Bonnie Gold - 'Secret Engagement.'

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It was the Shelby masquerade ball, funding for the Shelby Orphanage. You were a fellow Shelby and was made to go to every event, to show the public how close you were as a family.

"I have to say-" Your sister Ada smiled as she came into the kitchen to see you sitting on the side, eating ice cream. "-I am not surprised to see you here."

"Is that supposed to hurt my feelings?" You frowned, sticking another spoonful in your mouth.

"What I am saying is Y/N-" She began as she came closer, taking the ice cream tub out of your hand. "-That you need to get ready for the ball."

"I don't even want to go." You sighed, putting the spoon on the side.

"I know why you don't want too." She breathed out, knowing about the relationship between you and Bonnie Gold.

Your brothers had forbid it, but you did not listen to them. Ada supported you, but did not like the idea of you being with a Gold. You knew they were just all trying to keep you safe.

"Just drop it." You huffed jumping down from the side, onto your feet. "I am going to get changed."

"You have 10 minutes before it starts." She called out as you walked away, making you roll your eyes.

Going into your room, you looked at the dress Tommy had bought for you, for the occasion. It was a red gown, that was around your body, but flew from the thigh down. You had a matching red ruby mask, that you tied around the back of your head.

Bonnie had proposed to you last night. A ring had been given, but you had not worn it in front of your family, afraid on what they may say. You knew Bonnie was understanding, so you decided to leave the ring off for the night, deciding to tell them another time.

"Ready?" You said to yourself, brushing down your dress. "I wonder if Bonnie will come."

Walking down the stairs, people had already began to arrive. Your hand slipped down the staircase slowly, as you continued to walk down. You looked around for Bonnie, but you were unable to see him anywhere.

"You look pretty." Prolly smiled, as you walked over to her.

"Thank you." You blushed, looking around the place.

"You expecting someone?" She questioned, having a gut feeling who you may be looking for.

"You ask me that question like you don't already know." You frowned, looking at your aunt.

"I wanted to see if you would-" She began but you cut her off.

"To see if I would have lied or not?" You glared slightly. "Why would I lie about the man I truly love?"

Polly stayed quiet and you took a deep breath in. Shaking your head in annoyance, you walked away and went to get a drink from the bar.

Taking the drink back in one hit, you reached out for another one, but a hand caught you half way before you could reach the glass. A familiar hand turned you around to face him and you new it was Bonnie.

"Why aren't you wearing the ring?" He sighed, looking at you sadly. You could see his sad eyes through his mask.

"Its a secret engagement for now." You mumbled, allowing him to continue to hold your hand.

"But why is it secret?" He began. "What do we have to hide? You promised me-" Bonnie leaned in, but you took a step back, looking to see if anyone else saw you both.

"Please Bonnie they'll see-" You blushed, tucking some hair behind your ear.

"Let them see-" He shrugged, pulling you into him. "It is an engagement not a crime. Y/N what are you afraid of?"

"Please let's not argue." You sighed. "Please pretend, you will understand in time."

"I will do it for you." He smiled and lifted your chin up to him.

"I want to kiss you." You confessed, looking at his soft lips, imagining them on yours.

"Then let me kiss you-" He began but you shook your head vigorously.

"Bonnie we have just spoken about it." You sighed, folding your arms.

"Then meet me in the gardens later?" He suggested, making you grin from ear to ear. "Is that a yes I hear?"

"Definitely Bonnie." You grinned, leaning up and kissing his cheek, before walking over to see Ada and her friends.

Later on that evening, you walked outside to see Bonnie leaning on the garden lamppost, watching you as you came closer to him. His mask was off and you were able to see his perfect features.

"I'm glad you could join me." He smirked, making you roll your eyes.

"You think I would miss seeing you?" You smirked back, putting your hands on his chest.

"I want to see your face." He breathed out, touching your lips with his thumb. "Take the mask off."

"Take it off for me." You teased, but meant every word you said. Bonnie smirked at your request and leaned in, turning you around quickly, so your back was facing him.

Reaching his hands up, he brushed your hair and pulled it to the side; leaving your neck exposed to the air. His fingers traced on your lower neck and worked up to your head, where he took off the mask.

With your back still faced to him, you felt him lean in and place a small kiss on your neck. Your heart was pounding and your whole body was going giddy for this man.

"Bonnie just kiss me." You stuttered, turning around quickly and looking up to him.

"Why should I kiss my fiancé then?" He sighed teasingly, his arms wrapping around your body.

"Because you love me and I'm addicted to your kisses." You flirted, leaning up and brushing your lips past his.

"Where my ring." He sighed and you frowned slightly.

"It's in my room-" You began to say, but he pulled out the ring as soon as you said so. "How did you get that?"

"I went to your room." He breathed out. "Now before you scold me and tell me off, put it on your finger and fucking kiss me."

"Yes fiancé." You grinned, blushing profusely but listening to your future husbands request.

Leaning up, you placed your lips on his and the two of you passionately kissed under the stars. As he pulled away, he picked you up in his arms and spun you around - making you laugh and squeal.

Meanwhile, Tommy and Polly were looking down on you both from the balcony; smiling at the both of you secretly.

"Let them be together Thomas." Your aunt begged him.

"You know why they can't Pol." He sighed, putting his hand to his head.

"No I don't know why." She snapped. "Look at them."

Bonnie kissed your lips once more and pushed you closer to him. You were madly in love and you knew, you shouldn't give a fuck who knew so.

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