Tommy Shelby - 'Races'

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"Get yourself a decent dress" He spoke as he handed you some money. "You are coming to the races with me."


"Y/N I want you to stay close and do exactly as I say." Tommy speaks as your hand is wrapped around his arm; walking through the crowds of posh people. "You understand?"

"Yes Tommy" You say and looks around the see men and woman laughing and having a great time. "They make me feel sick."

"I know darling" He whispers and then points to the table that you are both due to sit at.

You walk to the table and place down the small clutch bag.

"Say you are Lady Sarah Duggan of Connemara." Tommy whisper in your ear. "Come on, posh girl. Earn your three quid."

He pulls out his hand to you and reminding you of the small fee you asked for, for actually coming to this stupid thing.

"I still prefer the Garrison." You muttered.

"Do you dance?" He asks, his hand still outstretched.

"If I'm asked properly." You smirk still not taking his hand.

"Lady Sarah of Connemara, will you dance with me?" He whispers in your ear and your body shivers.

You nod your head and put your hand in his; swaying to the music.

"Nice dress." He looks you up and down. "You can wear that to my pub."

"Thank you for your permission tommy" you smirk.

"I will be right back" He frowns as he walks over to John and Arthur; who hand him a sack of what looks like money. Walking over to billy Kimber.

You follow after tommy and stand beside the man as he talks to the creep.

"5% of the take and three legal betting pitches at every race meeting north of the River Severn, rising to six after one year if we are all satisfied with the service." Tommy informs the man as he hands him over the money. "What do you say, Mr Kimber?"

"I say you talk business to my accountant." He brushes the man off and looks over to you. "I want to dance."

He stands up and walks closer to you. Tommy giving you a nod of the head as you look back to Kimber.

"Your man said it was all right for me to have this dance." Billy smirked and put a hand on your waist; seeing Tommy's fists tighten.

The two of you dance as tommy deals with some business; before Kimber looks behind you and walks off to the three men. Tommy walks over to you once more, you knew he was about to say something shitty.

"So, listen we're going to go for dinner at Kimber's house." He mutters and you frown the more he talks. "He has a place a couple of miles away. I have some business to settle first with his accountant, so You go on ahead, with Kimber."

"Just me and him?" You ask, wanting to kill tommy.

"Yeah until I'm done here." He looks around the room. "Is that all right? I'll throw in an extra three quid for your extra time."

"You think I'm a whore?" You frown. "Everybody's a whore, Y/N. We just sell different parts of ourselves. You said you wanted to work for me. To do that, you have to sharpen up. The deal is I give him two hours with you. He thinks he's a ladies' man. He thinks he can seduce you. Whenever you want, just kick him in the balls."

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