John Shelby - 'You fucking liar'

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"I cannot help but see her every time I sleep." Polly sighs to you as she leans her head against your shoulder.

"Maybe she is trying to see you Polly" You suggest. "Maybe it's a sign that you need to find your kids."

"You are right Y/N" she nods her head and takes a deep breath in; inhaling her cigarette smoke. "Maybe I should go to a median to see if she is still alive or not?"

"Whatever feels best Pol" You smile to show your support. "I am with you no matter what you do"

"Maybe we should go?" She bites her finger nails as she thinks long and hard. You hold her hand and she swallows hard; taking another deep breath in and nods her head. "I just have to do it Y/N. Maybe she is dead. I don't know but I have to know."

You both went to the median; going for moral support for Polly. All sitting at the table, you were joined by two other people at the table; the median herself too.

"Let's begin." She spoke to the people participating. "Hands on the table. Tonight we have three new pilgrims joining us. So, let's welcome them."

She looked to the two of you, Polly and yourself; then to the woman beside you.

"Starting with you." She points to the woman beside you both. "Who is it that you're seeking to reach?"

"My husband. He was taken six months ago by the influenza." She sniffles and all eyes are on Her. "I tried to reach him through Mrs Breach at Sparkhill but she kept getting his middle name wrong."

"Don't talk about Mrs Breach in this house." She snapped which made you jump back slightly. "She's an un-sanctified charlatan."

Polly and I tried to not smile at the old woman's hatred for competition.

"And you?" She points to Polly, who coughs slightly "Who do you seek?"

"Well, the truth Sorry, the truth is, I'm not even sure she's dead." Polly answered and sniffled; you out a hand on hers for support.

"So I came here to find out." She adds. "Er You see, my son and my daughter were taken from me when they were very small - taken by the parish authorities.
And I never knew what happened to them. But lately I've had a feeling.
Like, a feeling I can't put it into words.
And I keep having a dream. I see a pretty girl, about 18 years old. And she's standing across the street and she tells me she's passed over."

You look to Polly to see if she is okay and she lets a tear fall down.

"Now, my daughter would have been 18 this year. On May 15th. And this girl has dark eyes like mine. And she shouts and shouts. And she tells me she wants to talk to me because I'm her mother." She cries out to everyone. "Now, I don't even know what name they gave her after they stole her from me. But if she does want to say goodbye I thought this would be the place."

"You're wearing the Black Madonna." The woman points to the necklace Polly is wearing. "You're Gypsy?"

"The part of me that dreams is Gypsy." She answered the woman. "My maiden name is Shelby. So...perhaps you could do me first?"

"No! No! NO! No!" Polly screams as she runs out the place; with you chasing after her.

"Polly!" You call out to her, pulling her to your chest; hugging her as she screams in horror. "I am so sorry Polly."

She screams even more; falling to the ground and still holding her against your body as you fall to the floor.

"Polly it might not even be real" you try to console her thoughts of her child being dead. "Let's Get you home Polly, get some sleep"

You pick her up slightly and take her to her house; then into bed. Crying herself to sleep.


"John!" You called as you turned to face his direction upstairs. "I am going to the wash house."

"Okay love" He shouts back and you walk out the house.


"You know I had a Shelby come to me last night?" One woman spoke to another. You looked up to see the medians co worker from last night, who was at the table.

"Hey Y/N" Ada smiled as she placed her washing beside you.

"Ada sh" You hushed her as you listened.

"Did you?" The woman laughed as she washed the clothes. "I bet that was priceless to see. What did they want?"

"She wanted information about her daughter." She laughed. "Madam just made up some bullshit. She thought her daughter was dead. What doesn't know, won't hurt her. She is so naive. Complete -"

Before she could say another word. You stood up and began to fight the woman who had boasted about bullshitting Polly. You screamed in her face as she pulled onto your hair; hitting you as you hit her.

"How fucking dare you" You screamed in her face. "You lied about a fucking life. A life that has changed a woman."

"You crazy woman get off me." She screamed back but you did not let go and she kept hitting.

"You fucking lied" You shouted and she punched you straight in the chest; which winded you and you were gasping for breath. The woman straddled you and went to punch your face.

"It all a fake" She grimaced as she looked down to you.

"Fuck you" You gasp and then she is lifted from your body. Seeing John, he picks you up but you push him away; trying to get to her once more.

"John get off me" you scream as you try to attack her but she is being held back too. "John you do not fucking get it. Get off me!"

He put his hands either side of your face as he made you look to him to calm you down.

"John you don't get it" You cried into his chest. "She bullshitted Polly"

"Y/N love, what do you mean?" He asked confused.

"Polly had been having dreams about her daughter, so we went to a median who told her that she was dead" You hiccuped. "Then i over heard them saying they did it to get under a Shelby skin."

He held you tightly and picked you up; taking you away.

"Let me help you sweetheart" He whispered in your ear and took you away from her; calming you down instantly.

"I love you John Shelby" You say, completely exhausted.

"I love you too sweetheart" He kisses the side of your cheek.

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