Tommy Shelby - 'Go to hell'

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You are with Tommy and it's their orphanage opening. The after party is going great but you can see Tommy is stressed out a lot.

"Charlie" You hush your small child as he starts to cry.

"Charlie boy" Tommy smiles as he comes to the two of you; wrapping an arm around you as he rubbed Charlie's hand. "How are you?"

"I am good Tommy. Are you okay? It's You I am worried about"

"I am fine sweetheart" He mumbles to you and kisses your cheek; then your lips softly and quickly. Charlie keeps crying and Tommy takes him from your arms to give you a break.

"Oh Mr Shelby!" One of the woman call out to your husband.

"Yes!" He smiled to them, which made you bite down on your lip; making you realise how much you care for this man.

"Oh!" One woman cooed "Your little boy looks so much like you."

"Yes." He smiles and looks to Charlie as the women forget you are there. "He's a little rascal, isn't he?!"

"Mr Shelby, would it be too inconvenient to steal you for a moment?" Another group of ladies called; making you still completely jealous that his attention was elsewhere, but you tried not to make it obvious.

"No." He replied; clearly stressed. Charlie still crying; you go over and pick up Charlie trying to calm him down but he keeps screaming out for Tommy.

"No?" They gasp with a frown.

"No inconvenience at all." He smiles and they grinned back to him.

Tommy begins to walk away but Charlie keeps screaming. He turns around and walks back to you

"Tommy, I'm sorry." You sigh and he kisses your lips. "He wants you."

"Aw! Come here, Charlie." He cooed to his son and kissed his cheek.

"Oh, little boy! So lovely to see a man willing to hold his child in public." One woman gasped in awe and it made you chuckle a lot.

"From the members of Moseley War Widows' Institute made by Mr Winslow himself of Winslow Castings." They hand him a present, a 3D horse.

"Look at that!" He gasps to show Charlie who stops crying slightly. You watch from afar at Tommy trying to keep composed and interested.

"From a photograph of your horse that ran at the Derby." A small old woman grinned; as if she was a fan of the Shelby boy.

"Oh, that is very kind." Tommy replied smiling. "Thank you very much."

"How is it going?" John asks as he stands beside you.

"Everyone wants him today." You smile softly. "I am having to share my husband."

"He is a wanted man" He laughs and lights a cigarette. "Charlie seems very unsettled today"

"I do not know what is wrong with him" You frown and he shrugs his shoulders. "I just do not have a good feeling John."

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I just have an off feeling." You begin to question; trusting your gut. "Have you got any business today?"

"Nothing that I am aware of" He answers honestly.

"That worries me even more" You mutter and see Charlie causing a fuss again. Walking over to Tommy, he hands you Charlie.

"This must be your wife?" One looks you up and down; making you feel quite awkward.

"Yes this is my beautiful wife, Y/N" Tommy kissed the side of your head.

"She is wonderful!" They smile and Charlie keeps crying; then ends up being sick all over your dress and his outfit.

"Oh goodness me" one of the women cry out. You look to Tommy and then excuse yourself.

"I need to change him and myself" You smile. "It was nice to meet you"

"You want me to change him?" Tommy asks and you shake your head no.

"I need to change too, don't worry Tommy" You kiss his lips as you walk away outside to change your son.

"Oh Charlie, baby boy stop crying for mummy" You rock him as you finally changed him and yourself.

"Charlie" you beg him to stop. "Please stop crying"

Before you could say anything else, you heard a freak of the floorboard. Turning around quickly, you expect to see Tommy looking at you.

But it was not Tommy.

"Who are you?" You ask cautiously.

"No one you need to know" He smirks and before you know it, you are being dragged out of the room and ripped apart from Charlie.

Shouting and screaming, you are dragged down the stairs; seeing your son behind you and being carried.

One man, who is carrying you, puts you on your feet.

"Scream and we will kill him" He growled in your ear; referring to Charlie. Letting out a sob, you kept quiet.

"Y/N?" You hear your husband call for you, which made you internally scream out for him.

"Tommy there are men taking her in the car now!" You hear Ada shout to him as you are pushed into the car; driving away in a separate car to your son.

"Charlie" You cry out and then a man glares at you. Suddenly you car pulled over and a man, who you recognised came into the car.

"Father Hughes" you snap.

"Ah Y/N it is always nice to you" He holds your chin to face him.

"Fuck you" You growled back to him and he laughs.

"I suggest you stop fighting us Y/N, or Charlie will just have to-" He began and then looked outside to see the baby in a man hands; holding a gun to his head.

"No!" You screamed and spat in his face. "Go to hell. Give me my baby back! please I will do anything"

He sipped his face as Charlie was brought to sit on the fathers lap.

"I know what you do to little boys" You growl to him. "If you dare lay a finger on that little boy, I will kill you myself."

"Don't need Tommy to do that?" He smirks as he strokes Charlie's hair.

"I won't be as brutal as Tommy" You snap and then the car drives away.

"I guess we might have to see" He teases to get under your skin - which works entirely.

"God Tommy" You whisper. "Come save us"

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