Tommy Shelby - 'Charlie's Teacher'

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"Charlie please sit down before you get into trouble from the head teacher" You snapped gently to him; as he stood up when not asked to move.

"But miss-" He began and the teacher came into the classroom; seeing the boy standing there.

"What is this?" He snapped to you and Charlie.

"Charlie was just answering the question sir." You lies to protect him from having the cane as punishment. "Nothing to worry about."

He glared to the boy as he walked out of the classroom and the sound of the bell went off.

"Right class you can go home, but remember we have parents evening tonight to discuss your grades and subjects." You smiled as the class stood up and said goodbye to you; walking out the classroom you turn to see Mr Harding looking at you.

"Y/N please come in here" He calls to you as you enter his office. As you step in, He shuts the door behind you; standing super close to you.

"I was wondering whether you would like to go for a drink?" He asks but you shake your head no; politely declining.

"I am very busy" You smile as you go to walk out but his hands shut the door closed once more.

"Reconsider" He mumbles near your ear, he says and you move away even more.

"I am very busy Sir" You stutter even more and then pushes his slightly out the way to get out the room.

As you go into the classroom you start off the parents evening; talking with the children within your class at school. Lastly, you wait for Charlie's parents; the last parent of the night.

You sit there waiting for them to arrive; meanwhile, you start to tidy up the area around you.

"Miss "Y/L/N" You hear Charlie's voice call your name; turning around you see Charlie standing with his father - remembering that Charlie had no mother.

"Good evening Charlie" You smile and then shake his fathers hand. "Good evening sir"

"Good evening miss" He smiles back to you; which makes you blush slightly. "Alright Charlie, you go back off with your uncle"

"Alright dad" He smiles and then turns back to you both. "Be Nice to my favourite teacher"

"I paid him to say that" you joke with the father; who laughs at your joke. "So Mr Shelby"

"-Tommy" He smiles and you cough awkwardly.

"Tommy" you nervously said; knowing the background of the gentleman. "Your son is so incredibly intelligent. He causes a lot of mischief; but I can always manage to not get him caught to have the cane. Mr Shelby I do not believe in punishing kids in such a way."

He looked to you as you continued to speak quietly.

"He is such a great boy too and has the capability to be a star in whatever he path takes him" He looks to you in admiration as you continue to talk. "Mr Shelby he is a great kid, that's all I have to say."

"I am glad my son has taken your liking." He smiles as you lean your hand under your chin. "He surely likes you too"

"I am glad Mr Shelby" You smiled back to him as he looked to you.

He stared at you for a moment or two as he leaned in slightly.

"Miss Y/L/N I do not know why, but I feel very attracted to you" He whispered and your breathing hitched slightly.

"Neither do I Mr Shelby" You stutter as you cough; standing up and looking at the time.

A knock on the door goes off as you look to see Mr Harding calling your name to come to him.

"I am in a meeting sir" You mutter afraid of his reply, he said nothing and walked away.

You breathe aloud and very deeply; feeling a little shaken.

"Are you okay?" He asks and you shrug your shoulders.

"I am very stressed Mr Shelby" You smile sadly to him and he stands up, coming closer to you.

"Does he touch you?" He asked and you flushed bright red.

"Pardon me?" You ask in shock and he repeats himself to you.

"Does he touch you inappropriately?" He asked again and you stay still; not moving.

"He hasn't" You squeaked out. "Yet. That's what I am afraid of Mr Shelby."

"I won't let that happen" He put a hand on the wall behind you; trapping you in.

You frown slightly but feel a sudden urge to kiss the man who has made you feel so giddy in the last hour.

"Kiss me" He speaks softly to you.

"Mr Shelby" You stutter and you lean in; kissing his lips softly.

At first he is slightly shocked that you complied but kisses you back instantly. The kiss deepens as you run your fingers through his hair; kissing him harder.

He move right up against you; pushing you right up against the wall and hitching you up so your legs are wrapped around his waist. Pulling away slowly, you look to see Charlie standing there with Arthur beside him.

"Charlie" Tommy coughs and then you blush profusely; looking to the ground as the Shelby brother smirks to his younger brother.

"Miss Y/L/N I would not mind you being my mother" He sighs and everyone chuckles slightly.

"Way too soon Charlie" you laugh and then looks to Tommy who winks back at you.

"But you are the only person who is ever really nice to me." He sighs and Arthur ruffles his hair to shut him up.

"That's because I see the potential with you; as does your family Charlie." You grin to him and he hugs your waist.

"Can miss Y/L/N come for tea dad?" He asked Tommy and you laughed to him.

"Our of school Charlie it is Y/N but only when you are not at school and learning okay?" You smile and hold a pinky finger to him and he does the same; wrapping his finger around yours.

"Promise Y/N" He grinned and you looked up to Tommy.

"I guess some food would not hurt." You wink. "But maybe another time Charlie"
"Shame" tommy smirked and put a hand on your lower back. "I have the best idea for dessert."

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