Alfie Solomons - 'Change 2'

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"You were dancing with him all night!" Ada laughs as the two of you walk down the street; you completely nonchalant to what she was saying - daydreaming about Alfie; reminiscing over the time you spent with each other the entire night and learning so much about him. "Y/N? Y/N?!"

"Hmm?" You hum and then coughs quietly. "Sorry, Yes?"

"You were dancing with him all night" She raises her eyebrows; making you blush with embarrassment.

"So?" You cannot help but smile as you carry on walking ahead.

"So?" She gasps and runs after you. "You were dancing with him night! You never laid your eyes on another man! Do you know how pissed Tommy will be?"

"Why does it concern him?" You frown as you stand still, offended by her remark.

"Don't get offended Y/N" She huffs as you place your hands on your hips. "I am just reminding you that Tommy will be pissed off."

"Tommy can be pissed off" you huff, rolling your eyes.

"You are so stubborn" She groans at you as she starts to walk away. "I'll meet you back at the hotel when you have actually calmed down and become a normal human."

You say nothing but watch her walk away. Huffing you quick the dirt on the side and shiver as the wind catches a chill on your neck; shivering, you cross your arms to your chest as you hear footsteps. Walking down the street, you take a wrong turn, walking down an alley way. The shadow follows you and you rush on ahead, starting to jog away from the person following you.

As you get to the end of the alley way, you hit into some and you look up to see Alfie looking down at your worried and scared face. You let out a huge sigh as you turn around to see a man lift off his hat to Alfie as he passes by.

Alfie's hands are placed on your waist as he protects you from the darkness that surrounded you both. Hugging into his chest, your heart stops beating so fast and you breathe normally.

"Hey, you are safe" he whispers as he kisses the top of your head.

"I know I am now." You whisper as you slowly look up to him.

"Y/N..." He whispers and you nod your head slowly; gulping as you run your tongue along your dry lip.

"Yes?" You whisper back to him, putting your hands to the back of his head.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this" He mutters and looks to your lips. You frown at him, hurt he would even mention it. Pulling back from him, you take a step back; shaking your head as you start to well up. "Hey, please don't cry"

"I am fine" You cough and wipe your eyes quickly.

"I just did not want to make you decide between me or your family." He speaks honestly.

"I can easily make that decision myself" You snap to him, shaking your head more in disbelief.

"Y/N-" He begins but you cut him off.

"Please don't say anything" you plead with him; putting your hand up. "I get it okay."

You turn your back to him as you walk back down the dark alley way; feeling him walk behind you.

"Y/N, please just listen to me" He groans and you roll your eyes as you carry on walking; just truthfully wanting him to kiss you.

"Look, if it was that much of a big deal before tonight." You walk backwards, looking to him. "Then why bother talking to me for the entire night? You messed badly with a girls head."

"I don't mean it like that" He defends himself and you stands still; crossing your arms in confusion.

"Expand..." you nicely demand as he walks around you, staying behind you.

"It is dangerous, of course it is." He begins and you keep a frown on your face. "But I want this kind of danger Y/N."

"Then why question it?" You question him as he places his hands on your waist, leaning down and kissing the bare skin on your neck.

"I just want you to be safe" He whispers in your ear and you body explodes with butterflies as you bite down on your lip.

"I feel the safest when I am with you" You truthfully say as you turn to look at him and He grins to you in return.

"Would I be wrong to kiss you right now?" He smirks and you shrug your shoulders, teasing him slightly.

"What, like right now?" You blush as you bite your lip.

"Preferably" He winks and then pulls you against his body as he presses his full, soft lips to yours; a kiss that was so strong and full of so much love and passion.

He grips your waist roughly as your body smash closer against each other. You hands run through his hair as you kiss him harder. He lifts you up and walks back; pushing your against the wall behind you.


"So Alfie are you willing to agree?" Tommy asks as you all sit around the table, discussing business.

"Yes Tommy" Alfie replies and looks to you as you sit in between your cousins Tommy and John.

You blush and smile as you look down to your meal; playing with your food as you feel his eyes on you once more. The two of you spent the night together and you can guess what happened. Ada apologised to you and the both of you were the only people who knew the secret that you and Alfie shared with each other - not wanting to tell anyone yet.

Both gangs were sat on a circular table, eating lunch at a small cafe in London. You and Alfie could not stop looking at each other the entire lunch time and no one caught on what was happening right in front of their very own eyes.

You catch eyes with Alfie and advert your eyes to your bathroom; hoping he got the message.

"I need the bathroom" you excuse yourself as you look to Alfie, who watches you walk away to the bathroom.

Moments later as you stand waiting for Alfie, you feel someone slide their hands around your waist and kissing your neck from behind.

"It kills me seeing you right under my nose and not acting like anything is going on" He groans and you smirk; turning and looking to his face - admiring him.

"Me too" You smile, being completely honest with the man.

"Kiss me sweetheart" He demanda and you press your lips to his familiar ones; never wanting your time with him to end.

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