Bonnie Gold - 'I Choose Her'

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"The fight is going to be so scary!" Your friend Elisa gasped as she folded the pile of clothes up. Meanwhile, you lay on her bed and with your hand on your stomach as you looked up.

"I am so excited" You breathed out a giggle as you looked to her; excited to see the match take place. "But I am also very nervous to see them beating the shite out of each other."

"That's boxing Y/N" She laughs and threw the last clothing item to the bed; putting the basket away. "But we should go, we will be late if you stay there all day."

"I am ready, I have just been waiting for you to hurry up!" You defend yourself; both of you chuckling as you walk out the door and ready to watch the fight.

You both made it to the small area it was happening at; finding your seat and waiting to meet up with the other girls. As you went to sit down, your belly made a funny noise - you were starving.

"Get some food!" Elisa scolded you, knowing full well you skipped lunch. You walked away, to the outside stands and saw the long cues of people, wanting to get food.

You sighed as you learnt against the wall of where the fight was taking place, waiting until the cues went down before you joined it.

"You seem to innocent to be at a fight" A man came beside you, making you perk up to look at him. He was looked about your age, incredibly handsome and had a happy face.

"And how would you know that?" You flirted; feeling a sudden surge of confidence.

"Touché" He smirked and then learnt closer to your ear. "But let's just say, I have a very good intuition."

"I wouldn't bet any money on it sir" You step to the side. "Good girls, are bad girls that haven't been caught."

"Well, I must say you are most different to other girls" he took a hand in his pocket; lighting a cigarette and offering you one - but you turned it down. You saw his hands and how beaten up he looked, but you did not think anything else of it - not wanting to look rude and noisy.

"And how would you know that?" You ask and he shrugs him shoulder; smirking at you in amusement as he breathes out the smoke.

"Intuition" He winks. "What is your name?"

"Y/N, and you?" You ask back, looking to him in an dreamily fashion. He goes to speak but is shortly pulled away by an older man; talking to him about something - but it was inaudible.

He walked away from you; turning his head back around soon after - watching you as he was made to walk away from you.

You got your food and got some snacks for Elisa, which you knew she would be grateful for. Sitting down beside her, she looked up to you. Meanwhile, all you kept thinking of was the man who had spoken to you.

"What took you so long?" She asked; but you didn't really concentrate on what she was saying to you and you just sat down beside her. "Hello? Earth to Y/N?"

"Yes" You shake your head; snapping you away from your thoughts. "It was a long cue and I got chatting with someone."

"Was that someone a boy?" She joked, thinking you were too shy to engage yourself in any situation with a boy.

"Yes, it was" You blush and she nearly choked on her food. Sitting forward, she looks to you in shock and you bite down on your lip.

"No way!" She squeals and you look around, telling her to be quiet and not make a huge deal about it. "But it is a huge deal, you spoke to a boy. You never do such thing."

"It is not that I don't want to." You laugh, slightly offended by her accusation of being afraid to speak to men. "It is that I have never been approached before and I am not exactly one to make a first move."

"Well, whatever the case." She began and munched on the popcorn. "I think it's marvellous!"

You rolled your eyes, laughing at the overexcited woman who munched away on the goodies. Sitting back, you watched around you and seeing everyone take a seat just as the fight begins. The both of you were lucky enough to have front row seats and you began to prepare yourself for the constant squirms through out the fight.

"Welcome ladies and gentleman!" The man shouted and everyone cheered; making you and Elisa laugh. "Are you ready to watch the fight of the season?"

"Yes!" You both cheered; laughing even more and actually having a really good time.

"Well then let's welcome out our A class fighters!" He excitedly screamed and all the men stood up and began to chant for their winner. "First we have in the right we have Mr Lucas Mann, weighing in at about 89kg!" The very big man came out all muscles and galore, he looked so incredibly strong. "Then in the left we have Mr Bonnie Gold, weighing in at 60kg!"

"He is going to eat that Bonnie guy alive!" Elisa gasped and you looked away from her to see the man you had been speaking too outside, come out of the left hand corner. Your eyes widened and you internally smacked yourself for being so naive and not knowing.

"That's the guy I was talking too!" You gasp and Elisa's eyes widen; just as wide as yours.

"Shut the back gate!" She squeals. "He is so dreamy!"

"Dreamy?" You laugh at her. "He is a boxer, I am not an expert but I can imagine it is not a 'dreamy' job Elisa. Besides I should have realised who he was, or what he did."

"Don't beat yourself up about it" She winks and Bonnie comes to the crowd, lifting his arms up and getting a giant cheer for him. "He must be better than we looks." Elisa mumbled as she looked to the crowd of men, who seemed to adore him.

As he looked to the front row, he saw you and his heart skipped a beat. You couldn't stop staring at him and you could feel your cheeks blushing vigorously as he continued to lock eyes with you. He gave you a cheeky wink, which made you blush even more - if that was at all possible.

"Right, so you know the tradition we have here." The man began, pulling you both away from each other's stare. "Pick a lady and whoever wins, gets the choice to take either picked lady out."

"I choose her!"


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