John Shelby - 'Football Match'

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"Daddy promise you will come?" Jonah, yours and Johns six year old child begged his father.

"I promise little man" John smiled as he ruffled the small child's hair.

"You said that last time and you never came" Jonah huffed and you smiled at the child, amused with the back chat; which made John smirk at you.

"I was there, you just did not see me" John gently said and you smiled at the two of them. How they were both so similar, you thought to yourself.

"Well, I want to see you next time" He sighed and ran outside to play with the other children in the neighbourhood.

"You got told" You smirked as you looked to your shocked husband.

"By my six year old son" He added and shook his head in disbelief and amusement.

"He is just like you, oh my goodness" You laugh and John pulls you into him; leaning on the table and pulling you in between his legs.

"Good, I am glad he is like me" He smiles and puts his forehead on yours.

"Why is that?" You giggle, questioning him happily.

"Because it means he is nothing like you" He cheekily said and you gasped playfully, pushing yourself back.

"You fucking asshole" You gasped and poured your bottom lip.

"Oh, sweetheart I am only messing with you" He chuckles and tries to pull you back into him but you shake your head playfully.

"Don't touch me" You giggled. "You might catch something that will make you like me"

"Nice one" He laughed and pulled you back into him - eventually.

"Why thank you" You smiled and he cupped your cheek softly.

"You are very welcome sweetheart" He smirks and looks down to your lips; watching them as you itched closer to him. "Kiss me"

You smirked but nevertheless kissed his lips softly and gently. His hands slipped lower and pulled you even more closer to him, you giggled on his lips and slowly pulled away.

"I love you" You smiled, playing with the hair on either side of his head.

"I love you too beautiful" He smiles back, pulling you into his chest for a cuddle. Your arms wrapped around his torso and you took a deep breath in, so happy with the moment the two of you were sharing together.

"You better not break your promise to Jonah" You sighed, looking up to your husband as you pulled back from the hug.

"Please let's not enter in this conversation." He groaned. "I will try and be there sweetheart, you know what work gets like."

"I do know but that should not matter, because that little boy is your son." You argue calmly, with him knowing you were right.

"Y/N, love, Please don't argue with me" He replies, walking to the coat rack to get his cap, to go back to work.

"Always walking away from your problems. He wants your brothers to be there too, so don't mess that up as well." You muttered, but you knew he heard. You turned your head and did something else, listening to see if he was still there.

He stayed for a moment, before sighing and walking out of the house. Shaking your head, you ignore his actions and carried on tidying the house.


"Is daddy and my uncles here yet?" Jonah asked as he looked to you and the others - Polly, Ada, Linda and Lizzie.

"Not yet baby." You smiled weakly. "But you know he will be here soon."

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