Michael Gray - 'Pure Lies 2'

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You walked home on your own, refusing to talk to anyone as you walked out of the theatre; completely giving up on everything as you walk down to your flat.

As you walk in, you throw your things to the ground and run yourself a bath. Taking off your clothes, you grab the bottle of whiskey and glass; pouring a glass full and drinking it in one hit. Getting in the bath, your body seems to relax as it touches the warm water.

You see some cigarettes on the side; something you only did when you were stressed. Reaching over, you light one and breathe out the smoke; trying not to think of anything that had just happened.


"Y/N" Michael called your name as you walked down the street to get some food shopping; completely ignoring him. "Y/N please stop and listen to me."

"No" you simply reply and walk faster from him; Michael rushing off to follow you.

"Please listen to me!" He begs and pulls your hand to stop you from walking. "Listen to what I have to say. I want to make it up to you."

"I don't want to listen to your bullshit!" You snap and snatch your hand back. "You broke a promise."

"I know I broke a promise Y/N" He groans and rushes after you. "I know I made you upset and let you down."

"No, I don't think you realise what you did" You roll your eyes; laughing mockingly at him as you turn to face him.

"What happened?" He asks and you shake your head.

"Don't act like you don't know" You groan and he pulls your hands to pull you closer to him.

"I don't know" He straight out lies.

"Don't lie to me!" You yell and smacks his chest; getting more and more mad at the man in front of you. He grunts slightly but you don't think anything of it.

"Y/N, Just please let me talk to you." He begs and you shake your head; not wanting him to talk to you anymore. "I was going to come. You have to believe me. I really wanted to come but things happened and I could not!"

"You broke a promise" You hiccup and let a tear go. "You screwed my performance off, you through me off because my boyfriend, the person I love, was not there!"

"I am sorry Y/N!" He pleads with you and you let a tear go, leaning your head against his but then quickly pulling away from him. "Please listen to me. Just come inside my apartment and talk with me."

"I can't Michael" You whisper. "You let me down, again. You never came, again. You then try to come up with a lame excuse, again. It is the same circle all over again!"

"Y/N-" He begins but you cut him off.

"No, listen to me for once" You snap and he stays silent. "I had one of the most prestigious schools in the world come and review my performance. But because my supportive boyfriend never came I was thrown off and I screwed up! I screwed up my chance! Have you seen What review I got in the local paper?!"

You reached in your bag and shoved it in his chest to hold and read. He lifted it up and read the review; then looking up to you about to speak.

"I have completely ruined my chance as a dancer forever Michael!" You stamp your foot and turns around slightly.

"Y/N I am so sorry!" He snaps and then you shove his chest back in anger; which make him groan out in pain.

Frowning, you look to him as you didn't push him that hard. He coughs and then puts his hand to his chest in pain.

"Shit Michael" you stutter and he shakes his head.

"Don't worry about me" His hoarse voice whispers slightly; opening his coat; you look to see he had been injured.

"What happened?" You asked softly and he bites down on his lip.

"I was defending something important to me and in return I got a knife inside me" He whispers and looks down.

Stepping closer to him, you feel incredibly guilty.

"I am so sorry Michael" You stutter and he shakes his head no; pulling you into his chest gently.

"Don't be sorry sweetheart." He says. "That's what I should be saying to you."

"No Michael" you shake your head. "I should not have made a huge deal about no getting the dance program, as I would not have been able to take it."

"What do you mean?" He frowns confused; pulling you back slightly so he can see your face.

"I am pregnant Michael" You whisper, not knowing what he would say or do.

"You aren't joking are you?" He gasped as he placed a hand on your stomach.

"No" You smile to him and he kisses your lips softly.

"I am not going to leave your side Y/N" He stutters and then leans his head against yours. "I will stop being in the gang to look after you and the baby sweetheart."

"I love you Michael" You blush and he kisses your cheek.

"I am going to be a dad!" He gasps and then spins you around; overjoyed at the noise. "We are going to be parents!"

"Yes Michael!" You giggle and he places you to the ground once more.

"Let me carry that" He groans and then holds your bag.

"I am able to hold my bag Michael." You laugh to the man. "Besides, you are still hurt daring. I will hold it."

"No!" He gasp and you raise an eyebrow.

"I am that child's father and I will keep the baby and it's mother safe." He smiles and you hold his arm as the two of you walk to get the groceries you came for in the first place.

The two of you were happy and content that you had sorted your differences out and were able to be normal with each other once again.

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