John Shelby - 'Brothers nurse.'

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"The more you move, the more it will hurt" You huff as you watch your patient, the notorious Tommy Shelby, move out of the bed.

"That is what the pain killers are for." He groans as he winces; gripping his side as he sits on the end of the bed.

"You are going to pull the stitches out Mr Shelby." You shake your head as you walk over to him; lifting his hospital gown up to see his stitches, luckily, still intact.

"I am sure you have done a better job and it won't break me" He coughs, groaning out in pain once more as he looked to the ground.

"You are in pain" Pleading with the man, but it was no use. "Thomas Shelby please stay in bed!"

"Tommy listen you your nurse" Polly snaps as she comes in, making you jump as you turn towards them. You see Tommy's brothers Arthur, Finn and John walk behind Polly as she smiles to you.

"Yeah Tommy, stop being a stubborn twat" Arthur smacks his brothers back, not to hard but enough to give Tommy discomfort.

"I'll leave you be" You smile to them all, walking out - brushing past John as he looks to you as you go past him.

John says nothing, but admired how attractive you are to him. Blushing, you walk out of them room - shutting the door as you leave.

"Did you see the Shelbys go in?" Janet gasps as she leans on the desk in front of her; raising her eyebrows up and down. "God they are all so good looking"

"Janet!" You smack her playfully, laughing at the woman in front of you.

"They are dangerously good looking." She giggles. "If you know what I mean."

"Janet will you be quiet before they hear you" You grin back to her, but mean every word you say to her. The two of you burst into fits of laughter.

"Um excuse me, I don't know whether this is the in thing up here in Birmingham - but down in London, out girls show exemplary behaviour on the front desk." A mans posh voice snapped, making you go a deep red of embarrassment as you stop smiling.

"We are very sorry sir if we disturbed you" You muttered, meanwhile Janet was not having any of it; scoffing as you apologised.

"Little brats like you, need to behave more proper." He spits as he walks closer, intimidating you both. "You are in a profession where you should be respectful."

"Sir, not to be rude, but we were just laughing" Janet defends you both.

"Don't answer me back" He snaps and you jump slightly. "I want to speak to the matron."

"But sir why would you complain when we were only laughing?" You frown, not wanting to ruin your good reputation you already had in the hospital.

"You shouldn't be" He snaps and drags your arm; taking you towards where the matrons office was.

"Sir, please get off me" You calmly speak as you are forced to walk with him - due to you being dragged.

"Disrespectful" He mutters and you get more and more mad at the man.

"Sir I said get off me please!" You snap and stands still; ripping your hand away from his tight grasp.

"Sir, I believe the woman asked you to get off her" You hear a voice say; turning to see John standing there.

The mans eyes widen and he scurries away from you; letting your arm fully go back to your side. You look down to see your wrist red and you know it will be bruised later on.

"Thank you" You mutter as you brush over your wrist. Looking up to him, he pulls your arm gently so he can see what happened.

"You okay?" He asks as he sees your red wrist.

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