in silence. Allowing the wind of the night time to brush past you; hearing the sounds of the animals of the night and seeing the bright stars in the sky. Everything seemed so perfect and sublime as you hugged into your fiancé and forgetting about everything.

Closing your eyes, you focused of the sound of the night - forgetting momentarily you were on the road. John had done the same and it was not until you heard the sound of someone beeping, until you both jolted up and ran to the car as quickly as you could.

In fits of laughter, you both got in the car and waited till you had caught your breath back before you spoke to each other.

"Oh god" You laughed as you watched the car drive on by.

"That was fucking close" He laughs and turns to you; putting a hand to your cheek.

"I told you to stand up" You winked and John laughed, moving his hand away as he put it on the steering wheel; smiling head on. Looking incredibly handsome.

"If I don't remember, you lay down beside me?" He reminds playfully. "You contradict yourself love."

"Oh shut up" You joke, smacking him arm.

He leans closer and presses his lips on yours; both crashing and moving fast against one another. His hands trial along your body, melting you into him and you kiss more passionately. Pulling away quickly, you both catch your breath and keep pecking one another's lips gently.

"Let's get home John" You raise your eyebrows up and down playfully.

"On my way" He eagerly speaks and turns the engine on quickly.

"Wait, the keys were in there the whole time?" You gasp as he pulls away. John nods his head and laughs; making you smack him playfully again. "You liar" You laugh.

"I didn't want you to drive off without me" He laughs back and you nod your head; smirking.

"I think I would have then." You answer. "But certainly not now."

"I'm stepping on it" He smirks and drives fast.

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