Thomas Shelby - 'The Ugly Truth'

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Tommy and you were madly in love with each other, but you were both too proud to admit it. You both argued with each other, like cat and dog, about anything – but it was more of a cry out of love. The arguing came down, to the fact you were angry at yourself, for not being honest with your feelings.

"Are you attending the charity ball tonight?" Ada asked, putting a dress against her body and looking in the mirror; before tossing it on the bed and getting another one.

"I am not too sure." You shrugged, brushing the ends of your curls, making sure they were still in place – adding a bit of hairspray.

"Why ever not?" She frowned, looking at you through the mirror.

"I have no one to go with." You shrugged, knowing you had to come with someone to the charity balls.

"Hasn't my brother asked you?" She sounded shocked, referring to Tommy of course.

"No." You turned to look at her. "No, he hasn't."

"I am surprised." She breathed out, before turning back around and looking at her dress options. "Which one do you like?"

"I like the yellow one." You smiled, loving that one the most.

"Me too." She grinned. "What colour are you wearing?"

"Red." You wriggled your eyebrows up and down.

"Oh, how Tommy will swoon." She teased, knowing you would roll your eyes at her, probably going to get defensive – instead you stayed quiet. "Wow, no come back or defensive comment."

"I am not going to entertain you." You rolled your eyes, going to the door. "I will see you tonight?"

"If you have no to go with." She began. "Come with me, I have no date."

"Deal.' You grinned. "Pick me up at 6 sunshine." You walked out the room and approached the stairs.

"Make sure you are ready for then!" You heard her shout, just as you went down the stairs; laughing at her, you headed down the stairs.

As you stepped onto the flat floor, you turned around the corner, to get out of the house – but as you did so, you smacked into a hard body. Looking up, you saw Tommy standing there, being the body, you smacked into.

"Y/N' He said as you looked up to him.

"Tommy" You muttered, looking down the floor.

"Are you coming tonight?" He asked, looking at you intently and secretly hoping that you were going to say yes.

"I was thinking about it." You shrugged, trying not to freak out at his sudden interest in you going tonight.

"You should come." He played it cool, not wanting to sound too eager.

"Will you be there?" You looked into his eyes, with he reciprocated.

"I sure am." He smiled, and you looked away quickly, once you realised how long the two of you held eye contact for.

"I should go." You muttered, walking past him.

"See you later." He said, walking away from you and going up the stairs.

You walked out of the house and went home to get ready for tonight.


You walked into Tommy's house, where the charity ball was being held, alongside Ada. The two of you were linked arm in arm as you walked into the room; capturing the attention of all the people in the room.

"Everyone is looking." You whispered under your breath, looking to the ground.

"Own it." Ada laughed, bringing you both over the drink stand. Ada grabbed a drink and handed one to you.

"Will you dance with me?" A man smiled, offering his hand out to Ada. She giggled and nodded her head; taking his hand and walking to the dance floor.

Sipping on the drink you had, you watched everyone doing their own thing – either dancing around, talking or drinking.

"You came." You heard Tommy's voice as he stood next to you. You did not turn around and continued to drink away.
"I did." You answered, and he scoffed, shaking his head at your rubbish replies. "What?" You frowned.

"Why are you acting awkward around me, can't we be the way we were, when we were- "Tommy began but you cut him off. He was talking about the time, the two of you shared a night together.

"Well, if you think we're going to finish what we started, you're out of your mind." You scoffed in annoyance, thinking of him flirting with another woman the next night – thinking something special had happened between you and him. "You lost your chance."

"Oh, come on." Tommy shook his head. "I never had a chance with you."

"You're right." You snapped his annoyance, turning to face Tommy. "I had a momentary
lapse in judgment when I thought you were more than you are, but you aren't, clearly!"

"Oh, yeah?" Tommy scoffed. "Well, what does that mean?"

"I'm Tommy Shelby. The biggest gangster of the whole nation. I like girls in Jell-O." You ranted on, looking to him. "I like to fuck like a monkey. Don't fall in love, it's scary".

"Oh, for God's sakes, there's the first one." Tommy rolled his eyes again, watching you intently. "Yeah, it is scary. It's terrifying. Especially when I'm in love with a psycho like you."

"I am not a psycho." You snapped, folding your arms; ignoring everything else.

"I just told you that I loved you, and all you heard was psycho." He frowned. "You're the definition of neurotic."

"No." You scoffed. "The definition of neurotic is a person who suffers from anxiety, obsessive thoughts, compulsive acts and physical ailments without any objective
evidence of- "

"Shut up." Tommy cut you off, holding either side of your shoulders. "Yet again, I just told
you I'm in love with you, and you're standing here giving me a vocabulary lesson."

"You're in love with me?" You sighed, your eyes looking into Tommy's; amazed that he actually cared about you that much. "Why?"

He sighed; running a hand through his hair and looked to you.

"Beats the shit out of me, but I am." He smiled and cupped your cheek; bringing you closer to him. Your noses brushed past each other's, before he leant down and pressed his lips against yours.

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