Finn Shelby - 'You've Got Nothing To Prove.'

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Ada told you to let yourself into her house, to wait for her to come back from the shops. The two of you were due to go out.

You knew the Shelby's well, due to you and Finn being a "thing." It was nothing official yet, but the two of you had undeniable chemistry.

"Don't let it get on your sisters couch!" You heard a male voice say, with the sound of wincing also filling your ears.

"Fuck." You heard the familiar sound of Finn cuss, as he sat down on the sofa. "Just fucking take it out."

"I need your cap." Aberama instructed and Finn handed his cap. Carefully he took out the blade and you caught the reflection of the sun in your eyes.

"Are you sure you know what you are doing?" Isaiah said, concerned as he looked down at the old man.

"I have done this many times before." He muttered, holding our Finns arm and inspecting it. "I know what I am doing." He looked up to Isaiah. "Hold onto his tightly, it will hurt."

"Take a swig of this." Isaiah instructed and handed over the bottle of gin to Finn, who took a massive guzzle.

"That's enough." Aberama frowned, taking the bottle off him. "You will make yourself dizzy."

"I don't care." Finn winced again. "Just get it out."

"Right hold still-" Aberama began and inched closely to the wound, about to pull it out, but you stopped him.

"What is going on?" You asked, making them jump and turn to you. "What the hell happened?"

"Finn got caught in a-" Isaiah was about to speak, but Finn cut him off.

"I can speak for myself." He snapped unintentionally at his friend. "It was an accident. We were getting this pimp and I got caught in the action of it all."

"Why do you get yourself involved!" You huffed, folding your arms.

"It's not the point." Finn argued, clutching his arm. "I need to get it out, so let the man do his job."

"You can't do it like that." You frowned. "It will get infected."

"Y/N, I am serious-" Finn began. "Let the man do it."

You stayed quiet, knowing he was in pain. Looking to the handsome man on the sofa, winching in pain, you inched closer and looked to see what Aberama was doing. Scrunching your nose up, the bullet was finally pulled out and placed in a small dish.

"Fetch me some clean cloth." You demanded, as you grabbed Finns arm. "And some vodka."

"What is the vodka for?" Finn asked.

"For cleaning the wound." You informed him, kneeling on the ground in front of him.

"You amaze me." He itched closer, leaning his head towards you.

"And you are drunk." You teased, looking up at him.

"I'm not drunk at all." He smirked, leaning in closer. "Kiss me."

"Are you sure you aren't?" You whispered back, unsure you could even find your voice.

"Just shut up and kiss me." He whispered back, pressing his lips on yours gently. Finn moved his hand, cupping your cheek gently as he brought you closer to him.

Going onto your knees, he pulled you in between his legs and kissed you harder and faster. Your hands moved his chest, as you pulled him closer to you.

"I couldn't find any vodka, but I found some -" Isaiah began, but saw the two of you extremely close to each other.

Pulling away from Finn quicker than lighting, you looked to the ground and fiddled with your dress. Finn had a smirk over him face, as he looked up to his friend.

"I will hand you these and be on my way." Isaiah winked, handing the bits you needed to clean Finns wound. "Have fun brother."

"Shut up Isaiah." You breathed out a laugh, making the two boys chuckle. Isaiah walked out, leaving just you and Finn.

"You going to come and give me another kiss?" Finn smiled, hoping you would.

"No-" You leaned up to him, brushing your nose against his. "I am going to make sure your wound is clean."

"Shame." Finn breathed out, watching you as you pulled away and held onto his arm gently.

"Does it hurt?" You asked him, putting some of the pure alcohol on some clean rags.

"Not as much." He shrugged, looking at the wound. "It's a dull ache."

"Well-" You began. "This is going to hurt."

"Give me a count down." He squinted, awaiting the pain.

"Give you a count down?" You teased. "What are you, six?"

"Just give me a count down." He huffed, closing his eyes.

"Fine." You smiled, putting the cloth near the wound.

"On three." He added.

"On three." You repeated. "One. Two-"

Instead of counting to three, you placed the cloth on his wound in two. It made him wince even more, at the shock of an earlier finish.

"You said on three!" He gasped, looking to you.

"I am sorry." You tried not to laugh at him. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Hmm." He playfully sighed. "You are trying not to laugh at me. I am sure you are enjoying it."

"Finn!" You let out a laugh, thinking how sweet he was being. "I am sorry. I really am."

"You know what would make it better?" He raised an eyebrow, his eyes gleaming.

"And what is that?" You smiled, then moved the cloth slightly to clean it.

"That if you gave me another kiss." His cheeky smile looked down at you, making you want to give in.

"I have to sort you out first Finn." You said, getting a bandage and carefully wrapping it around his arm.

For a moment you both stayed in silence and he watched you lovingly as you wrapped his arm securely, making sure it wouldn't come off, but loose enough to allow it to breath.

"Stop staring at me." You mumbled, blushing as you continued to feel his stare on you.

"I can't help it." He smiled, making you look up at him.

"Why?" You twitched your nose, smiling as you moved closer.

"Because I think you are beautiful." He breathed out, making you blush even more.

"Finn..." You breathed out, moving closer to him and feeling his nose on yours again.

"Be mine Y/N." He whispered. "I want you to be mine."

"I was always yours." You muttered. "And I always will be."

"Just kiss me." He begged, pulling you against him and nearly pressing your lips on his for the second time.

"What the fuck happened?" Ada shouted as she came in the room. Seeing you close to each other, she smirked and moved closer.

"It was just an accident." Finn muttered, knowing she would tell Tommy.

"Next time, don't get involved." She snapped. "You have her to think of now."

You blushed and looked up to Finn. He knew his sister was correct. All he needed was you and that made him more complete than anything.

"You haven't got anything to prove Finn." You breathed out, cupping his face. "Nothing to prove. Especially to me."

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