Finn Shelby - 'Are You Tempted?'

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Finn had been asked, to accompany you, on your way back to your parents house. People had been threatening your family and they were worried about your wellbeing; so they hired the Shelby gang, to deliver you safely home.

"You ready?" Finn asked, as you turned your head around; looking at him and blushing once you saw how attractive he was.

"Yes." You smiled and got into the carriage; with the help of Finn. As you both started the journey back to your parents, you both sat in silence and occasionally looked to one another.

"How old are you?" You asked, trying to make conversation.

"21." He answered with a smile. "You?"

"19." You smiled, playing with your hands. "I have heard of you and your family. You guys are very powerful I have heard."

"I guess so." He breathed out a laugh. "We are fairly well known."

"You like it?" You asked, afraid he might not want to answer and it might make things awkward.

"Sometimes." He answered honestly. "Sometimes people start on you, for the most stupid things. It can also get dangerous." He shook his head and looked down sadly. "I just wish, I had a normal job and then maybe I might be able to settle down and find the right person; have a family you know?"

You were shocked at his honesty. That the gang member was not as hard and brutal as you would have thought.

"I can relate" You breathed out. "I wish I had a normal family too. That way, I would not need protecting."

You instantly regretted saying it; thinking that Finn might be offended by the comment - but you quickly brushed it off.

The horse neighed, before another word could be said. The sound of grunting followed and Finn put his finger to his lips, for you to be quiet. You nodded your head and looked to him, terrified. He slowly exited out the other entrance and your heart beat went crazy.

"Look in the carriage." A voice yelled.

"Please don't." You whispered to yourself, wondering where Finn went too.

"What do we have here?" Another voice growled, opening the carriage to reveal a frightened you.

"Get off me." You screamed as he grabbed your waist; pulling you out the carriage.

"Ow!" The man shouted in pain, as you kicked him in the nuts; making him fall to the ground.

"Don't touch me" You pushed the man back, as he came after you again. Within a few seconds, a sound of a gun shot went off and all of the men fell to the floor.

Looking up, you saw Finn standing there; gun in hand and looking bewildered. He came up to you and brought you into his chest, hugging you tightly and it made you feel safe.

"You ok?" He asked as he looked down to you.

"I'm okay" You breathed out. "Are you?" You looked down and saw his arm had been cut. "You are hurt."

"I will be okay." He smiled.

"You need to get it cleaned up." You said.

"Let's get your things and then we will go to a lake then." He suggested and you nodded your head.

"We can't carry everything." You frowned. "Let's just go. I don't feel safe here."

You held onto Finns had and the two of you walked down the lane; trying to follow the way, to go back home.

The two of you chatted away, laughing and smiling about things you guys had in common. You were attracted to him and he was attracted to you.

"So you are the youngest of the gang?" You asked, walking down the hill.

"Yes, the baby of the gang." He laughs.

"I am the youngest of my siblings too." You shrugged and looked to him. "I hate it."

"Me too." He breathed out. "I was babied a lot. It wasn't until my brother died and they allowed me to actually do things for the gang."

"I am sorry for your loss." You mumbled, looking at his sad face.

"Thank you." He smiled.

You both continued to keep talking, about random things that you guys had in common. Feeling safe at his side, the two of you continued to walk back to your house. You enjoyed the company and you enjoyed being near him.

"Come on boy!" You heard someone say from behind you, making you scared that it may be another gang.

"Hide." He whispered and pushed you into the hedgerow next you both. You landed with a thud and Finn hovered over the top of you. You held you breath and looked to him.

As cliche as it sounded, time seemed to stop. You forgot there were mad men after you and that you were in danger. His nose was brushing past yours as you looked deep into his eyes - him doing the same thing.

"I wonder if they started walking?" You heard a voice say as they walked past.

"We shouldn't be too far behind them." The other voice say. "They will pay for what they did."

You breathed out heavily, as you heard the men disappear. Finn stayed on top of you and his hands were either side of your head.

"Are you tempted?" You smiled, feeling confident all of a sudden.

"Tempted to what?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"To kiss me." You blurted out.

"Would you want me to?" He whispered and moved a hand; tucking some hair behind your ear.

"Would it be bad, if I said yes?" You replied and looked down to his lips.

"Not at all." He breathed out and leaned down; pressing his lips against yours. You kissed back and sparks flew, your hands went around the back of his neck and you craved his lips.

After a while, the two of you pulled away and he looked down at you lovingly.

"We should get you back home." He breathed out and moved off you; standing up and helping you to your feet.

"Thanks." You smiled as you stood on the ground again. Before you could start walking, Finn pulled you to him and kissed your lips once more; putting his hands on the bottom of your back.

"You are incredible." He whispered on your lips and pecked them briefly.

"As are you." You grinned and pulled away, looking at him with a smirk as you walked down the lane - with Finn, following behind with a massive grin on his face.

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