Thomas Shelby - 'Danny Whizzbang'

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"Tommy stop" You whisper, putting a hand on his chest as he shouts in his sleep.

You knew what was wrong with him him. He was having one of his nightmares again, something he could not control. As soon as he closed his eyes, the nightmares from the war seemed to creep upon him like a dark shadow.

"Tommy, you are safe." You hugged him tightly and he jolted awake. His breathing was irregular and he had sweat pouring for all over his body.

"It feels so real" He cried as he looked to you with wild eyes.

"I know Tommy. I know" Your heart melts at the broken man in front of you.

The two of you fell asleep and you both had a good time of rest afterwards.


"Why are you going this early?" You question Tommy as he gets out of bed, changing into his clothes.

"I need to see Freddie Thorne Y/N" He said, putting his trousers on.

"But why Tommy" You groaned, kneeling on the edge of the bed - in nothing but you thin cotton nightdress.

"Y/N do not tempt me to stay" He smirked, walking closer to you. "I will see you later on sweetheart."

"Promise you will not come back late?" You raise en eyebrow, knowing what the man was like with his promises when it came to work.

"I promise" He leans in and kisses your lips gently; wrapping his arms around your waist and bringing you closer to his body.

"Tommy" You giggled on his lips, as he tried to pull away.

"Woman, get off me." He laughed, trying to pull away but you kept a tight hold on him.

"No!" You groaned, laughing at him as he pulled out of your grip. "Why are you leaving me!?"

"Don't be so dramatic" He teases and you pout to him. "I will be back soon."

Tommy soon after left and you got ready to enjoy the day with Ada and Polly.

"I wonder when you and Tommy are actually going to get married." Polly laughs as she looked to you; Ada agreeing with her aunt.

"I have no idea Pol". You laugh, walking down the street. As you look around, you are shoved by a man walking past you.

"What a dick" Ada snapped, looking at you.

You frowned slightly as you saw the man looking very distressed.

"Fuck." Polly stutters as she looks to the man.

"That is Danny." Your eyes widened as you looked to see the distressed man, become even more paranoid.

"He looks awful." Ada frowned, concerned about the man. "I have heard that he does not want to see his kids as much."

"I don't blame him, he is suffering and he does not want his kids to see that." Polly sighed as she looked at him stumble along the road.

"I do not have a good feeling about this." You mutter as he sits down on the tables outside the Italian restaurant.

"Neither do i." Polly frowned with you, but then you decided to walk over to him to see if he was okay.

"Hey, what are you sitting there for?" The owner shouted to him, but Danny did not listen due to the voices in his head. "Listen to me young man."

"Shit" you muttered as you ran over to Danny to support him.

"The noises." He whines and whimpers as he clutches his head in pain and horror.

"Hey, are you listening to me?" The old owner shouted, which only made Danny flinch.

"Sir, he suffers from-" You begin but you get cut off by the owner.

"I do not care one bit." He growls. "He needs to stand up and get away from my restaurant. I do not want my customers seeing the likes of him."

"How dare you!" You snap, looking back down to Danny whose eyes had become even more wild.

"Now, i will not repeat myself." The man snarled and he grabbed his knife pocket out; pointing it to you - only to warn you to remove Danny, he only used it as his protection.

However, Danny did not see that. He saw the knife and something triggered in his brain; freaking him out a million times more.

"Danny no!" You screamed as the wild man had grabbed the knife and stabbed the old owner; killing him.

Danny dropped the knife and realisation hit him very hard, when he saw your shocked face.

"It happened again." He cried and walked towards you. "What did I do?"

"Danny" You breathed out and he turned his head, looking to the dead man on the ground. It was as though the man had amnesia.

"No." He cried out and you reached your arm out to calm him down, but he quickly moved away.

"Danny, please I can help you." You breathed out. "Tommy can-"

"Stay back Y/N, i do not want to hurt you." He stutters as you moved closer but stopped due to his plea. "I cannot live my life like this."

Before you could say anything else, Danny ran off; leaving you to panic even more. You knew how he felt due to seeing the affects it had on Tommy when he had the nightmares.

"Polly, i have to find Tommy." You stress, rushing off - which then panics her as she sees you hurry off.

"Why do you need to get Tommy?" She asks, shouting slightly as she looks to you hurrying off to the Garrison.

"He is the only one who can calm Danny down." You called out, rushing over to the pub that was not too far away.

You rushed into the pub and shoved past people to get to Danny.

"Tommy" You yelped as you saw him at the bar side talking to Freddie.

"Y/N? What is wrong?" Tommy frowns when he sees how distressed you looked.

"It is Danny" You breathed out and you did not have to say anything else before he interrupted you,

"Did he hurt you?" He put a hand on your cheek, not caring about anything else.

"No Tommy, he wants to end it." You stutter, not wanting to cry. "He wants to end the voices."

"Where did he go?" He panicked slightly and you walked out with him; pointing over to the river that ran through the city.

"He went that way." You stutter. Tommy looked over to where you pointed, "Please bring him home to his wife and children safely Tommy."

"I will sweetheart." He kissed your forehead lovingly. "Go home and i will be back soon, okay?"

You nodded your head and he kissed your lips gently and quickly, walking over to where Danny was last seen.

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