Thomas Shelby - '2nd Place'

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"I now pronounce you husband and wife" The priest smiled, as he looked to you and Tommy. You turned to Tommy, looking at your childhood sweetheart; knowing him since forever.

"This is the part where I kiss you in front of everyone, so they know you are mine and only mine." Tommy smirked as he looked down to you.

"Just shut up and kiss me." You teased, leaning up and pressing your lips on his - which startled him, but he kissed back very willingly.

Everyone cheered, as they watched you both walk down the aisle. They clapped and whistled, seeing the two of you, together in the eyes of the Lord, married till death do you part. It was long awaited, seeing as the two of you had been childhood lovers.

The first time you met Tommy, he was 8 and you were 5. The two of you used to play together and went to the same school as one another. You grew up together and you both stayed together during the war and when he came home. Let's just say, the two of you had an unbreakable bond. It was always just the two of you against everything. 


Many months later after you were married, you found out you were pregnant and went to the doctors to confirm Polly's prophecy! You gave birth to a beautiful baby boy - which you named after John (to always remember the Shelby brother.)

"Hello beautiful boy." You smiled, holding your child in your arms; placing a kiss on his head. "You are so cute."

John was only a year old and was still unable to communicate words with you. There were only a few things he could say.

"I have never seen a cuter baby." Ada gasped as she taped his nose. The two of you fused over how cute your child was - a regular occurrence for whoever saw John. He had been blessed with the Shelby good looks.

"He is pretty special." You grinned. "Oh Ada, I meant to say, have you picked up the balloons for the party tomorrow?"

"Shit no." She mumbled. "I forgot! Sorry!"

There was a party to celebrate John's first birthday. Ada had meant to get the balloons, while you arranged everything else. It stressed you out slightly, that she had forgotten, but you tried not to show your annoyance on your face.

"It is okay.' You smiled genuinely. "I can pop over tomorrow morning and get them."

"I am so sorry Y/N, it completely slipped my mind." She ranted on, but you laughed at her.

"Ada shut up." You grinned and she breathed out a sigh, smiling at you. "I just need you to be here tomorrow to help set things up."

"I promise I will do that." She laughed and you smiled. You were both interrupted by the sound of Tommy walking into the living room and seeing the three of you.

"Hey." He smiled, kissing the side of your head and hugging Ada. "Hello Mr." He smiled, looking to John as he picked him up.

John started to cry and you quickly took the child back in his arms.

"I probably need to feed him." You smiled and walked away with John, kissing the boys head to calm him down. "Shh John, calm down baby boy."

That night, you settled John in his cot and got into bed. Tommy looked to you as you got in, before going back and reading some paper work he held in his hands. You looked to your husband as he seemed spaced out.

"You okay my love?" You smiled as you got into bed, leaning your head on shoulder; looking up to him.

"Mhm." He mumbled, seeming to concentrate on whatever he was reading.

"How was work today?" You asked, making him put the papers down and turn to look at you.

"It was busy." He breathed out. "A lot of deals are going on. It stresses me out."

"You are going to make yourself sick Mr Shelby." You kissed the side of his head.

"Well, at least I have you to look after me." He breathed out seductively. "That will surely make me better instantly."

"You really are a flirt." You smirked. "Aren't you?"

"Only for my wife." He leant over you, putting a hand to your cheek.

"What else do you do for your wife?" You raised an eyebrow, biting down on your lip; thinking of the intimate times the two of you have had together. It had been a long time since the two of you shared an intimate moment with one another.

"I can show you if you want?" He smirked and went to go under the covers, but the sound of John crying filled your ears. You pushed Tommy off you and ran into his room, seeing your child crying after having a nightmare.

"It is okay baby." You breathed out. "Mummy is here."

Without you realising, Tommy had started to become more and more impatient and feeling left out. He was jealous of the time that you spent with John - even though he understood your reasons why, after all, he would move mountains for John. But he still was upset and hurt, about being pushed aside.


"Happy birthday to you!" Everyone cheered as they finished the song, clapping as you helped John blow out the candles on his cake.

"Do you want us to look after John tonight?" Polly smiled as she held onto the child. "So you and Tommy can have some alone time?"

"I will be able to cope." You smiled, declining her offer. Tommy overheard and spoke to Polly once she left your side.

You started to clean up as people started to leave.

"Where is John?" You asked Tommy as he walked into the kitchen. "Is he having his nap. I should probably go see if he is okay-"

"-He is with Polly." Tommy answered, and you frowned at him.

"What?" You huffed. "Tommy why?"

"I wanted some time alone." He breathed out and you shook your head.

"We spend time together." You argued, knowing deep in your heart that your husband was right.

"No we do not." He snapped, loosing his patience. "I love you Y/N, I really do. I love John to and I would do anything to protect him and care for him. But I can't keep feeling pushed out."

"Stop acting like a child Thomas." You snapped back.

"Why do you push my feeling aside." He strained out. "All I want is your attention on me for a minute! You cannot even do that!"

You stood still and looked to him.

"I didn't know that is how you felt." You mumbled, feeling awful for making him feel that way. "I am sorry Tom."

"Don't be sorry Y/N." He shook his head and brought you into him. "God, the last thing I want is for you to feel bad."

"I just want to be the best mother I can be." You sighed. "And the best wife."

"And you are sweetheart." He smiled and put both hands, either side of his face. "But I want some attention to you know?"

You breathed out a laugh as you looked up to your handsome husband.

"I love you." You pouted.

"I love you too." He smiled. "I always will."

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