John Shelby - 'It ain't fair'

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"It will be nice to be home" You sigh as you lean your head against the window of the train; feeling as though you are talking to yourself even though your husband is sat right in front of you. "Darling have you ever been to Birmingham?"

"No" He answers, still not looking up from his newspaper.

"Right" You mutter and then watches the window; getting butterflies at the thought of finally being back where you truly belong.

The train journey seemed to drag, it felt like hours and hours; then compared to the supposed one hour and a half train journey. You grabbed your own belongings as you got off the train and onto the familiar platform. The awe of your home struck your soul as you looked around the place and realising that you had not missed the smell of the busy place.

"Y/N, come on" your husband hollers you and you rush on after him.

You both get a car to the hotel your husband - Luke, had paid for, for a few nights. It was the most prestigious hotel in small Heath - just on the outskirts, it didn't excite you, after all you pretty much came from the streets.

"I would like to go and explore my own home" You tell Luke as he sits on the chair; reading the paper still. "Would you care to join me?"

"No, I have some things to do" He answers and you roll your eyes.

"Oh, so we are talking with more than one answer now" You snap to him. He puts the paper down slightly and adverts his eyes to you.

"Y/N why don't you shut your mouth and leave to explore darling" He growls and your fist clenched.

You walk out of the hotel room and making sure to slam the door as hard as you can to make some point to your husband.

"Fucking arsehole" you mutter and you walk out of the hotel.

Walking down the old streets, all memories seem to flood to you at once. You didn't know where to go or what to do next but you knew that you needed to see a few familiar people before you would have to leave to go back to your husband home.

The streets were still as busy as they always were and it made you feel right at home. You decided you would visit a very old friend who had not seen you for a good few years. Polly - she was like a mother to you and one that you wished had been your real mother. Let's just say your mother was only interested in you marrying a rich man.

Remembering where she used to live, you knock on the door timidly; looking around the other houses and playing with your hands for some distraction. 

"One minuete!" You hear a voice yell through the cracks. "Can someone answer the fucking door!"

"Hello?" Someone raised an eyebrow as they opened the door. It was Ada. "Holy fuck!"

"Surprise" You grin and she lets out a huge squeal.

Hugging you tightly she pulls you into the house that you once called home. Looking around the interior was still the same and all the same photos still were hung around the house.

"Polly!" Ada screams. "Get here Now!"

"Ada, What the fuck do you want-" She comes down and sees you standing there. "Y/N!"

"Hey Polly" You tear up as she hugs you.

"Oh my goodness" she cries to you and all of you envelope in a group hug.

You catch up with each other and talk about how much you want to leave your husband. He was a nice man but you did not love him, he drove you insane and did not seem to care about you at all.

"You still love John" Polly smiled and it made you blush.

"I haven't seen him in years Polly" You sigh as you think about you time with John.

"He is still available my girl" She winks and you let out a chuckle. "Come on then, lets go for a celebratory drink at the old time favourite - the garrison."

You all walk to the garrison and you say hello to a couple of the people that you knew. Harry was one of them, shocked that you would even bother to come back.

"Are the boys here?" She asks and he nods his head; pointing to inside the usual room they hid in.

You heart beat so fast as you looked to the door.

"Whiskey Harry" Polly asked and then looked to you. "And a double for her."

Grabbing your drinks. You and Ada link arms as Polly walks in first.

"You will never guess who I bumped into" Polly smiled to the boys; you still hidden behind them both.

"One of your men Polly" Arthur smirks and Johns infectious laugh echoes through the room.

"No Arthur you prick." She snaps and pulls you to the front of the door; making everyone see you.

"Hey" You smile and all of them come over to you and hug you tightly.

"Fuck me Y/N!" Arthur laughed as he kissed your cheek.

"Good to have you back" Tommy smiled and he hugged you.

"I am not here for long" you mumbled looking to John who's jaw was clenched. "But I wanted to come and say hello."

"Oh well that's nice of you" John snapped sarcastically. "You going to leave us again for another three years?"

"John!" Polly smacked his arm.

"It's okay Polly" I softly say. "He has a point."

"Exactly." He growls. "So why don't you just fuck off back to your husband."

You were getting angry at the man in front of you, who decided to barge right past you; storming outside.

"I'll go talk to him" you excused yourself. "John!"

He walked faster down the dimmed lit alley way.

"John please" you begged and he stood still. "Let me explain myself."

"Go on then!" He yelled. "Explain why you left me! Go on then Y/n, explain why you never came back for years!"

"I wanted to come back John!" You scream back to him. "Fuck I wanted to see you. But do you know how hard it is, to be betrothed to someone you fucking can't stand and see the man you truly love walk around freely?!"

"Don't bring me into this Y/N" He groan and hit the wall beside him.

"It is about you John" You yell. "Anything I do is because of you. Fuck, I can't even get you out of my head!"

"Don't lie" He growls and comes closer; pushing you to the wall behind.

"I am not" You stutter. "I swear I think about you all the time."

"This ain't fair" He yelled. "You cannot play my emotions Y/N"

"I fucking ain't John!" You yell and before the two of you say anything else, you feel his lips press against yours.

The two of you rekindle all love that you had for each other in that kiss. It was filled with so much love and heartache, that is was the most powerful kiss you had ever received. It got a little heated until you both remembered you were in an alley way.

You felt guilty on your husband but you were so in love with John, you didn't seem to care as much.

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