Thomas Shelby - 'Titanic 2'

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"What have I told you about leaving your bedroom in the middle of the night?" Your mother snapped as she lectured you before you both went to breakfast; only assuming that Oliver had snitched on you. "You are a grown adult now, it is time you started acting like one."

You said nothing. Remaining quiet as you prayed for her constant ranting in your ear would come to an end eventually. She stopped talking and walked out of the room; leaving you feel relieved.

"Finally" You muttered aloud and walked out of the room; turning to go to breakfast. As you turned the corner, you smacked straight into someone.

Looking up, you see the man that you had meant last night. He smiled to you as you took a step back so you weren't so close to him; making you blush even more so.

"Good morning." You muttered, smiling as you tucked your hair behind your ear.

"This is a reoccurring event miss Y/L/N." Tommy smirked with his hands in his pockets.

"Maybe so Mr Shelby" You smirked back, holding your hands at the front of your body. He looked to you with happy eyes and took a deep breath in, before speaking to you.

"What are you doing for breakfast today?" He asks and your breathing catches slightly; looking back to the door and hearing the footsteps come closer.

"Nothing, lets go" You hurried him and pushed him down the stairs and onto the main deck; away from where your mother could possibly go.


The two of you talked for hours on end and ate breakfast on the edge of the ship. You both lost track of time and began to talk about everything; anything you could think off. Pouring your heart out with all of your troubles from your past life and the life you live right now.

It was now long past breakfast and going into the evening time, the sun was setting and the two of you did not have a care in the world at that precise moment.

"So, you are going to marry him?" He questions and you fold your arms; leaning against the metal bars.

"I have too, even though I would rather marry anyone else." You sighed and Tommy lit a cigarette; breathing out the smoke softly.

"You should stick up for yourself?" He suggests as the two of you look to each other.

"It's hard too, they just always shut you down." You shrug to him; lifting your arms on the metal bars. Tommy leans in closer to you; admiring your face as he look directly at you. "It's hard to do it, when you don't have the courage to do so. My life is so boring."

"Let me take you somewhere" He throws the cigarette over the ship; taking your hand and bringing you in his direction.

"Where are we going too?" You ask; following after him and still clasping his hand. He rushes past the people and you move closer to him, so you didn't get lost.

"You'll see" He smiles and you giggle as he pushes past the people; moving them out of his way. You did not have a care in the world and for a moment, you completely forgot about everything else that was worrying you.

As he raced down the stairs, you nearly tripped over one of them; making you fall slightly. Your heads moved so incredibly close to each other; your hands on his chest. You dared to moved closer as you stared at his lips. The ship stirred causing you to bash heads. In feeble attempt to get up, Tommy grabbed hold of your waist for support which made you internally scream.

"You're either really clumsy or you just like my company." He stifles a laugh. "Which is it?"

"I don't know Mr Shelby, whatever feeds your imagination." You laugh as he stared at you. "Go on, what happened to something 'really exciting'?"

"Come on then" He chuckles as you both continue to long journey towards the lower decks.

As you moved closer, the sound of music filled your ear; making you giddy with excitement, hoping that where Tommy was taking you, had something to do with the joyous music coming from all areas of the bottom deck.

"That is thrilling" You giggled as Tommy pulled you into the crowded room; surrounded by a lot of people dancing and drinking - having a merry old time.

You only imagined what your mother would be doing at this moment in time; probably sitting on her gold chair and talking about sewing or something pretentious.

"Dance with me" You shouted over the music; Tommy shaking his head as he looked to you, getting some drinks for the both of you.

"No" He smiles. "I don't dance."

"I can teach you" You battered your eyelashes. "Come on Tommy."

"Maybe after a few drinks?" He winked and you giggled; dancing away to the music played by the live band.

"Promise?" You grinned with happiness.

"I promise." He answered truthfully.

You danced all night and Tommy even kept his word; dancing with you for the remainder of the night. Everything in the world came to a stand still and the two of you did not care of class, or where each other came from. You both abided by the rules of love and did not care about anything that tried to stop it from happening.

"I am so tired" You breathed out a smile as you drank another beer.

"Alright sweetheart" Tommy laughs as he takes the beer off you. "That is enough of that for tonight."

"Tommy, I must say, this was a fabulous idea" You giggled and he said nothing but admired you once more. "I am glad I met you."

"And I too" He stutters, never experiencing this kind of passion towards someone that he had only known for a short space of time.

You yawned and began to become extremely tired. Tommy saw and moved closer to you; bending down to your ear.

"Let me take you to your room?" He asked. "You look tired."

"I would like that very much" you yawned again and followed Tommy out of the lower deck and back to the top; towards your room.

The two of you held hands as you walked along the open top deck, walking slowly back and not wanting the night to come to an end.

"I had fun tonight" You blurted out as you put your other hand on his lower arm, to be closer to him.

"As did I" Tommy added, looking down to you moving closer to him.

"I haven't had that much fun in my whole life." You honestly spoke and came to a stand still. "You really are incredible Mr Shelby."

"As are you Miss Y/L/N." He whispered and brushed your hair behind your ear; moving you slowly backwards - so your back was against the side of the ship.

"Tommy..." you whispered as his thumb touched your lips; teasing you slightly.

"Mhm" He let out; wanting to kiss you and nothing else.

"Would it be too much to ask, if you would-" you began to stutter but Tommy cut you off; knowing what you wanted.

His lips smashed against yours and the two of you began to feel the sparks fly sky high; knowing the great power you shared when you were together as one.

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