Alfie Solomons - 'Unkept Promises'

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Alfie had been making the same promise over and over again when it came to slowly stepping down from the gang. After you gave birth to another little boy, Alfie had sworn to take a step back and allow someone else to lead the people of the gang.

Four years later, the same promise was still being messed around by your husband and you no longer believed in his lies. You watched you husband wake up every morning and go to work, creeping out because he thought you were asleep - or maybe to be sneaky so you didn't "catch him."

"Mummy, where is daddy?" Your son Leo asked as he leans against the chair; eating his breakfast.

"He is a work baby" You answer as you go to the stairs; yelling your other son to come down. "Frank, breakfast is ready. Come down."

Leo was 5 years old, a very smart boy but very sensitive when around others; he was very shy and a complete mummy's boy. Frank was 12 and going through a difficult pre teenager stage, making your life a lot harder to deal with. He seemed to separate himself from everyone and it panicked you.

"Frank!" You yell once more, but no reply comes from his room. Turning back around to Leo, you sit beside him, giving up.

"Mummy, Frank was not in his bedroom this morning." Leo gasps, not really understanding. Your ears perk up and you rush upstairs to try and find your older son.

"Frank!" You yell more as you go into his room to see him not there. Panicking, you rush out into the front of the house, looking around for him but he was no where to be seen.

Rushing back into the house, you saw Leo standing there; tears in his eyes as he looked to you innocently and for that moment, you knew this had to end now. Putting on his coat, you give him a big kiss and pick him up as you walk out the house; trying to find his older brother.

In some ways, people thought you were insane because you knew that Frank was okay - unless you convinced yourself, not thinking of other options. Walking along the lane, you turn the corner to see a group of boys gossiping.

"Hey, you boys" You called out and they turned to look at you. "Where is Frank?"

"Oh shit." The young boy gasps and you frown at him in shock. "Your Franks mum ain't ya?"

"I am" You sternly speak; controlling your nerve to scold the young man for cursing. "Now where is He please?"

"He is down by the docks mam" He answers promptly and you walk away; thanking him as you walk with your younger son still in your arms.

"Mummy, is Frank in trouble?" He sweetly asked and you winked to him; saying nothing else.

"Don't worry about that sweetheart" you kiss the side of his head; walking to the docks to find your son smoking a cigarette and pushing a younger boy back in an act of superiority.

Fury raced through your veins as you saw your own son smoking and picky on a boy half his age. You walked closer and everyone gasped as you grabbed your sons arm; saying nothing but dragging his arm as he is pulled away.


You stay awake until the early hours of the morning, waiting for your husband to come back home. Tears fell down your cheek as you thought about the life that your sons could have had.

The door opened as you lay your head in between your hands. Alfie walks into the house and sees you looking defeated.

"What happened?" He asked as he sat down beside you.

"I cannot do this anymore" You squeak out, looking at Alfie with tears in your eyes and he looks scared at you.

"What?" He breathes out as he stares intently at you. "What are you talking about sweetheart?" Alfie placed a hand on your cheek; bringing you closer to him.

"Alfie, I found your son fucking smoking and picking on a little six year old kid!" You whisper yell. "That is fucked up!"

"What?" He snaps angrily; not aiming him at you.

"Because of your fucking gang, our son." You try not to scream. "Our son is out doing the same shit that you fucking do."

He comes closer but you push him back in anger; getting so mad that your whole body seems to go into a rage.

"Because of a broken promise you could not fucking keep, I am having to deal with the after affects from our own fucking son!" You scream and then hear the sound of small footsteps coming towards you; making your head snap to see Leo standing there.

"Mummy" He rubs his eyes and sees Alfie there. He runs to Alfie and jumps into his fathers arms in happiness. "Daddy you are home! But why are you shouting?"

"We aren't baby boy" You answer and he gives you a 'I am not stupid look' - definitely something he has learnt from you. "Mummy and daddy are talking."

"Very loudly" He gasps and covers his ears.

"We are very sorry" Alfie laughs and looks to you; smiling widely. You start to tear up as you look to see the happiness that could be in your life everyday if that Alfie was there more often to see his kids.

"Go to bed mr" You hear Alfie say to him as Leo runs to his room and shuts the door. Tears fall down your cheek gently as you stare off into the corner of the room; Alfie coming behind you and turn you around into his chest; enveloping you in a hug. "I am sorry sweetheart."

"I don't want you apology's anymore Alf" You sigh as you look up to him. "I want you to keep your promises and stop with all the gang shit."

"I will change Y/N" he breathes out and you furrow your eyebrows. "I promise I won't break anymore promises I make to you. I love you darling and I am really sorry."

"It's best for our children Alfie" You sigh and he agrees with a nod of the head. Thinking about what Frank had done, you shake your head in disgust.

"You wait till I see him tomorrow" Alfie kisses your lips gently.

"Oh, you should have seen his face" you smile in amusement. "I told him, 'you wait until your father hears about this' and the child's face when as pale as a new white cloth."

"Authority" He winks and then kisses your lips gently again, before deepening the kiss as you both console with each other after an emotional day.

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