John Shelby - 'Teachers Daughter'

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John and you had a strange relationship, you were best friends but you had so much feelings towards one another. Your mother used to teach him when he was younger and in your classes at school - sometimes after school too for extra tuition. You both got on like a house on fire and yet none of you pushed to make anything happen. Both of you were way too stubborn to admit each other's feeling to one another.

"Hey Y/N" Arthur smiled as you sat on the bench opposite the docks.

"Arthur!" You smile to him as he sits beside you. "How are you?"

"I'm good thanks love" He smiles and then lights a cigarette and offers you one, but you shake your head no. "What you reading?"

"Just a book I picked up from the library." You answer simply. "What you doing here?"

"Waiting for John and Tommy" He breathes out the smoke. Your heart flutters when he mentions Johns name and you blush slightly.

"How is he- I mean how are they?" You stutter and Arthur laughs at you; making you blush even more.

"John is fine-" He begins but the sound of gunshots go off and you turn to see Tommy and John coming over to Arthur. You stand up and John panics when he sees you.

"Y/N you need to get out of here" He begins but you shake your head no. "Y/N fucking go now!"

"She is not going anywhere" The man smirked as he came to the boys. "So stay there or I will shoot John's brains out."

Your body freezes and you want nothing more than to run to John to keep you safe from the psycho in front of you. Just as your thoughts go crazy, you feel a hand brush past yours; looking to see John soothing your mind.

His thumb rubs against the back of your hand as you breathe normally.

"I'll get you out of here Y/N" he whispers and you nod your head.

"Don't do anything to put you in danger John." You whisper back as the man concentrates on Tommy. "I don't know what I would do with myself if I knew you were hurt because of me."

"Don't worry about me" He smiles as you look up to him.

"I can't help it." You stutter as you blush up to him. "I care about you a lot."

"God Y/N I want to kiss you right now" He looks to your lips and you bite down on it.

"Not the right time John" you tease and then remember the intensity of the moment right now. Wrong place and wrong time.

"John" Tommy whispers as the man turns away. "When I say go, protect her."

You stand there and your heart beats more; John coming closer to you and pulling you into his chest.

The sound of bullets go off and Tommy shouting go fills my ears; John pushing you up against him and completely indulging you into his body. One more shot goes off and you jump each time you hear it. John kisses the top of your head and whispers sweet things in your ear to calm you down.

"Y/N listen to my voice and nothing else" He whispers in your ear; giving you goosebumps. "I think you are the most gorgeous girl I have ever met. You are so intelligent and have such a good heart."

"John" You whisper as you look up.

"I haven't finished" He smiles as he interrupts you. "I want to be with you Y/N. You think you could do that? Do you think you could be with me?"

"Yes John" You whisper and then he leans down; kissing you slowly. His lips against your just makes your body cave into his; making you feel goodly weak at the knees.

"It's all okay" You hear the sound of Arthur's voice; telling you both it was finally over. But you both did not listen, you were too busy with your lips against each other's.

John picked you up and brought you against a tree as he kissed your neck. You moan in pleasure as he leaves a small mark on your neck.

"John" You whisper in pleasure once more as he bites again.

"I just want to mark what is mine" He smirks as he looks to you; leaning his forehead against yours.

"I am yours John." You grin from ear to ear. "Always yours and no one else's"

He pulls away and looks to you in the eye; kissing you once again.

"My father and mother will be wondering who gave me such marks John Shelby" You giggle as he pulls away; looking back at you once more.

He brushes the hair from your face and his thumb rubs against your cheek softly. You smirked to the boy in front of you and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't mind them knowing." He smiles and you bite your lip down to control your enormous grin.

"You will when they try to murder you Mr Shelby" you tease yet mean every single word.

"Mrs Y/L/N loves me." He smirks and steps back. "I am her favourite student ever."

"You were a pain John and you know it" You giggle and he grabs you by the waist; spinning you around.

"Yet you keep me from being a pain" He flirts and you smile softly too him.

"You are the nicest pain I have met" You whisper to him and he leans in; bringing his lips to your ear.

"Nice is a boring word" He laughs and you gasp in humour.

"Mr Shelby actually listened to his teacher?" You fake gasp; in shock that he paid any attention in class.

"Yeah well that was the only thing I remember" He pulls you closer to him - if that was at all possible. "I was just distracted by certain people in the class."

"You are a nothing but a big flirt" You giggle and put your hands on his chest.

"But you love it" He smirks and kisses you once more; gently.

"Oh I do John Shelby." You smile on his lips. "I really do."

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