Thomas Shelby - 'Freddy Fucking Thorne'

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"Y/N, fucking tell me" Tommy snaps and you look to him; shaking your head.

"No way" You growl. "Find out yourself."

"Just fucking answer my question!" He yells and pushes you to the wall. Your breathing hitched as your back smacks against the wooden wall behind you; making your body explode with goosebumps.

"Ask her for yourself Tommy" You whisper; your voice quietening down as you see the close proximity of your bodies to each other.

You had always had a soft spot for Tommy and he felt the exactly same way. Blushing as he watched you closely; admiring your beauty as his face inches closer.

"I want to know" He mutters and you shiver; his lips touching the side of your neck.

"Don't think, you can seduce me Tommy" You stutter; holding in any feeling that you felt.

"Believe it or not sweetheart, but I am not doing this, to seduce you into telling me the truth." He pulls back and puts his hands on either side of your face.

"Then what Tommy?" You question, biting down on your lip as he brushes him thumb against your lips gently.

"I want to do it" He whispers and presses his lips against yours; kissing your lips softly as he moves closer to you.

The two of you kiss passionately and things escalated very quickly; ending with the two of you in bed together and with no clothes. You cuddled into Tommy, looking up at him with a huge smile on your face.

"Tommy, what are we doing?" You giggle as you sigh; running a hand through your hair as you lean on your back with the sheets covering your body.

"I don't know" His husky deep voice reply to you. Then turning to look to you. "So is she pregnant?"

Your face scrunched up and you began to loose your shit in your head; about to swing for him. You felt used.

"You are a fucking joke" You growled as you stood up and put your clothes on.

"Y/N" He groans as he sits up and changes into his clothes too.

"You know, Tommy you are a fucking prick." You yell and you push him away as he comes closer to you; his hands out to try and calm you.

"I didn't -" He begins but you push past him; walking out of his room and slamming the door shut as you go down.

"Fuck off!" You scream and smack past John who tries to ask if you are okay but you completely blank him - before turning around. "Your brother is a fucking dick!"

"You know I did not fucking mean it like that!" Tommy yells as he comes down with no shirt on.

"Then how did you mean it?" You scream back to him; throwing some clothing that was on the stairs banister - even though you knew it would not harm him in anyway.

"I just want to fucking know!" He yells and you shake your head, getting more and more angry. "And I want to know who too!"

"Tommy, go fucking find out yourself" You scream and walk out the house; slamming the door shut as you leave. "Prick!"

You go to find Ada, who you were supposed to meet to see a movie at the pictures 10 minutes ago. Rushing to the picture house, you find her sat there; eating some popcorn. Sitting down beside her, she turns and looks to you. She sees your flushed complexion and starts to wonder what had happened.

"What the fuck happened?" She whispered, concerned for you.

"Your brother is a bastard" You whisper yell and leans back in the chair. She did not ask any questions, nor disagree with anything you said about her own brother. "He wants to know about you Ada. He wants to speak to you."

"Don't go preaching to me" She huffs and an angry woman shouts 'sh!' in your directions as you two talk to each other.

"I am not Ada!" You whisper quieter. "Don't fucking start on me now. Your brother has already raised my blood pressure up."

"Do I even want to know what happened?" She munches away and you shake your head; taking some popcorn.

"Some things, are best to not be said" You wink, placing the piece of popcorn in your mouth. The two of you giggling and hearing another hush to be quiet; making you laugh even more.

The two of you continued to watch the film and much away on the popcorn. You forgot about Tommy and the situation; making you feel at ease and able to relax more. But without you knowing, your blood pressure was about to go even higher.

As you sit there, you hear the doors open. Turning your head, you see Tommy storming down and looking to the two of you.

"For fuck sake" You whisper and Ada looks to you confused; then realising what was about to happen when she saw her brother coming down quickly.

He doesn't say a word but sits down beside you; leaning over.

"Ada, who is it and are you fucking pregnant?" He snaps, whispering. Ada says nothing and ignores him; in which you do the same and continue to watch the movie - ignoring him and knowing full well it would make him go insane.

He disappears and you both look to each other with a smirk, thinking you had won. As you began to laugh at the scene being played, the picture went away and it left a blank screen. Everyone looks around confused, while the two of you lean back in defeat and annoyance.

Tommy walks back in and you turn to look at him once more.

"Get out" He yells and makes everyone leave the room. "Get the fuck out! All of you! Go on! Now!"

Tommy moved and sat on the seats in front; turning around the face you both.

"I said, tell me his fucking name." He yells and you jump; making him look to you with apologetic eyes, which you ignore.

Ada stay quiet and you turn to look at her; unsure whether it was the right idea to tell Tommy who the father to her child was and the man she loved. Never the less, it needed to be done.

"Freddie fucking Thorne!" She snaps and you hold your breath, seeing Tommy's face drop. "Yeah. Your best mate since school! The man who saved your life in France! So go on! Go on, cut him! Cut him up and chuck him in the cut."

Tommy stands up and walks out the picture house; fuming at what had just happened - making you feel quite sorry for him. You stood up and followed him back; before hearing Ada scream - "Oi! I'm a Shelby too, you know! Put my fucking film back on!"

"Tommy!" You shout and runs after him; begging him to turn around.

"What?" He snaps and turns to face you.

"Can you see why I didn't want to tell you?" You breathe out, referring to his reaction and he took a deep breathe out - nodding his head.

"I don't blame you" He says; pulling you into his arms. "And I am really sorry. I care about you a lot Y/N, so don't think I don't."

"I know Tommy" You hug into him; smiling hugely.

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