Thomas Shelby - 'Cinderella'

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"No one will ever like you" Your stepsister snarled as she looked you up and down, giving you a dirty look of disgust.

You said nothing, allowing the comments to go right through you. Being always taught by your real mother and father, to be kind and compassionate to those around you.

"You are nothing but a lazy bitch, who doesn't deserve nothing." She added and smugly looked towards you, folding her arms in pleasure; thinking that had offended you.

"Anything." You corrected her. Her grammar not correct at all.

"What?" She frowns, confused. You tried not to think of bad words in reaction to this. How could she be so stupid?

"You said nothing, when you should of said anything." You answered and her mouth gasped open in embarrassment.

"How dare you" You step mother screamed as she stood at the door of the front room.

"Mother, she was being cruel and unkind again!" Mellody faked a smile and you frowned, not believing the nastiness from the woman.

"Y/N, I swear to god-" Your stepmother began and raised her hand at you.

"I did not do anything-" You stuttered and her hand collided with your cheek; the force sending you too the ground.

"Now, go and clean up something!" She screams and drags the girls out, slamming the door shut and leaves you in a pile on the floor.

"I hate it here" You cried and curled up in a tighter ball.

"Psst Y/N!" You heard your name being called. Turning around, you saw Tommy, your best friend standing at the window. "Let me in"

"I can't" You quickly wiped your tears. "They will see you."

Standing up, you went to the window and leant on the side. Tommy saw you had been crying and his heart instantly broke. He cared about you, in more than a friendship way. Tommy just wanted to pick you up and carry you away far away from the people you stayed with.

"Why have you been crying?" He asked and you turned your head so he could not see the tears - trying to hide the truth.

"I haven't been" you lied, not wanting to have any attention from it.

"Don't lie to me Y/N" He says and pulls your chin with his hands, softly back to face him. Looking up to him innocently, he smiled softly at you.

"I hate them" You mumbled, and teared up more. "I want to get away from here."

Tommy knew he needed to get you out. This was the fuel added to the much brewing fire. He hated seeing you upset and decided he could not longer see you upset because of them.

"Then you will" He plainly says and you frown in confusion.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"Tonight, you will leave this house and never have to return." He says and you shake your head in disbelief.

"I can't Tommy" You mumbled. "They will ruin the house that my mother and father built, I cannot do that-"

"-what matters more Y/N" He interrupted, putting his hands on either side of your face. "The house or your well-being. If you stay here any longer, it will kill you and I won't let that happen."

You both stared at each other. Tommy did not realise how close in proximity you were to each other but you did. Smiling slightly, you looked down to his lips. Tommy did the same and his eyes covered over with lust.

He went to lean in but the sound of the door opening turned you back around. Tommy ducked and was not seen.

"What are you doing!" Your stepmother screamed and walked close to you. "I told you to tidy, not stand out the window!"

She storms past and slams the window shut. Your heart pounding, you stand still and allow the abuse to come your way.

"You are a lazy bitch!" She screams and slaps you, the force sending you to the floor. "Now get on with your work!"

She slammed the door shut once more and that was your answer to your question: You needed to get out of here - now!


It was dark and you were unsure whether Tommy was going to come or not. You did not know what to do. Your stepmother had brought over her love interest, more like sex interest. He was a creep and it made your skin crawl.

"Y/N, come here" He said, walking into the room as you scurried away to the corner.

"No" You squeaked out, afraid of what he was going to do.

"What did you say to me?" He yells and you look to the window, wanting to jump out but he quickly shut it.

"Go away from me!" You screamed and tried to run, but he pulled you back. "Let me go!"

"Thomas?" Your stepmother frowned as she came in.

"She came onto me." He lies and you shook your head, scoffing at the lies.

"No I didn't" you cried out.

"You whore!" She screamed and came closer, smacking you around the face and kicking you in the stomach. He ring on her finger, cut your cheek and you yelped out in pain.

"Leave her" Thomas said and looked to you. "I will deal with her later."

They both walked out the door, leaving you in a pile. You knew enough was enough, you could not stay here any longer. Standing up, you looked to the window, climbing out and running to find Tommy.

Running through the streets, you frantically thought of where Tommy could be. You went to the pub, thinking he might be there. Walking in, you pushed past people and searched.

"Tommy" You mumbled, knowing he could not hear you at all.

"Y/N?" You hear the familiar voice call out to you. Turning around, you looked to him and he rushed over instantly; pulling you in his arms and putting his jacket over you.

"I don't want to go back" You hiccuped. "Take me away Tommy."

Tommy took you to his new house, a huge mansion that was such a slap in the face to you. He calmed you down and you showered, changing into a nightdress and coverup.

Walking downstairs, you saw Tommy in his office. Knocking on the door, you went in and he put down the piece of paper - his work load was huge.

"Hey, you okay?" He asks, standing up and sitting on the edge of his desk.

"Yeah" You breathe out. "I just wanted to say thank you."

"Don't thank you sweetheart" He shakes his head with a smile, putting his hands in his pockets.

"But I do, you saved me Tommy and gave me the courage to leave" You confessed and walked closer to him.

"Y/N-" He began but you cut him off.

"Listen Tommy," you began and he shut up, listening intently. "You mean a lot to me Tommy and I really do appreciate everything-"

"Shut up talking Y/N" He says and pulls you against him; smacking his lips against yours.

The two of you keep kissing each other and you can guess what happened next. Let's just say, the office was one of the many places ticked off the list!

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