Alfie Solomons - 'Reunited?'

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When things don't work out, it is sometimes meant for a reason; things you are not able to control. You learnt that the hard way. You and Alfie had been married for years; the two of you were madly in love with each other and even had a small child with one another.

However, the two of you split up due to work purposes and you never really knew the reason why. Alfie slept around with the other women while you still lived under his protection. Your son was the only thing that kept you together (something you thought in your head) but whether it was actually true was a complete mystery for you.

"Jacob sweet" You smiled to your son as you placed some breakfast on the table; waiting for him to come down and eat something.

"Where is dad?" He moans as he leans his elbows on the table and rested his head in his hands - which was being kept up by his elbows on the table.

"Elbows off the table" You scold him. "But to answer your question, I don't know. He is probably at work."

"He is never here" He sighs, still not really understand the fact the two of you are not together anymore - but something you and Alfie wanted to hide from him.

"He is a busy man buddy" you smile kissing the top of his head. Nudging his shoulders, you point to his food. "Eat up!"

You watch your small child as he eats his breakfast; while you sipped on a nice, warm cup of tea in between your hands.

"All done" He speaks with his mouthful open and you try not to laugh at the small child; realising how much him and his father are so much alike.

"What have I told you about talking with your mouth full?" You raise an eyebrow, feeling as if all you are doing is nagging at him.

"That I should swallow it before I speak" he replies to my inquisition towards your intelligent child.

"Exactly" You praise him and ruffle his hair before you kiss his small head. "Why don't you go and play marbles?"

"Okay mum!" He giggles and grabs his little bag full of the marbles he had been collecting; playing with the other children in the other house, on the pavement.

You begin to clean up the mess that breakfast had made, humming to yourself as you cleaned the surfaces and brushed the floors. As you put the rubbish in the bin, you turned to see Alfie speedily walking towards you. Frowning in confusion, you watch to see his worried face as he gets in front of you.

"Where is Jacob?" He asks, breathing heavily.

"Out back playing marbles" You answer and he hurries past to get to his son; grabbing your hand in the process - dragging you with him. "What is going on Alfie?"

"You need to leave the house!" He mutters and you try to pull your arm back forcefully.

"No way!" You snap as you free your hand. "This is the first house I bought without you trying to get in the way. We are staying here!"

"No you are not Y/N!" He yells and pulls you to him. "It is dangerous and I need to be watching you 24/7"

"What do I can see you fucking your whores at night, while our child and I sleep in one room down from you?" You scoff and shake your head in displeasure. "No thank you."

"Please for once, actually listen to me?" He groans yet pleads for you to listen to him. Shutting up, you allow him to begin what he was going to say. "Thank you. Now the gang has hand run ins-"

"-what gang?" You cut him off and he smacks a hand to his head in aggravation.

"Listen to me Y/N!" He shakes your shoulders. "This is so serious right now. So stop interrupting me!"

You nod your head and allow him to talk; you keeping silent, knowing what he had to say was serious.

"There are some men that are going to come and try to take you and Jacob to get at me" He whisper and your body lets out a cry. "But over my dead body will I let that happen! Please sweetheart come with me and I can keep you safe away from here. Just trust me Y/N"

"I trust you" you honestly speak and you hold his hand; his arm wrapped around your waist. You moved closer to your husband and hugged into him.

"We need to leave." Someone spoke from behind you; making you turn towards the house as you stood with Alfie by the edge of the path, Jacob a few feet away.

"Lets get Jacob and go" He speaks softly. Before you were able to say another word, a loud explosion goes off.

You turn to see the glass of your house you worked so hard to buy obliterate into tiny pieces. Feeling a hand pull you, Alfie hugs you into his chest as he holds Jacob in his other arm; protecting you both from the shrapnel of the houses parts.

"I'm scared daddy" Jacob cried as the other kids had disappeared.

"Daddy will protect you and mummy" He kisses his sons head and a car pulls up by the side of you both. "Get in now."

You all get into the car and it drives off quickly. Jacob leans his head into the crook of your neck as you rub his nose with your thumb as he falls asleep in your arms. Alfie watches you as you admire you small child in your arms - realising how quick he is growing. He cannot keep is eyes off you, which causes you to notice and to look up to him.

"You are so good with him" He whispers and you smile gently to him. "I am sorry."

"What for?" You ask, tearing up slightly.

"For ruining your life" He honestly speaks and you shake your head at his reply.

"You have not ruined my life Alfie." You stutter. "You gave me a child, you showed me what love feels like. I know I won't get that love anywhere else but with you."

"I shouldn't have done what I did and I want to start a fresh with you" He begs and you bite down on your lip. "Can we do that sweetheart?"

"Of course we can" You smile widely; making your handsome husband, do the exact same thing in reply.

The family was finally coming back together at last, you thought.

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