Michael Gray - 'Oops'

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"Come on James, come to mummy" You grinned to your small child, as he took his first independent step on his own. "Come on baby!"

He stumbled and fell into your arms; you were so elated by the small child. Squealing with joy, you picked him up and smothered him with many kisses.

"That was so cute" Ada grinned as she came closer to you both. Smiling at her surprising arrival, you stood up and gave her a hug.

"He is growing up so much" you sighed, smiling as you pulled away to look at James on the blanket. "How is Karl?"

"He is doing great!" She smiles, walking over with you to the blanket. "He is with Freddie's parents, who came into contact. They are having him for the summer, so I decided to come up here to spend mine."

"I bet you miss him so much" You sympathetically smile, brushing back James' hair.

"I do, but I know he is having a lot of fun in the country and is safe." She said.

"Hey James, are you going to say hello to Auntie Ada?" You picked the small child up from his toys and showed him to his aunt.

"Ada" He repeats and giggles as he wraps his small arms around her neck to give her a hug.

"Well done" You clap to him with a huge grin. Ada hugged him back and played with his hands as he looked to her.

"How have you and Michael been?" She asks while playing with James.

"Good, really good actually" You grin. "He just works a lot. After coming back from America, they have really concentrated on the business."

"Where are they now?" She asks and you raise an eyebrow.

"Don't you know the date?" You tease. "It's the Cheltenham races today."

"Oh, I totally forgot" She laughs and helps James have a drink. "I am sure they will be completely pissed when they come back."

"I am sure too" You laugh, feeling a droplet of water fall on your face. "Oh no."

"We should get inside!" Ada frowned as the rain went heavier; grabbing James, she stood up and walked inside - letting you pick up the rest of the things.

You were soaked, bringing in the things from outside, the James giggled as water went all over the house from the three of us dripping with water.

"We are going to catch cold if we dont take off those clothes." You sighed as you looked at the two in front of you; grabbing James who was already very cold. "There are spare clothes upstairs Ada"

"Thank you!" She called as you both walked into separate rooms. James started to sneeze as you changed his wet clothes. You got him warm and yourself changed also. Your small child was burning up, which worried you but you knew it was just a cold.

Ada came to you and was sneezing non stop too.

"I do not feel so good." She sniffled and you felt incredibly bad.

"Ada, go lay down in the spare room." You demanded. "I will get you some warm tea and you can stay here for the night."

"Y/N I would not want to intrude-" She began but you cut her off.

"Do not be silly." You smiled. "Go lay down Ada before you catch more of a cold.

The sky went dark with thick cloud, something that sometimes comforted you but also scared you. Thunderstorms were not your favourite. You got Ada settled and James was asleep in his cot. You put a blanket over him and he immediately slept; which was a good sign as you knew he was going to have a good nights sleep.

You curled up in one of the chairs downstairs, sniffling as you sat in front of the fire. Your eyes were tired and the sound of ran made you fall asleep.

Sleeping for what seemed like hours, you woke up to the sound of thunder rumbling. It did scare you and you wanted Michael to come home! As though it was almost on que, you looked at the top of the stares and saw Michael in his pyjamas.

"When did you get back?" You grinned as you walked up to him; kissing him as he put his hands on your waist.

"I have been back for about 15 minutes, but you were asleep when I came in and I did not want to wake you up" He smiles gently and brushes some hair behind your ear.

"Everyone in the house is sick." You sighed. "Ada stayed over, it was too dangerous for her to travel sick and in this weather."

"I saw her in the bed, do not worry" He calmed you. "James seems okay as well. He does not seem to be burning up and is not too cold either."

"Good" You sigh with relief and Michael pulls your hand; sitting on the sofa and sitting you in-between his legs as you both lay down.

You both lay there and he played with your hair as you sat by the fire.

"How was today?" You asked, him shrugging his shoulders.

"Not bad" He smiles. "Just your average joe kind of day."

"Sounds enthralling" You tease and he chuckles slightly. You both sat in silence and soaked in the time you actually had to see each other without being so busy. Michael played with your ring and could not help but feel so utterly in love with you.

"God I love you" He blurted out and you turned around to look at him.

"Say it again" You grin, teasing him slightly.

"I love you" He repeats, pressing his nose against yours. "So fucking much."

"I love you too" You grinned and his gently kissed your lips; his hands slipping lower as he moved you into him. Straddling his waist, his moves his hands all over you; which makes you both want to do many things...

"Oh my god!" Ada sneezed as she came to the living room, to see the two of you almost naked on the sofa.

"Ada!" Michael gasped and put your nightdress down.

"Fuck this is awkward." You blushed and she looked at you with a raised eyebrow.

"You are telling me!" She gasped and shook her head in disbelief, then started laughing. "It now cannot unseen from my mind!"

"We could of been making you another cousin!" Michael groaned and smirked at you. Gasping playfully, you slapped his arm.

"Please do not make it more awkward than it already is Michael." You laugh.

"Besides, I do want another cousin, but not one I want to witness being made." She giggled and you all burst out laughing.

"We will be more secretive next time" Michael laughed and pulled you into his chest; his laugh vibrating against you.

You were glad you had Michael in your life, he made everything so much better.

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