Michael Gray - 'Shit always happens when you are around'

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"Don't touch me" You growl, as you look up to see Michael.

"Why do you hate me so much?" He asks, frowning.

"Because every time I am near you." You begin, walking to place drinks on the tables for the gentleman; him following you behind. "Something shit happens and I always get hurt in some way!"

"What are you talking about?" He huffs, rolling his eyes.

"Your family is trouble" You snap; placing the glasses in the sink to wash up later. "You are trouble Michael!"

"Trouble never hurt anyone" he pushes and you roll your eyes at him; shoving him out the way.

"It does when it puts the people you care about in danger" You snap and he pulls your arm back so you face him.

"Please give me a chance" He begs and you shake your head no, trying to get out of his grip as new customers came in wanting a drink.

"No Michael" You let a tear go, shaking your head even more as you wipes it away for you. "I have to get back to work."

"Do you still care about me?" He asks and you stare at him, not seeming to blink.

"Of course I fucking do" You huff in annoyance. "More than I should. Now let me get back to my job and work."

"Meet me tonight?" He asks and you bite down on your lip; your brain telling yourself not to give in and refuse to go with him. But your heart said otherwise, screaming at you to let him have a chance.

"Fine" you huff to him. "Pick me up at 8, when I have finished my shift."

"Thank you." He smiles and kisses your cheek before leaving you alone to do your job.

Michael and your relationship had been up and down. You both cared for each other so much but you were scared of the life he lived. It was not so much his fault, the reason was the people that would manipulate and hurt everyone you know.

Everyone knew everyone in the busy town of small heath, so there was no hiding or lying to others; as they would just find out. Secrets escaped people's mouths before you could even process what was going on. You were afraid Micheal would get hurt in anyway by being in the gang - even though you both argued like cat and dog, the two of you got on like a house on fire; nothing could stop the two of you when you were together - but that wouldn't be the case for the rest of your lives together.

The two of you spoke about marriage and it was on the cards but it was not being placed down anytime soon.

"If you just clean up the stuff ready for Margots shift Y/N" Your bossed said to you as you clean down the side. "Then you can go."

"Thank you" You smile and clean the side as quickly as you can; before quickly grabbing your jacket and leaving the pub.

As you wait outside the pub, you wait for Michael, expecting him to be there before you finished. You waited for a while, hoping and praying something bad would not happen to you or Michael as you waited there.

Sounds seemed to heightened as you listen intently, constantly looking around the place for Michael; trying to see if he would come at all. A sound goes off as you look to see a empty canister fall on its side.

"Hello?" You frown as you turn to see no one there. "Is anyone there?"

You look around and see Michael on the ground, a gag wrapped around his mouth as his hands were behind his back.

"Oh my god!" You gasped and went to rush to him. "Michael"

You bend down to help him but you are quickly pulled away.

"Get off me" You scream out as the dark figures hidden by the night pull you away. "Stop!"

"Shut up!" One growls in your ear, making your body go stiff in shock. "Or we will hurt your precious man."

"Fuck you" You seethed through gritted teeth. He shoves you to the ground and opposite Michael.

They pull Michael's head up so he is looking up to the gangsters looking above you both.

"You pass on the message to your cousins that the Americans are in town" He sneers and then presses down on the open wound they had given Michael before you came. "Beware. We are watching you from everywhere."

He turns to you and you refuse to look to him; watching your boyfriend as he tried to control his pain. You could not help but feel so guilty as you watched Michael whimper in pain. You should not have argued with him before, it made you feel more terrible as you watched him.

"Let them go" The American instructed his people; allowing you to finally get to Michael and help him.

They disappeared and left the two of you alone. You took off your cardigan and placed it on his wound.

"Michael keep your eyes open" You beg him and he nods his head.

"I am fine, just bleeding." He groans and you help him to his feet; keeping your hands on his wound and using your body as support.

"Lets get you to your mothers" You sigh as you walk him across the other side of town and knock on the door.

As you wait there, Michael starts to go pale and his body seems to go limp. You cried out for help and the door suddenly opened to see John standing there.

"Help me" You beg and he helps Michael in, placing him on one of the beds downstairs as Esme called the doctor to come.


"What happened?" Polly asks as you watch a sleeping Michael, finally cleaned up and not in as much pain.

"It was the Americans" You stutter as you brush a hand over your sore wrists; seeing they were all red and swollen. "They wanted to warn the gang that they were watching and to beware."

"Look, I know you find the gang too intense-" She begins but you frown to her and look to her with a sarcastic smile.

"Polly it is not that" You breathe out. "It is so dangerous. I love him more than anything and being in the gang does shit like that to him."

"We can protect you" She begs and you watch Michael; holding his hand and brushing a finger up and down his hand.

"I want him safe" You whisper and let a tear go.

"He is safe with you" She kisses the top of your head and leaves the both of you to rest.

You watch Michael and kisses his hand softly, looking down to him.

"See Michael" you tease him as you grin. "I told you shit always happens when you are around."

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