Michael Gray - 'I want you back'

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"Y/N whats wrong?" Polly asked as you came in crying.

"I have to go Polly" You ignore her and she sees the bags beside your sides. "I am moving away."

"What?" She gasped and you bite down on your lip to stop the violent sobs overtake your body.

"My father, he found out that I was in the gang." You gasp. "He is making me move away Pol, I don't want too."

"Then don't go." She frowns and comes to you; wrapping an arm around your shoulders.

"I have too, he'd kill me Pol and Michael." You hiccup and she shakes her head, annoyed with your father.

"Then lets go see Michael." She suggests but you stay still, letting out a quick 'NO', which makes her turn around in confusion.

"He won't take it well Pol." You cry out. "He cannot know I have gone, until I am out of Birmingham. He will try and stop my father; which you and I both know won't turn out well."

She sighs but agrees at your will and kisses your cheek.

"Come back to us soon Y/N" She whispers and then you sniffle.

"I will come back Polly. When I have grown some courage to stand up to that bastard." You snap at your fathers decisions.

Picking up your belongings, you walk to the door and with one last look around the house, you start seeing all the memories you shared in the place.

"Tell Michael I love him" You squeak out and Polly nods her head. "I really do love him."

With that you were gone and started a new life in London. You had turned 18 this year and it had been 2 years since you left Birmingham; yet that didn't stop you from thinking about everything involved in your old home. All you wanted was to go back. To run away and go back to everyone, especially Michael.

"I want to move to Birmingham father" you tell him one morning over breakfast.

"What?" He chokes slightly and you roll your eyes.

"I am going to go back to Birmingham" You decide in your head; feeling so much courage. "I hate it her. I want to go back. I am an adult now, I am very capable."

He stood up and came over to you. You stood up and backed away, but he followed your footsteps; backing you in a corner.

"If you go there." He growls. "I never want to see your face again."

"Well then it seems I will never see you again" You snap back to him and with one swoop, his hand connects to your delicate cheek.

You look to him in shock; feeling the burn on your cheek. From then on, everything went into a blur, all you could remember was getting the next train to Small Heath; not caring about anything else.

As soon as you arrive into the small town, you walk around to try and find your bearings once more. Walking through the streets, you remember everything as you walk around the town. As you walked to the small pub on the corner, you see men being sick outside and with a bottle of whiskey in their hands. It was so loud that you could not think for a second. Walking into the bar, people turn and look to you; making you blush incredibly.

"Y/N?" I turn to see Finn calling out my name.

"Finn!" You gasp and hug him. He had grown a lot in the last couple years. "Oh god how you have grown. You are a young man now."

"How are you Y/N? You back?" He asks a million questions at once.

"I am back for good Finn" You grin and he looks to your cheek.

"What happened?" He asks and you put your hand to your cheek.

"My father did not exactly agree on my return here Finn." You explain and he shakes his head in annoyance.

"Michael won't be happy" He says and your heart flutters.

"He is here?" You ask nervously. Finn shakes his head no and that he will be here later on.

"He got a-" you begin but Finn cuts you off laughing.

"No Y/N he's been heartbroken since you left." He grins and then you see Michael walk in. Standing still; watching you for a few minutes before the rest of the family came in and happy on your return.

The whole night Michael did not speak to you and drank more and more as the night went on.

"It is good to have you back." Polly cheered and everyone raised their glasses in the air; all expect Michael. Everyone looked to him and he throw the glass to the wall; making you flinch.

"Michael" Polly snaps.

"Fuck off mum" He growls and walks out; following after him you call after him as he storms off.

"Michael stop!" You shout and he turns around.

"What!?" He yells and then you catch up to him.

"I am sorry!" You cry out to him and he laughs mockingly. "You have to believe me Michael. I bloody loved you and fuck I still do."

"You don't mean that" he stops you from saying more.

"Oh hell I do!" You argue back to him. "It broke me to leave you. It crushed me."

"Then why go?" He screams and then comes closer to you; seeing the mark on your cheek. "What happened?"

"I didn't want to Michael. He made me." You answer and ignore his last question.

"You didn't answer my question" He frowns and I look to the ground.

"Much like you right now, another person did not want me back here." You mumble and he sighs; hitting the car beside him.

"He fucking hit you?" He yells and you flinch at his anger.

"Stop Michael please." You beg him. "You are scaring me."

"God Y/N!" He sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"I thought you would be happy that I am back" You mutter.

"I used to want you back." He says and your heart drops.

You had hoped this wouldn't be the way, but you understood. But he slowly pushed you to the wall behind you.

"And fuck I want you back right now." He whisper seductively. "I have missed you so much Y/N you have no idea."

"Michael" You stutter and he slowly presses his lips to yours; bringing back all the emotions that were once shared.

You were more than happy to be back and so was Michael.

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