Michael Gray - 'Just About'

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"Michael stop" You giggle as he wraps his arm around you; pulling you closer to him. "They are going to ban me from nursing you"

"Let them" He groans as he places his forehead on your stomach; as his hands hold your waist. "I want you."

"Too bad" You wink, lifting his head up to face you. "I need to see my other patients. Not just you."

"I don't like sharing you" He huffs and you smirk; leaning down closer to him you press your lips on his soft ones.

The two of you keep kissing, his hands trailing further and further down, lifting up your nurses dress which makes you instantly pull back.

"Stop" You giggle and walks away from him, looking at his end of bed notes - writing things down. Meanwhile, Michael does not take his eyes off you.

You were very much aware of his staring and bite down on your lip - his stare making you feel nervous.

"Stop staring" You smile, still not looking up from the notes as you write down.

"I can't help but admire the girl I love" He smiles back and you hear the sound of a lighter going off. Looking up, you see him smoking a cigarette.

"You shouldn't be smoking in here Michael" You moan as he breathes out the smoke. "Put it away."

"You won't snitch." He smirks and you put your hands on your waist.

"Oh yeah?" You smirk seductively back. Walking over to him, you take the cigarette from his mouth and put it in your own. Breathing in, you slowly breathe out the smoke - trying to look good (which worked).

You put the cigarette out by chucking it out the window. Michael looked to you with wild eyes and groaned out as he tried to stand up to come towards you. Shaking your head you made him comfortable.

"You need to rest" You smiled and kissed his lips gently as you pulled down.

"I'm not tired" He lied but wanted to try and stay strong.

"You are Michael" You shake your head; smiling as he closes his eyes. As you turn your head, you see the gun there. Your body shivers with fear as you look to it, knowing how dangerous it was to be around the man you loved - but to you, it was so worth it.

"Tommy will be here soon" He whispers as his eyes are still closed.

"I know he will be, which is why you need sleep." You interject and walk towards the door. "I will let you have rest Micheal."

As you walk out the room, you see one of your colleagues look very scared as she walked past you; avoiding all eye contact. Frowning, you tried not to over think anything and continued with your job you were doing.

"She has been acting strange all day" Josie spoke as she came from behind you; looking towards Lara (the other nurse) "She said something like her boyfriend was coming in to visit."

"Who is her boyfriend?" You ask, being nosey. "I did not know she was taken."

"Nether did I" She shrugs and you fold your arms. "Apparently he is from America and came here a few days ago. She said their families know of each other."

"America?" You question and she nods her head. Alarm bells rang in your head, but you couldn't think of a reason as to why you should worry.

"Yes, He is Italian though" Josie walked towards the tap and poured some water to drink.

"Do you know his name?" You asked as your back was facing her.

"Luca?" She shrugs and your eyes widen in fear. "I am sure that's what she said to me."

"Fuck" You muttered and began to walk brushy towards Michaels room once more; having an very uneasy feeling about what was about to happen.

As you walked in, Lara had Michaels bag in her hands; the one in which held the gun inside. Michael shouted for her to give it back, but because of how weak his was - it was no use.

"Lara leave our patient alone" You snap as she glares to you, but also looks very scared. "Put his bag back."

"No, I can't" She shakes her head and before anyone else says anything. The doors of Michaels private room springs open harshly.

You jump and turn to see three man walking inside the room; guns held either side of their bodies as they walk closer - making you feel extremely intimidated by their aura.

"Hold her" One American voice spoke as they turned to you. Michael shout up and tried to get out of bed, but the man just pressed against his wound.

"Get off me" You snap as the man holds your hands behind your back.

"Stay still" He growls in your ear as his lips come closer to your ear.

"Luca what do you fucking want?" Michael questions and Luca just raises his gun to Michaels face - pointing it directly at the temple of his head.

Crying out in fear, you begin to panic. Michael looks to you and then to Luca. Fear and panic coarse's through your veins as you watch the man you love about to he shot in front of your very own eyes.

"You think I am going to kill you?" Luca asks with a smirk but Michael does not answer his question. Luca walked over to you and pointed the gun to your temple. "Or maybe I should kill her instead?"

"Fuck off" Michael seethed through gritted teeth.

"Last time my man was sent for you, you got lucky." Luca played with the gun and moved it away from your face. Inspecting it like a true sociopath. "Now... your luck's run out."

Michael glares to the man as he watches him take steps closer. Lara had left the room and you panicked more as he walked closer towards Michael at his weakest point.

"And tell your mother-" Luca whispered in Michaels ear; but loud enough so everyone in the room could still hear what was being said. "-that we have a deal."

Michael says nothing. But you knew he was thinking a thousand things to ask, but he did not want to come across even more weaker.

Luca turned to you and put a hand under your chin. Your eyes looked to his - so cold and empty. He shook his head and then walked over towards the back exit of the room to avoid anyone from the Blinders gang.

When your left alone and the door is shut. You ran over to Michael and hugged into him; he covered his body around you protectively as he looked towards the door and rested his chin on your head.

"What deal do Polly make?" You ask and Michael shrugs; shaking his head but kisses the top of your head lovingly.

"God I am so glad nothing happened to you." Michael breathes out and shakes his head.

Before anything else could be said. The door slammed open for the second time; making you jump in fear - but it only revealed the gang that ironically made you feel so incredibly safe.

"Michael? What happened, eh?" Tommy asked as he looked to you two. "What happened?"

"They heard you, er, heard you coming." You answers and Tommy nodded his head and looked to you with sympathetic eyes.

"The gun misfired." Michael added as he looked to Tommy. "They ran away."

Tommy sighed and ran a hand across his chin. Taking a deep breath in, he looked to the two of you again.

"You both okay?" He asked and you nodded your head.

"Just about" Michael muttered and hugged you into him once more.

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