Thomas Shelby - 'Horse & Girl"

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"He is coming." Your uncle said as he looked at the horse you were grooming. "Mr Shelby will be here soon. I need to go to the bank to get my paper before it shuts! Shit!"

"Uncle, I can deal with the client." You smiled, reassuring him.

"Are you sure?" He asks; nodding your head yes, you smile up to him as you pat the horse gently.

"Of course, you need the papers." You answered. "I can deal with him."

"Thank you Y/N" He smiled and came over to you. Kissing your head he looked back to you. "Has anyone told you, that you are a perfect niece?"

"No, but thank you" You giggle, hearing it from him for the millionth time since you stayed with him.

"You -" He began but you cut him off.

"-before you insult me uncle, I am doing you a favour remember" You tease.

He chuckles as he walks away, going off to bank. You decided to get the horses out and brush them down before Mr Shelby came to see them.

A few hours passed, the horses were clean and ready for the viewing. The stable man Mr Turner called for you, as Mr Shelby had arrived. As you walked to the stables, you saw two men from afar. Perplexed as to who was the other person, you walked closer and stood in front of the two men.

"Hello, I am Y/N." You confidently spoke. "My uncle was unable to be here, so I am taking his place. I hope you have had a pleasant journey?"

"We have." One man spoke, his dark hair that was slightly wavy at the top.

"Which one you is Mr Shelby?" You asked.

"Both of us." One answered. "But I am the man, that wanted to see your uncle. I am Thomas Shelby."

"Please follow me" You smiled, walking down the stables; taking them to their horse that you had been training.

You opened the gate that held his horse and it immediately came up to you; nuzzling his nose to you. The connection you had to this horse, was one you had never had before - the horse loved you and trusted you. After all, you had trained with it every single day and treated the animal with the upmost respect.

"He seems to like you." Tommy spoke, which made you blush slightly as you looked to him.

"It is hard to not form such a strong bond between a horse such as yours." You honestly spoke, smiling to him. "You really have a wonderful horse Mr Shelby."

"Do you think it will do well in the races?" He asked, which you nodded your head fast.

"First place all round." You grinned, which Tommy smiled and put his hands out to touch the nose of the horse.

"I can do nothing but thank you then-" He began but you cut him off.

"I did nothing, it is your horse that is wonderful" You spoke and Tommy smirked slightly, realising how modest you were.

"Please, except my gratitude and compliment." He chuckled, which made you blush in embarrassment. "When do you think he will be ready?"

"6 months, then he will be ready to race." You brush the nose of the horse again.


Months went by and Tommy came to visit a lot. He brought it down to the horse, but the fact he was able to see you, was also a huge benefactor; the only reason why he came so often.

You were attending the races with Tommy, meeting him at the location and with the horses and their jockeys. As you let out the horse, you patted him down, making sure he was ready to race. Looking up, you see Tommy standing there with a smile on his face.

"Ready for a win?" You asked him, smiling as you wipe your dirty hands on your old coat.

"Indeed I am" He grins and then hands you over a box.

"What is this?" You questioned, completely confused why he handed you the box.

"There is a dress in there" He answers and you smile at him, shaking your head in disbelief. "I want you to go put it on and come watch the race with me"

"I should stay back here, I would hate to intrude-" You began but her cut you off.

"Please." He calmly begs and you take a deep breath in, before smiling widely.

"Fine" You grin. You walk away and get ready; in complete awe over the dress that Tommy had picked out for you.

You felt like a true lady, which made you feel terrified, but excited at the same time

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You felt like a true lady, which made you feel terrified, but excited at the same time. Once you were impressed with what you saw in the mirror, you walked out confidently and caught the stares of many men that walked past.

Walking down the path, Tommy had his back to you and was talking with Arthur, who you had also met many times before.

"Fuck me" Arthur says as he ignores Tommy to look at you. Tommy was confused and turned around, seeing you standing before him.

"Wow" He breathes out in awe, but coughs to catch himself away from the stare.

"Thank you" You smiled, blushing profusely. "We should go before he races and we miss the winning result."

Tommy held his arm out and you took your hand and placed it on his bicep. You both walked through the crowds and people continued to stare at the two.

"Everyone is staring" You muttered and Tommy chuckled.

"They are jealous of me being with you." He remarks, which made you chuckle.

"I am sure the death glares from the ladies tell me otherwise Tommy." You grin, which makes him laugh.

You both walked to the box and stood there, waiting for the gunshot to go off; symbolising the start of the race. The gunshot eventually went off and you immediately cheered on the horse that went down the track like fire.

"He won!" You screamed and looked to Tommy in delight.

"All thanks to you!" He grins, having to raise his voice slightly over the sound of the people chanting and cheering.

"Is it bad, that I am sad it is over?" You question with a faint smile.

"But it is not over." He began and leant down, cupping his hand and placing it on your cheek gently. "It will never be over."

He leant down and pressed his lips on yours. You both shared a passionate and fiery kiss; a long awaited kiss which ignited so many sparks. Both of you did not care about the people around you and potentially watching you.

It that moment, it was just you and him.

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