John Shelby - 'P&P'

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E x

"You are the most, arrogant man I have ever met" You snap as you look to John, glaring at the man.

You were attending the ball of Tommy and Grace, to commentate their marriage of 1 year. Being a wealthy family, connected with Graces, you were automatically invited.

John and yourself had met before - let's just say, you two hated each other! You were from opposite worlds. You thought he was an arrogant, harsh and brutal man. Whereas he thought you were a posh, uptight and boring woman. But in fact, the pure hatred between the two of you, turned into another connection that made the both of you completely infatuated with each other.

"Well you are the most, annoying and selfish brat I have ever seen" He muttered back, standing next to you as you both look at the dancers.

"You are a complete prick-" You begin to say as you turn to look at John, but you feel someone tap you on the shoulder. "Paul!"

You flung yourself into the arms of Paul, a family friend of your parents.

"How are you?" He asks as he pulls away and then he catches the glare of John. You turn and see Johns stiff manner, frowning in confusion; you look at Johns fists to see them balled up and knuckles white as a sheet.

"Do you two no each other?" You blurt out. Looking at them both backwards and forwards. John says nothing but walks away.

"Twat" Paul mutters and you frown more. You felt more bad about John storming away and you had an uncertain feeling in the pit of your stomach.

"What was that?" You frown as you watch John hastily walking away and pointing towards us, to Tommy.

"I just know the guy." He says and you want to know more, but you are too afraid to ask. "-You can ask you know" He chuckles as he watches the clog wheels turn in your head. Blushing you smile to him.

"Why do you both despise each other?" You ask with a confused look on your face.

"I used to be close with him when we were younger-" He began and you studied his face. "His father always preferred me, to John. When he disappeared, Arthur Senior met up with me and gave me £1,000."

"What?!" You choke on your own spit. "But you were not even his-"

"I know Y/N" He snaps, defensively; making you frown. "John was pissed off and took the money away from me. He stole it off me."

Asshole. You thought to yourself.


A few months past, you ignored John at all cost and you even thought you saw him look sad when you completely walked past him without a second glance. But you brushed it off swiftly. Paul had disappeared again, like he usually does and all you were left with, was the horrors of what John made him face.

It was the christening of Jeremiah, Arthur and Linda's baby and you had been invited to the celebration. Throughout the entire ceremony, your eyes went backwards and forwards to John, which he reciprocated.

Afterwards, everyone went back to the house for some tea and snacks. As you stood by yourself, watching the rest of the people chat away and the small children run around, you did not feel the presence of a certain person, before they spoke.

"Why are you glaring at me and been ignoring me for these past months?" John snaps and you roll your eyes in annoyance still not looking at John. "If you have an issue with me, just fucking tell me."

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