John Shelby - 'No Longer Best Friends'

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"Pst, Y/N?" You hear some call from the bottom of your window; making you wake up from your slumber. Adjusting your eyes open, you sit up in the bed and wrapping the dressing gown around your body.

Rubbing your eyes, you open the curtain to see John at the bottom of your window. As you uncap the window, you slide it up carefully to not make a great sound to wake everyone up and wondering what the hell you are doing.

"John?" You call out in a whisper, not wanting to wake up your parents who were in the next room. "Are you aware of what time it is?"

"It is 1am, which I am aware of Y/N" John calls out but you hush him.

"My parents are asleep." You scold him, huffing as he looks up to you.

"Let me come in?" He asks and you gasp; shaking your head no as he looks up with a pleading face - making you bite down on your lip to stop from giving in.

"Are you crazy John?" You snap. "My mother will hear and have my fucking head. As well as yours!"

"I am worth the risk right?" He winks and puts his hands in his pocket; with a permanent smirk on his face as he looked up to you.

"John Shelby" You groaned, before looking down and disappearing from the window. Rushing downstairs, you made sure you were exceptionally quiet to not wake up any of the household.

You and John had a strange relationship, in regards that you were both madly in love with one another but you were both too afraid to say anything. Both of you had known each other since you were tiny and your parents purely tolerated him; knowing his background - they did not love him nor did they hate him. However, you neither cared either way; all you cared about was John and his well-being.

Creeping down the hallway, you put your hand on the door handle; slowly opening it as you made sure you were as quiet as a mouse. Slowly pulling the door back, you see the smug man blowing the smoke out of his mouth; throwing the cigarette to the ground.

"What are you doing here so late?" You ask; standing outside the door as you wrap your arms around your body, feeling a slight chill.

"I have been doing some business nearby." He answers and sees your shivering body as he looks down to you. Taking off his jacket, he wraps it around your shoulders; making you smile as he brings you closer to his chest as he puts it around your shoulders. "So I thought I'd come see my favourite girl."

"Well aren't I lucky" You smirk to him; nudging his shoulder playfully, looking to the floor as you step back.

"You must be" He winks back to you; making you blush even more than you were. "So can I come in, it's too late for me to walk back home now. The last tram has gone too."

"John" you groan as you roll your eyes back. "Are you trying to get me killed? I thought you actually cared about me and my future wellbeing?"

"Y/N" He begs and you huff as you imagine your mother catching you - not your father, as he was completely oblivious. "Come on darling let your friend in."

Those words hurt you slightly "friend". It kills you even more to hear them as you had such strong feelings towards him. He looks at you as you frown to the ground; his hands slowly lifting your face up to look at you. John seemed to have noticed the reaction you had to his comment.

"Hey, you okay?" He asks and you nod your head; turning your head away as you look to the side.

"I am fine" You smile; unsure on your words as you look to him once more.

"So will you let me in?" He asks and you roll your eyes with a huge smile on your face; holding his hand as you walk into the house - putting a finger to your lips for him to be quiet.

Locking the door, you slowly walk up the stairs; taking each step slowly with John behind you. As you step up, you slip on the wooden surface; falling back into John but his hands snap around your waist.  Your back was right up against his chest, his lips close to your ear; so close that you could hear his breath. You blushed and your breathing hitched as you stayed against him for a moment.

"Thanks" You stuttered, moving away and walking back up the stairs - eventually getting to your room and opening the door gently and shutting it as John walked into the room.

As you placed your hand against the door; shutting it slowly, you were turned around by John and gently pushed to the door. His hand went to your cheek; and cupped it gently, before tucking some of your hair back behind your ear. Looking at you in the eye, your legs went jelly and in that moment, you had craved his lips so badly.

"John?" You breathes out and he nodded his head in reply. "Kiss me?"

He stayed still for a moment, before leaning in and brushing his lips past yours gently. You blushed and pushed your head closer; sealing your lips together. As you kissed one another, in a passion of deep awaited love, you moved closer to his body; moving your hand to lock the door before he picked you up and wrapped your legs around his torso.

You both stumbled back and tried to stay as quiet as you could as your lips smacked against each other's. Laying you on the bed, your lips parted for a brief second and you both stared at each other in awe.

"God you are so beautiful" He whispers as he stares at your face, running his thumb against your lips gently and carefully.

You stay quiet, because you are stuck for words; unable to even speak at all. John then lifted up from you and took off his shirt; then connecting his lips back to yours again, making your hands run through his hair as his hands went around your waist. The two of you did things that friends would not in fact do and you did not disturb the internal household - everyone all asleep through it all.

You and John fell asleep in each other's arms and the two of you did not get caught!

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