Michael Gray - 'Tour guide'

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"And this is Y/N" Tommy says as Michael turns to face you. "She is one of our youngest secretaries and one of the smartest."

"Wow, thanks Tommy" You grin cheekily as you look to the man and then to Michael; not being able to stop the constant thoughts of how attractive he is.

"She will show you around Small Heath so you get to know the place a little better." He says and you nod your head; agreeing to be the tour guide for the day.

"Thank you" He politely says and you are thrown back by how polite he was; especially compared to the others around here.

"Are you sure he is your son Polly" John sniggers; earning a smack on the back of the head by Polly.

"For once I agree with Tommy" She smiles and flips off John; before turning around to face me. "I trust Y/N with Michael."

"Good" Tommy smiles back and then looks to the time; seeing it's almost midday. "You two should go around now before it gets dark, it might take a while to go around. If everyone meets at the Garrison at 6pm we will discuss further plans."

Everyone walked out to do their own thing, while you stayed and waited for Polly to say goodbye to her son before he went in your care for the day.

"My name is Y/N" You smile as you stick your hand out. "It's nice to meet you Michael."

"And you" He smiles back as he places his hand in yours; shaking it gently before pulling back. "So how old are you?"

"I am 18" You answer and Michael nods his head.

"Me too" He says as the two of you begin to walk out and go around Small Heath.

"When is your birthday?" You ask.

"24th of January and you?"

"June 15th" You grin and then walk off to show him the factory that Tommy has ownership over.

"So how did you become one of Tommy's trusted people?" He asks as you walk along the bank of the river.

"I used to be on the streets." You mutter and fiddle with your hands. "One day I helped Esme, Johns wife and she took me, gave me clothes and food then we sat for hours doing writing and reading. I loved it so much that I never wanted to leave. I was only 13."

"So you have been here for 5 years?" He asks in awe and you nod your head yes.

"Yes I have" smiling at him, you point to the small warehouse telling him more information about it. "So you are planning on staying here for good?"

"I want too" He mutters as you walk; accidentally brushing hands against his as you walk, which makes the two of you blush.

"Then do" You say almost a little too eagerly. "I mean, if you feel comfortable and you like it here, then why not?"

"You are Right" He says as he puts his hands into his pockets; the two of you decide to go and see the wooded area on the outskirts of the town.

You talked about his time before he was adopted and you talked about your time of the streets. The two of you really hit it off and you had a great chemistry between each other. There was a strange pull that the two of you both felt but were unsure on what it even was.

"This is my favourite place to go" You say in awe as you look up to see the wind blowing the branches of the trees.

"I can see why" He sees as he looks around and then turns back to you. "So beautiful."

"It really is" You smile as you begin to walk.

Little did you know, that Michael was in fact talking about you. He was so infatuated by you, even though you have just met, he felt a pull to you. Though the two of you were completely oblivious to what each other were truly feeling.

"So your girlfriend doesn't mind you being here?" You ask, acting as though you don't care.

"No" He smiles and you try to control a huge sigh that is about to come from your mouth.

"Oh" You frown, walking so he can't see your face.

"Because I don't have one" He grins and this time, you find it difficult to hide the smile.

"Oh" You happily say.

"And your boyfriend doesn't mind you being here with me?" He asks. "Being my tour guide?"

"I don't have one either" You smile innocently and He grins back to you.

"That's good then" He says and you blush so obviously as you quickly turn away. It was starting to get dark.

"We should be heading to the pub" you say as the two of you walk back to the pub. The rain started to pour as you entered the garrison, realising you were in fact 1 hour early.

"I am soaking wet" You laugh as you ring out your cardigan; leaving you with an exposed chest ever so slightly.

"Same" He laughs and then blushes when he sees your chest. Taking his jacket off, he places it over your shoulder.

"Thank you" You blush and he looks down at you.

"Hey there love" Danny smirks as he puts an arm on your waist.

"Danny, leave me alone" You groan and roll your eyes; getting embarrassed as Michael watches.

"Who is this?" He asks, ignoring you plea to leave.

"Michael" He answers Danny as you watch him come closer.

"You whoring around?" Danny snaps as he lifts up your skirt. You squeal in horror and then you hear the sound of a fist connecting to a jaw.

Afraid to open your eyes, you go flying forward and hit into the bar side table. Then turning you see Danny and Michael attacking one another.

"Stop!" You shriek as you try to pull Danny off Michael. "Danny don't hurt him."

"Shut up!" He yells and pushes you to the ground. This enrages Michael more.

"He's pollys son you bellend" You scream and Danny stops; then looks to Micheal; mumbling a 'fuck' and he hurried away.

You helped Michael onto his feet as you see the side of his head bleeding.

"Prick" You mutter in regards to Danny as you take Michael to the back room to get cleaned.

Putting some antiseptic, alcohol on his cut he winces and grabs your waist; pulling you into him. Looking down to Michael, he looks up and bites his lip. Your stomach explodes with butterflies and you lean down more, your noses touching each other's.

"Thank you" You whisper.

"Kiss me?" He stutters and you lean down and press your lips against his.

The two of your share a passionate kiss as you cling together. Your clothes and hair still wet, but you didn't let the sparks fade away. With each kiss they appeared ten times more.

You were head over heels for each other.

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