Tommy Shelby - 'Who are you?'

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"This is it" Your smiled as she got to the entrance of the apartment. "Right next to me"

You looked to see where she was looking; seeing apartments were side by side, looking exactly the same as one another. They were both old looking buildings, with dark wooden doors to enter.

"You are the first one to the left" She smiled as she opened the door.

As you come walking in to see your door as soon as you get through the main entrance of the place.

"Nice" You smile as you get the key that was in your pocket. It had been sent to your house in Cambridge, a month before you were due to arrive.

As you turned the key, pushing the door slightly back, you saw a small and homely looking interior. "Wow"

"Nice isn't it?" Kitty grinned. "I was actually asked to design the apartment"

"You did an amazing job" You smiled, thankful for her tasteful interior designing.

"Thanks" Kitty blushed as she showed you around the house.

There were windows at the front of the apartment, that opened out onto the streets; making a mental note to yourself, You swore you would never open them too wide, wide enough so no one can get in. As she showed you around the bedroom, it was huge; much like the one at your old home.

"It really is amazing Kitty" You gushed as you placed my bag on my bed.

"I tried my best" She laughed as she stood there.

"You did more than that" You big her up more. "So, I am guessing you do this for a living?"

"No" She elongated. "I am not allowed to do that here. Women ain't supposed to do anything like that"

"Oh" You mumbled, feeling embarrassed that you even mentioned it.

"Don't worry about it" She comforted you. "I ain't worried. I work at a pub. The pub we passed earlier"

"The Garrison?" You asked as you looked to her.

"Yeah" She smiled. "That one, it sure does get busy at night. Some of the lads are a right pain in the ass"

"Do you need a pair of extra hands?" You grinned as she looked to you shocked. "Do not look to me like that. I need a job. I need the money"

"I don't think a little poshy like you would-"She stopped her sentence, looking you up and down. "Exactly fit in with that environment"

"Please Kitty" You begged. "I need the job"

She sighed and then looked to the clock that was in the house.

"Shite!" She yells and rushes out, grabbing your hand. "I'm gonna be late. Bugger their gonna be well pissed off with me. Now poshy, I will ask them if you can join in, but you gotta know that this is tough job"

"I know" you replied as you rushed after her, while she dragged you through the streets.

We rushed back through the side streets; finally getting to the pub.

"Harry, I brought an extra 'and" She yelled as she put on her apron.

"He ain't gonna be very happy about that Kitty" Harry groans as he comes out from behind, what looks like, a store room. "She looks to innocent. They'll bloody well tear her apart"

"They shall not" You snap, annoyed that he is acting as if you are not standing in front of him.

"Buggar me" He groans. "A bloody poshy as well. Come on Kitty what the fuck are you thinking?"

"I am not posh." You glare. "I can bloody well do the damn job! So sir, I suggest you hand me the apron before I take it myself."

"Well if you get hurt or upset." He began. "It ain't gonna be on me."

He handed you the apron and you put it around your waist. Kitty laughed at Harry as soon as you ripped the apron from his grasp.

"We open in 2 minutes" He looked to you. "You think you are ready?"

"As I shall ever be" You mumbled and then Kitty placed a hand on your shoulder.

"They ain't as bad as Harry is making 'em out to be "She reassured you. "They're just flirty."

"Oi poshy" Harry yelled to you as he started to pull a beer and drink it for his own pleasure. "What's ya name?"

"Y/N" I answered. "Y/N Y/L/N"

"Pretty name, for a pretty gal" He smirked and then walked to the door to open it.

You braced myself, thinking of the worse things that could happen. Would they touch you inappropriately? Would they try it on with you? Would they pay you to do things to them? You shook your head; wanting to get those awful thoughts out of your head.

"Open the doors Kitty" Harry ordered as he wiped the sides down.

Kitty walked to the front entrance and unlocked the doors, quickly stepping the side as the men came in like a herd of elephants.

"Pint of beer" One demanded as they leant against the desk. "You new 'ere?"

"Yes" You muttered as you handed his drink to him. "Money?" He handed you the correct change and walked off to his little group as you served the rest of the men.



"Beer sweetheart"

Was all you heard from the beginning your shift, all the way to the end of it. It was a busy shift; which you knew would be the case for every night.

"Who are you?" You heard a voice say as You collected the empty mugs from the tables.

"y/N" You replied as you turned around to face a young man, with blonde hair and a cap on his head.

"Who hired you?" He smirked.

"Harry" You mumbled walking past him, putting the empty mugs on the side.

"Well Y/N" He smirked more as he leant on the side. "I am –"

"John what the hell are you doing you focking idiot" You heard as you looked over his shoulder to see two men.

One had a funny moustache and looked a lot older than the rest of them. Your eyes slowly trailed to the other boy – the man with the bright blue eyes. His eyes were cold yet somewhere in them, you saw something you could not quite put your finger on.

"Lads" John laughed. "Welcome Y/N"

"It is nice to meet you Y/N" The blue eyed boy whispered to you.


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