John Shelby - 'Secret Mission'

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"John, are you crazy?" You gasped as he pulled your hand, climbing into the home of the most richest man in Birmingham; on the outskirts of Small Heath. "We are going to get caught."

"We will, if you don't shut up" He snaps and you frown, annoyed that he was getting stress with you.

"Why we even here?" You huff, watching him climb into the window.

"They have something of my mother's." He speaks in an monotone voice, not showing a lot of emotion.

"Why do they have it?" You asked, looking up from the ledge underneath the window.

"Please Y/N, I will explain everything later." He sighs, running a hand through his hair; before reaching over and outstretching his hand, for you to take.

You obey his orders, grabbing his hand and he helps pull you up into the window. He grips your waist as he lands you onto the floor, making the floor creak when he lands you on the wooden floor. Lifting you back up immediately, so you both do not get caught, you wrapped your arms around him and your face was against his shoulders.

It went silent and there was no movement from anyone in the house stirring. John put you down and you both blush profusely at the close contact you both had. The two of you were best friends, but you both had small crushes on one another, but no one had admitted it yet.

"Come on" He whispers and opens the door as quietly as he could.

"What are we looking for?" You ask him, being careful to not be loud.

"I know where it is, but I want you to look out." He avoids the question, you assuming it was very personal and you nod your head - agreeing with no refusal.

"It's just in the room over there" he points and you nod your head again, following after him. "Stay here and let me know if you hear anything."

"Okay." You whispered, worrying that someone would hear you both. John turned around and opened the door silently, looking back to you before about to enter the room, but you grabbed his hand before he disappeared. "John, please hurry."

"I will sweetheart" He says, walking into the room. Leaving you happy at the pet name he gave you.

You stayed put and waited for him to get what he wanted; so you could both leave. Folding your arm, you kept your ears perked in case anyone in the house wondered about. It was silent and it made you feel more at ease, but you still wanted to leave.

"John, please hurry" You whispered, poking your head in the gap; unable to see in the room. "I want to go home."

John did not reply, which made you frown in confusion - maybe he didn't hear? Whatever the case, you stood still and continued to do as he asked.

"John, come on please!" You whispered again, after a few more minutes. "I want to leave here."

"Don't speak." You hear someone mutter, making your mind over think.

"John, I am going to come in." You frowned, walking into the room and looking around to see what was going on.

As you looked around, you saw John standing there; a gun to his head as he stood opposite you. The owner, Mr Hall, a man who was grumpy and nasty to everyone he met - especially those of a lower class.

"Shut up and close the door." Mr Hall snapped, but you followed so - doing as he asked immediately. "Now stand there."

"We only came to get something" You softly spoke, terrified that something was going to happen to John.

"Oh really?" He snarled, raising an eyebrow and John looked to you; quite clearly not wanting you to continue what you were going to say.

"Let him go" You demanded, shaking still and completely scared.

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